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Feb 2021 · 244
The Moon Ship
ishaan khandpur Feb 2021
The old wives tale,
Taught of the power of love,
Breathe a word,
Enchant it with lust.

Say it aloud,
A million times,
Death will be powerless,
In front of its might.

So we the fools,
So smitten by us,
Believed our destiny,
Was together as one,
A shining star that lit the night,
And pointed north to the sailors in flight.

We said it, we sang it, we even danced,
We prayed aloud to Aphrodite's love,
We believed our forever, was forever ours,
Eternity, always, was a minute apart.

But beauty is haunting,
In Dolos's backyard,
The god of trickery,
Has made words his art.

Love in hate,
And hate in lust,
Together is painful,
Yet so is staying apart.

Forgiveness repeated,
Repeated faux pas,
In passion we yielded,
We yielded our passion for us.

Those words were planted,
Etched forever in our hearts,
As our souls crafted,
An escape plan without us.

What the future may hold,
For us without you,
In a sailing ship above,
We'll always be two.
Dec 2020 · 159
Unspoken Lullaby
ishaan khandpur Dec 2020
We broke the norms,
The shackles that kept us home,
But our love was too strong,
More than what two bodies could hold.

We tried to share that ebbing love,
But instead what we shared,
Was just a purification of lust.

Dyslexic, I know the mistake to be my own,
Lust above love,
Who thought bodies could have such hold.

Bare skinned, bare souled,
Our shadows dance on a star above,
Away from earthly lust,
On a planet where there's only love.

Your heart on your sleeve,
Summer's when you took off that coat.
But winter will come,
The heart will drink that sour wine called hope.
Love will be with you, it will never let go,
It's floating out there, finding a body to call home.
Aug 2020 · 196
The Brook
ishaan khandpur Aug 2020
Babbling brook bickers,
The silent lake is asleep,
Judge depth not by voice.
Haiku Attempt 2
Aug 2020 · 134
Fall Depression
ishaan khandpur Aug 2020
She enters the cafe,
As smooth as death.
She was a presence,
Less seen more felt.

The room went quite,
But that wasn't new.
She was the bringer of silence,
The harbinger of gloom.

She scaled in the corners,
She never wore a smile,
Yet her teeth were visible,
Shining ever so bright.

A hint of icy chill,
As people look around,
The tinge on their neck,
Instinct is on the lookout.

A coffee to go she pleads,
Pulling out exact change,
The cashier doesn't look up,
Why, he cannot say.

She slides away so quietly,
The haunted place grows bright,
Alone yet again,
This life offers no respite.

She's been alone forever,
Taking those in her path,
Her kiss is transitional,
She always leaves a mark.

She's had so many names,
She often forgets her own,
Misery, melancholy, sorrow,
Are only a few of those.

Depression is what she goes by,
Always on the move,
She's quite easy to identify,
But it's easier for people not to look.
Jul 2020 · 171
It's time to call home
ishaan khandpur Jul 2020
A country lobbed with hate and fear,
Boundaries created as love disappears,
Broken dreams and broken homes,
Where colour divides, and sentiments too.

Movies lie, as do books,
This is no land of the free,
No freedom to even hope.

You're always an outsiders,
The man with papers,
Your identity a form,
Subjected to reform.

You're looked at with suspicion,
As a timer ticks over your head,
You're pushed into submission,
There's no home for you here to be made.

But as voices echo,
It's time to reflect,
There's no time to wallow,
No time to feel regret.

Push forward as one,
With the voice of the many,
Injustice is won,
In a chorus and symphony.
Jan 2020 · 209
ishaan khandpur Jan 2020
That yellow flower sprouts afar,
On this cold winter's day,
The inspired sight and colour bright,
Spring seems to be at bay.

She hops along, this cobbled walk,
In a pretty yellow beret.
The world her muse, she seems infused,
The Robin marking spring's way.
Jan 2020 · 140
ishaan khandpur Jan 2020
Long ago I found hope,
In a distant place called home,
People talked of wondrous things,
Like Unicorns and magic beings.

I dreamed of home long ago,
A place that I could call my own,
Where fantasies came to life,
And we lived without any deadlines.

Home was sweet, and a little sour,
It tasted like butterbear in Harry Potter,
It was always new and never got old,
It was where flavours came to explore.

Always safe, never alone,
Home was more than the people it would hold,
Always larger on the inside than out,
It was a magician's trick, without his pout.

I miss my home, I miss it's feel,
But it wasn't a building, or anything concrete,
Nor the people, who made it whole,
It feels a little funny, even saying so.

Home was always a vision to me,
A complex web of ethereal beings,
Home was made of paper dolls,
Not meant to be played with,
But just looked at from afar.

Even now for me it's cold,
Home is a memory just not mine to hold,
Perfect, delicate and out of reach to all,
Home is never mine, nor could it be yours.

All I hope is to find my neighbour,
Someone as lost with a hope to wander,
We'll play this game and pretend to be,
A family as whole as an empty nest can be.

Button eyed and cotton filled,
We'll compliment each other and forever be filled,
With the yearning thought of finding our home,
We'll live together while always being alone.
Dec 2019 · 302
Dear Sister
ishaan khandpur Dec 2019
Dear sister,
The world's a little blue,
Since I haven't talked to you.
Miles keep us apart,
Yet you always keep me in your heart.

Dear sister,
Funny how years brought us closer,
Our friendship bloomed,
Even as our distance grew further.

Dear sister,
We're a world of our own,
A friend unlike any other,
You've always been my protector.

Dear sister,
You've helped me mature,
I may be older,
But you're the reason I've ever really grown.

