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Oct 2014 · 321
Short but Sad
Its ByrnByrn Oct 2014
He wrote the end to his own story.
Rest in peace. You are happy now.
Oct 2014 · 373
Its ByrnByrn Oct 2014
Thoughtless prayers
Sleepless nights
Empty souls
Worthless fights

Days to weeks
Weeks to years
Too weak to try
Too strong for tears

Love with all
Lose with all
May 2014 · 400
Its ByrnByrn May 2014
It's been so long,
Since we've been near,
That I cannot even remember
What your laugh sounds like.

I miss you.
Feb 2014 · 381
If Only She Knew
Its ByrnByrn Feb 2014
I asked if you'd cry at my funeral.
You giggled and said yes.
And that you'd make sure I was buried,
With a brand new bottle of Jack.

How fun it is to toy with the ignorance of the innocent.
Feb 2014 · 727
Its ByrnByrn Feb 2014
It seeped from your pores that day.

I've never seen anyone grow up so suddenly;
From t-shirt to tie,
and blue Gatorade to black coffee
A transformation from boy to man,
then man to stone.

You stood solid as a statue,
and stolid as a soldier;
as those days melded together.
They say being on the mind of another keeps you awake;
you must have not slept.

Yes you looked even stronger;
felt even stronger;
the exhale of your lungs sounder stronger,
the day that they closed
your father's casket.
Feb 2014 · 400
Dear Mother
Its ByrnByrn Feb 2014
Please, I need you back;
I need to pack and travel between both houses and back.
Mother I miss you, I miss being with you.
Mother I'm sorry I'm just another stupid kid,
don't know what I did,
forgive me please?
Then we can finally be at ease;
old memories,
flood back to my mind;
A simpler time when things were fine
These past four months have been straight up hell.
Disregard, didn't mean to whine.
You make me sick but I need you still,
racing uphill.
Another day, another pill.
Do you not see?
what you've done to the she
that used to be you daughter?
That innocent princess,
she's been slaughtered.
She's gone,
absent of you,
and with every new dawn,
rises a monster.
Jan 2014 · 417
My Secret
Its ByrnByrn Jan 2014
I lay with you after,
by the thought of my brothers finding out.

You made me
not to tell anyone.

Hush now boy and don't
this secret's too satirical to spoil.

I love that you know that they'd
you for being more than a friend to me.

That you were their,
before my secret.
Dec 2013 · 516
hello kind stranger
Its ByrnByrn Dec 2013
She walks in the door,
The chimes matching her steps-
Walks lightly to the counter
Where her fingers dance their reps.

She orders in a broken voice,
Raspy and rugged as hell,
Her cheeks are red with cold,
Her stoney eyes have tales to tell.

She sits at the corner table,
Wide eyes analyze the world;
She's listening in on other's words,
A quite peculiar girl.

She's only tables away,
Drinking her coffee void of cream,
Black as the paint that polished her nails;
Like a stranger from a dream.

She makes me lose my concentration;
I've stopped trying to look at my screen.
Everything she does intrigues me,
This severely different teen.

My desires fill my consciousness,
All I want is to say "hi",
But how she intimidates me so,
It would come out as but a cry.

Suddenly she rises to her feet,
Then slinks over to the door,
She stops and says she saw my stare,
And then she's gone forevermore.
Dec 2013 · 1.5k
Personality Disorder
Its ByrnByrn Dec 2013
What are you doing?
How could you do that?
What were you thinking?
Dead eyes, blind gaze, blinking.
So. Many. Questions.
Lies upon lies as replies.
An endless web being spun in my head.
But everyone lies right?

You all think I'm crazy.
Get out of my life,
You're all nothing.
Lie and say you're trying,
trying to help.
I know you'd rather die.
You're losing an uphill battle.

You'll never break me.
I'll never give in.
I can't be cured;
Because nothing is wrong with me.
You're the mental ones.
At least my lies are justified.
I'm content.
You. Are. Not.

I'll keep my conscience as my company, thanks.
For who would I phone?
Everyone is incapable of understanding.
No sir, I prefer to be alone.
Stop trying to relate before you start.
My heart is too cold and it's just useless.
You're useless.
Everything is useless.

Go, try and take me on the guilt trip.
I've been down that road before.
It's more boring than the person in the drivers seat;
Who's telling me of the greatest battles, fun facts, and feats.
Face hits the concrete.
Sorry, I think I fell asleep.
Your troubles do not concern me.

Why should I care about you?
I'm not you.
I wont sympathize, empathize, step behind your eyes;
To see your lies, your struggles
They're YOURS!
Not mine.
Stop crying, you're fine.
A few drops of blood wont **** ya.
Had to write a poem for psyche class, meh.
Nov 2013 · 665
Its ByrnByrn Nov 2013
Go ahead,
Complain some more.
Complain about how horrible your life is to everyone.
Complain about how nobody gets you.
Post pictures of yourself crying on Facebook.
Retweet every tweet from @depressedkids.
Brag about all your "appointments".
Storm off in a fit because you just hate the world so much.
Wear 17 bracelets on one arm to hide ONE little cut.

You are the reason nobody takes depression seriously.
Take a look around; maybe then you'll open your ******* eyes and see.
YOU are not the only one.
-495 and still alive
Nov 2013 · 796
I Climbed a Radio Tower
Its ByrnByrn Nov 2013
After a long day of insults,
There was no way I'd go home,
So I decided to do something rad,
I did what I wanted and started to roam.

