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izzy w Dec 2011
my city crumbles and won’t return my phone call
fine then be that way whatever
izzy w Dec 2011
well if im going to be a fking flower
**** roses and orckids
let me be an wiled flower

ugly and free
for the porest of lovers
to give to their sweethearts

embed my love into
the soil, i want to bloome
you a new wiled heart

i want you to kno
what love means
like you didnt before

wiled flowers grow
where they want to
they dont even care!!

who cares!! feral flowers
have hearts too
izzy w Dec 2011
god i just did it! i got so ******* feral i didn’t care
about iyou for a momnent””””””””’

i felt fayrull faerill *f ehrel
feral in the teeth and in the heart

when youre feral you can do anything
and anyone”””””””””””””””

- i want to pull your hair ferally
- i want to slap you in the face ferally
- i wantyou to love it with feral passion when i bite you
   with my fehrel *fayrehl *feral teeth

- what does it feel like to not have a conscunce?
- what does it feel like to **** someone and then
refuse to look them in the eye

- what does it feel to **** someone withot them knowing”””””’

i want to get feral and know i could do all those thing s
but wont because i want to love the wurl d ferally

and everything in it
with my teeht and nails”””””””’
izzy w Dec 2011
mmm i should’ve
kissedyou at night
and mmm i shouldve
kissedyou in
th emorning

and i woke up
thinking about
it that’s all, you
and me under
my duvet, your
arm touching
my belly. i
remember in
the morning i
almost wanted you
to have morning
wood but there
was nothing and

i wanted to kiss you

we could be drunk and
wreckless with one
anothers hearts and
letsbe sober and hold
hands and giggle like
we dont know who
we should tell:
lets tell our best friend
lets tell nooone

teach me how to be happy
being silent, that magic

what do i want i don’t know
i don’t know you
i just want to kiss you

i think this poem
doesn’t matter
after the first
stanza because that’s
all i wanted to say;

i wrote a lot more
but it all means

i should’ve


at night



i shouldve


in th emorning
izzy w Dec 2011
my skin is public property
my tongue is everyones
i will just have to find new ways
to bare my self i have to learn
to cry i have to learn to cry

if i tear my skin off does that mean
i love you ? if i tear my tongue out
does that mean i love you ??

lets get tatt oos tog ether

lets make our skins each others
privatize my thighs tonight i
have every reason to take off my
clothes i have every reason to lie

i’m quiet  //  i’m tired  //  i’m right


i will zip up my sweater and
padlock my belt like ive never done
what if i kept my fingers tucked
in my pockets until someone
worth slapping comes along
izzy w Dec 2011
G-D bless the united Sates

                          of AMERICA



            some pagan satan ravens

kissing each others of the same ***

hot on the ***** mouth,     crushing

each others black-winged desires

into diamonds of

                              hard lust

        they wear as inverted

            wedding rings

kiss this cross !! burn everyone,

womin and childrin first !!

izzy w Dec 2011
here are some good questions:
    - why does he hate his mother
    - when is it a poem
    - can i touch you
    - are we like a thing
    - can we ever know ourselves
    - why does my radiator break all the ******* time
    - wanna come to a show
    - mind if i smoke
    - when we’re asleep who’s driving
    - do you jive

here are some heavy things:
    - a hundred dollars in quarters
    - a dead body
    - an ******* in your palm
    - a broken heart

— The End —