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ivory Apr 2015
miss you
even though you are convinced
that no woman could even
without your
ivory Apr 2015
spring days in the park

you were just traveling through, you said 

you didn’t mean to end up here,

but life has a funny way of bringing you places
and you say such horrible things

everything evil spilling out of your mouth

like pandora’s box 

and you leave my tongue tasting sweet

but it never stays for long
i want your hands on me but you take them away

as soon as they start sweating
i want to bare everything, this worn-out soul

but as soon as i take off my clothes

you’ll see my body’s secrets

and you’ll just keep
ivory Apr 2015
i like a boy

who doesn’t have a name

i have to touch him 
ever so

to make sure he is real

to make sure he won’t disappear

at the
of my 

ivory Apr 2015
i am still translating your many languages

but i understand a sort of warmth 


from the deepest parts of you

even when you think your life

resides in darkness
ivory Apr 2015
i may have been weak
in the knees,
and in the chest
but i have beaten down the bars
of every cage
and yanked them out with my teeth

(i could cut through steel with all this pain)
ivory Apr 2015
they said i wouldn't feel the impact
for a few days
my neck, stiff and unable to look around me
my universe has become somewhat
my head piercing at
spontaneous, inconvenient intervals

but they didn't tell me about you
sneaking back
into the places behind my spine
inside the songs
that are ruined
i can't even listen now without
on the words
ivory Mar 2015
everything could have been anything
but it isn't
it just is what it came to be
isn't that amazing
isn't that strange
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