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Oct 2012 · 1.7k
Favorite Shirt
Isoindoline Oct 2012
How dare you!  How dare you!
Club night tequila margherita stains
and the loose thread
you yanked
when you rubbed your
sweaty body all over
some ***** stranger
on the dark dance floor.
Strobe lights pulsing
with your libido
until he sloshed beer
down your front
when a drunken brawler
stumbled into the crowd
Oh, I’m sure HE
such a considerate guy
to take home
for mom to find
you in bed with
in the morning.
Thanks for your
Disclaimer: This is not based on a true story.
Oct 2012 · 546
Natural Voice
Isoindoline Oct 2012
I can see into the past,
having lived
enough to watch ages
crawl by.
I have watched you stumble
and fall
and vanish
only to return
each time in greater numbers.
You infest this world,
mindlessly exhaust
all that has been bestowed
upon you.
you continue, forthcoming
spilling over
the borders of your minds:
we have no borders
that clash
and ****** us into war.
And you—
you take advantage
of our peace
to drain away our lives,
**** them down
expel them carelessly,
seeking dominion.
Tell me
Tell us
over whom will you rule
when none of us are left?
Oct 2012 · 601
Die Katze
Isoindoline Oct 2012
Fist the sheets
eyes wide open
wild crimson
can’t breathe—
No, I don't speak German.  Title is a reference to the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment.
Oct 2012 · 956
Late Autumn Symphony
Isoindoline Oct 2012
The sounds of my footsteps were swallowed in dusty silence
Until chimes came through, shaken by the wind
Into vibrant chords and intricate melodies.

The last vestiges of autumn sifted through the air
Whose breath bore tints of frost that subtly twisted
Into my lips to tinge them blue.

The fading sun cast a symphony of golden tongues
Across misty ridges into shaded ravines
As the sliver moon beckoned night and winter.
Oct 2012 · 2.0k
Isoindoline Oct 2012
Lean into me
eyes wild
I’ll watch lust
dance at the surface

Lean into me
tear trails
etched in dust
I’ll hold on

Lean into me
lips feverish
embrace must
last unbroken

Lean into me
and feel
ourselves rust
as rain drips down

Lean into me
for now
we can trust
we’ll never know



Oct 2012 · 1.0k
Isoindoline Oct 2012
Fading memories disperse
like ***** rags yanked from the clothesline
in a hot dry gust.

The pins that held the dusty garments
dangle upside down,
their rusty hinges
no longer stain the cloth,
but the line that memories left behind.
Oct 2012 · 650
Swiftly the Sea
Isoindoline Oct 2012
How swiftly
Your eyes took me
by surprise
Distilling joy
How can I begin
to describe
The rushing tide
That curls up to my heart?
Your words
are like the breakers
On the beach
That roll in, fleeting,
But always returning
With a new mystery
Of something brought
From the blue.
What can I offer you,
But my shores, my cliffs
That flow through time?
To you, and meet you
Not at the edge,
Like so many see
at the surface,
But beyond
Where not anyone
But us can be
Where the roots
of  land
with the depths
of sea.
Oct 2012 · 815
Isoindoline Oct 2012
In the wake of wistful winds
Blue fog shuffles and descends
Depresses graying grass into darker earth
And burdens arthritic joints of trees
Whose auburn graces
By deepening mist

Cries of tarnished gold
Wilt, brief petals sigh away their lives
Unheeded beauty pushed aside
Oct 2012 · 642
Broken Glass
Isoindoline Oct 2012
Look down— broken
Glass reflects an image in pieces,
Jagged blue edges
To obsidian gravel thick with
Put them together,
They will never fit
Not completely, some pieces
Into time, where memories are
Not for you, nor me,
Anyone can see
Through the shards
Like no one cared, under the wheels
Of a car
Going, going…
Oct 2012 · 1.2k
Isoindoline Oct 2012
A darkness surrounds them, dripping rhythmically
a metronome for the songs of silence.
Their voices shadows of sorrow, grating softly
Glass carefully crushed under the weight of loss.

Their melody rises and falls with the tide
Of new souls seeping into the drip, drip, dripping
Metronome for the songs of silence,
To add their sketchy voices to the throng.
This is sort of how I imagine the underworld being if such a thing were to exist.
Oct 2012 · 1.4k
Isoindoline Oct 2012
She stares down through the open window;
sheer ragged curtains flap gently inward,
casting thin moon shadows on linoleum.

Her bare toe traces the square pattern habitually,
with the slow sensuous movement
of a crooning night melody.

She watches the dark contour of a man in the street,
barely illuminated by the dimming lamp;
watches as he turns and clicks down cracked pavement.

Her brown chest constricts, sigh persuaded forth,
and deep eyes follow his swaying walk
as hope fades.

In her hand is a reflection of the moon on metal,
curved to the shape of the barrel;
her finger strokes the trigger.

She raises her hand, pulls;
the melody reverberates on the window panes
an unforgiving song, an irreversible song.

She stares down through the open window;
sheer ragged curtains flap gently inward,
casting thin moon shadows on linoleum.
Who did she shoot?
Oct 2012 · 715
Whose Sanity?
Isoindoline Oct 2012
My heart withers when it sees
your perceived world of twisted fantasies
and it wonders where you went
and why these demons seem so
completely yours,
and yet,
in the end, they are always mine?
Where have you gone, and
Why don’t I know you anymore,
But did I ever really
When I tried to look inside you and me
to see where maybe our hearts would meet,
And instead I found cavernous uncertainties
that loomed from my arteries,
swallowing your overtures of surface grace
Who are you,
And who am I, indeed
with my façades of sanity,
And thoughts that rush uncontrolled
toward cliffs and over waterfalls—
And how can my mind lash you
until your images are like tattered ribbons
of surreal flesh,
Until you are not there,
and suddenly there’s only the anger
of my flaming stare?
Another old one.  I'll post a few of these before I start with my newer stuff. Seems like the thing to do.
Oct 2012 · 1.5k
Isoindoline Oct 2012
Your breath froze
long before I could hold you again,
Your pressed flower skin
fragile as a moth.
And when I looked down at you,
your eyes would not meet mine...
And when my lips felt the caress of your hand,
it was only heavy and cold.
An older poem, but one of my favorites.  Wrote this when my step-grandmother passed away several years ago.

— The End —