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Feb 2014 · 542
Friends on a plane
Iris Feb 2014
To run away was a mistake,
I came back and went away
I left where I belonged
Because freedom is what I longed

I decided I'd give it a try
To remind myself running is a mistake
Once we run I mustn't go back
Moving on is difficult for a fact

So I met a man who helped me out
Another woman, with a misunderstood charm
All brought me advice to me in a day
Though your face is what I love to remember for now
Nor were you the one who believed in me, you helped me get up
Out of my chair, he also escaped from home

Four different souls, all spoke to me when there wasn't a way
Stepping into different soil with a language you never spoke.
A new land I'm breathing in, nothing is ever faraway
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
Hello Poetry
Iris Feb 2014
I wrote a poem one day
Never thought I'd continue till today
It starts of with a letter
I practiced until I got better
Growing my skills like a sport
My enemy activity,
Writing is what I'd rather do
When I'm bored, especially when my heart is in two

Every thought counts
A thousand letters is what I form
I have a thousand letters to you whom it belong
Written so many, on blank pages and scraps of papers
Mobile phones, blogs, walls, books and objects
I have written on them all
The alphabet sings and flows through my human soul
They're everywhere, I can not control anymore
So many poems, that I have written all
Yet, not seen or read nor can you now
When I have lost them all

I will go on, wherever I can
I am ashamed of opening up
So my poetry has hidden and ran
Though I shall not stop

— The End —