I fled through the cornfield,
Then hopped over the fence,
Slapped the No Trespassing sign,
And sensed enlightened suspense.

I pulled up my hood,
An old facade for my face,
Then slipped through the gate,
And stood in place at the base.

As I gazed at the beast,
I thought, "I'm ******' bent",
But stuck it the finger,
Then began my ascent.

The metal burned cold,
My hands totally numb,
Never considered the risk,
Just the buzz of the ***.

I got to the platform,
Felt on top of the world,
Saw the Ambassador lights,
Just a wonder struck girl.

I thought a new thought;
the simplicity of dying.
To tell you I didn't consider suicide,
Well, I would be lying.

I stayed up a while,
Musing over the stupidity of life,
Then finally descended,
Mediating my mental strife.

I lit up a ***,
Then wandered away.
That tower would always be special,
But I'll forever be a stray.
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
May Their Voices be Heard
Its ByrnByrn Nov 2013
Is it wrong to be scared to have children?
Of raising them on this bitter, bloodthirsty planet?
Where their voices will be muted,
and “more important” matters disputed,
so they'll feel useless, irrelevant, or null.
I am truly terrified to have children,
who will be reduced to simplicity by this world.
Though individuality may come in flashes,
anything colourful will be burned to ashes,
And the sparks of identity lost.
But then I remember they'd be my children,
So their voices would surely be heard.
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
THAT Freak
Its ByrnByrn Nov 2013
THAT girl that sits at the back of the class,
You know the one.
THE Freak who never speaks,
But always has the answer.

THAT Freak who doodles prostitutes in HER math book
THE one who's music you can hear for miles
THAT crazy chic with rasp of a smoker
And eyes that'll break you to bits

THAT sketch who somehow has high grades
THE one who snorts Ritalin in the bathroom
And stays awake in the night
SHE'LL **** you with words before weapons

THE insane one with piercings down her spine;
Has HER masters in Mind over Matter
As the scars on HER arms will attest
SHE can't feel anything.

That word SHE hears,
SHE doesn't ever reject it.

-THAT Freak
Nov 2013 · 543
Yeah You
Its ByrnByrn Nov 2013
Hey there brown eyes.
Yeah you.
You make me smile.

Lets go skating.
Or play guitar.
Or see a film.
Being around you.

It's impossible.
Don't worry.
I know, five years is just too big a gap.
But that's okay.
'Cause when I make YOU smile;

Be yourself, boy.
You'll have girls falling
And you'll never even know it.
I'll see ya around.
-Blue Eyes
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
Its ByrnByrn Nov 2013
The desires drifting at the edge of one's mind,
The vibrant colours of possibility,
That flash behind fluttering eyes.

Where one can reside in the tranquility,
Of their own imagination;
Free of deprivation and distress.

An inviting resort for images,
And lightning-like flashes of inspiration,
To mold into creative bliss.

Where sparks of enlightenment,
Are set free,
And may conquer the doubt of the unworthy.

The solid confines of an otherwise open mind,
Inaccessible consciously,
Safe from the nightmares of reality.

All must learn to pursue dreams,
Persuade destiny,
And crave the capability of our minds.
Nov 2013 · 460
Its ByrnByrn Nov 2013
As I watched the snowflakes fall, I thought of how impossibly beautiful everything was.  A day like that should not be beautiful at all.  That was the first time I watched you leave; and I just had to believe that you and those other boys would be just fine.  Watching you take the first step of the rest of your life.  Knowing you'd come back different, refined;  you left on the 5th of January, 2009.

You came home for Christmas, I remember; watching you come down the escalator- your shirt perfectly pressed, and your beret perfectly straight. But as soon as you returned, you had to leave again. I cherished every second with you brother, before you left on the 3rd of January, 2010.
Nov 2013 · 1.5k
The Day of the Assembly
Its ByrnByrn Nov 2013
It's the same dull presentation every year.
Her friends all aware.
She stands out today,
but then again,
not really.

She is of the few who remembered,
the occasion that is.
Simple black dress.
Black boots.
Poppy ablaze on her heart.
She is quiet today.

The Marlboro-huffing voice,
crackles over the P.A.,
telling students to report to the cafetorium.
She rises out of her seat,
smoothes her dress,
and straightens her poppy.

She is first to hand in the annual
"I Will Remember..."
slip of paper.
Along with her older brother's name.
Not looking back as she leaves.

Everyone files into their seats,
their bland, identical, mauve-coloured seats;
fidgeting before they even sit.
The "populars" in front of her,
texting and tweeting life away.

She silently studies the band, bitter as can be.
All there for extra cred, or to get out of class.
"Delinquents reading sheet music"
Printed on white, crisp new paper,
only to be forgotten about,
or thrown out tomorrow.

The anthem is played,
she loses control.
Tears tearing a path down her face.
Nothing but a scratchy wool sleeve to help;
all the while,
not without a stiff upper lip.

And as soon as it started,
the entire thing is over,
and everyone files out of their seats.
While she and a friend quietly duck into a bathroom,
seeking refuge from the common calm.
She cries.
Then quickly collects herself and walks back alone.

She enters class,
late with bloodshot eyes; daring anyone to speak.
Smeared makeup like warpaint.
Catching the eyes of her classmates,
as well as those of her teacher,
who now understands.

Though it's a silent knowing,
of course;
because nobody enjoys talking about,
nor remembering,
the day of the assembly.
-November 11th, 2012

— The End —