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May 2017 · 200
Snow Globe
molly May 2017
Why do we do this to ourselves,
Living our lives like some snow globes on a shelf.
Waiting, expecting, for us to just be enough,
But once again we are used and then shaken up.

I sometimes wish life would be more live a dvd,
Allowing us to fast forward and then maybe see.
That maybe, just maybe, a better scene was coming,
Maybe we would see ourselves finally overcoming.

I feel like I’m stuck in the same day,
Simply pressing play and then replay.
Maybe in time it will all change,
But all I feel is out of place and somehow strange.

I feel like I’m looking for something that doesn’t exist,
And like my dreams are on a waiting list.
My mind feels numb and distracted,
Like my thoughts need to be sorted and subtracted.

I feel so alone and that no one really knows me,
Terrified of the thoughts I’ve started believing.
Life isn’t going to stop and wait for me,
I’m not allowed to disappear and leave.

Even if at my worst, when I feel all alone,
And when I feel that my feelings can’t be shown.
I am not a snow globe waiting to be shaken,
Then placed right back down after being overtaken.

I need to remember that when life seems at its worst,
It’s only a matter of time until everything is reversed.

— The End —