Dear sister,
It's funny how tradition,
Expects me to protect you,
While the whole world knows,
You hold me like glue.

Dear Tanavi,
You're the hero I always knew,
You hold so many roles,
Your true identity's a secret,
To all but the hopeless few.

No matter the distance,
No matter the roads,
You'll always be more,
Than the world gives you credit for.
Nov 2019 · 230
Joy to the World
ishaan khandpur Nov 2019
Joy to the world,
We've come undone,
A place, to spew, some hate,

To everyone, who isn't one,
Of us or like our race.
Who doesn't have our face.
A different soul, a body not whole.
An alien race.

Joy to the world,
We've come undone,
Where women are percentages.
Their numbers count,
As diversity points,
To make you seem awake.
To actions that still don't change.
To wrongs that need to be addressed.

Joy to the world,
We've come undone,
Where colours are marketing tricks,
The many shades of,
Your Abercrombie jeans,
Not meant for you to wear.
Sold only in neighbourhoods up there.
Your skins just not the right shade.

Joy to the world,
We've come undone,
A place, to spew, some hate,
But we can still,
Make it our own space,
Let's take it back again.
The world is ours to gain.
The young can be the poles.
That don't let greed control.
Say ok boomers go.
Let us be one and whole.
Nov 2019 · 205
ishaan khandpur Nov 2019
There in the silence,
I heard our favourite song,
The one we played in our last days,
As our breath fogged up the phone.
Nov 2019 · 364
Shoveling Snow
ishaan khandpur Nov 2019
As it goes,
In the words of the old,
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

The life of a student,
Is a myriad of problems,
Laundry without quarters,
Tide pods no longer have offers,
Missed the last bus for the night,
So had to walk the two and a half miles,
But all is forgiven, because tonight we sing,
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Exam pressure's got you down,
Lack of jobs making you frown,
Too many events to remember,
Even your calendar's out of colours,
Don't freight, don't frown, just sing this all day long,
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Down to the last dollar,
Got no date to the winter formal,
Your taste in music is being called out,
Your last tie snapped as you tried to pull it off,
Remember the words, they're hard to forget,
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
Nov 2019 · 156
ishaan khandpur Nov 2019
We are in a rush,
An eternal race towards loneliness,
We strive to fight and find ways,
To distance the world around us,
The deafening scream from the shadows,
That becomes the white noise of conversation.

We are the melancholy melody of love in hate,
We are the sirens of youth,
Inflicting metaphorical slashes all over our wrist,
In the hope that our own conscience can hear us again,
That we can find those conversations in our heads,
We had lost a long time ago,
In another life or was it to another life?
Are we real? Or a personality to fit in the perception of reality.
So why are we in a rush?
Oct 2019 · 205
The Death of Love
ishaan khandpur Oct 2019
A little pebble,
Left on the road,
A butterfly flapping,
It's wings alone,
A pubescent dream,
Of a new home,
The smallest things,
Cause the largest storms.

Alone in a fantasy,
Together in hope,
A sheet of paper,
Adorned on my wall,
The scribble of words,
All which seem to be from Rome
Your words like a card,
Poetic and a sonnet ode,
Now read no more,
Than Hallmark's banal prose.

Your three dot symphony,
Made time go slow,
The wait for each letter,
A vivid dream alone,
Saved only by,
The swing of your sword,
A princess on a stead,
Who saved the lonesome ghost.

Memories are demons,
That offer  hope,
Their deafening silence,
Played in every song,
They echo reflections,
Of a time long lost,
They serve as headstones,
To the death of love.
Oct 2019 · 180
ishaan khandpur Oct 2019
The yellow carpet,
Paves the way,
To the great abode.
As I walk down,
This unfamiliar road,
I now call home.

The song of fall,
A silent beat,
Unheard by most.
The crunch a note,
Of beautiful things,
That help discover the unknown.

Walk with me,
As we set fire,
That's still not as bright as fall.
Walk with me,
As we find our way home,
On the yellow carpet of god.
Sep 2019 · 360
The Golden Mile
ishaan khandpur Sep 2019
Unto the somber night we go,
March right into the golden dawn,
Sleepless as the army of dead,
Yet wide awake in our purposeful steps.

A soldier cold, lost and alone,
I know my mission, it's all I know,
I'll find the elixir, day, night or noon,
I'll find a reason to live without you.

I march towards the morning sun,
Just behind it's golden embers doth love run,
I'll march a little day by day,
I'll march till the sun runs away.

And with every step I will get closer,
Even if it only takes till forever,
I'll march a little closer to you,
I'll march away from the world so blue.

Our looks may differ,
Our names may change,
But our hearts will be together,
In this world or the next.
Aug 2019 · 204
The Land of the Free
ishaan khandpur Aug 2019
Clique clique,
The white shone bright,
The politest of no's,
We don't accept you tonight.

Day's of hope,
They told us we could,
Make right a world gone wrong.
They say no, but their vote does go,
To the right they believe in now.

The smiles are haunting,
The people daunting,
Do we breathe the same air?

Our words are common,
Once they're spoken,
Yet you believe we'll never be there.

Polite and political,
Your medals shine,
It's a world just made for you.
Our thoughts unwanted,
Bills are glowing,
Right in front of you.

There's nothing wrong,
Yet nothing right,
And that is scary too.
It's the middle ground.
Not black and white,
That often gets you blue.
Aug 2019 · 267
Over a Cup of Coffee
ishaan khandpur Aug 2019
I'm living with a lack of words,
Amidst this serendipitous fear,
The haunting of the  long unknown,
Loving this universe, unexplored.

The shoulders, small and lean,
Hold the weight of a collective being,
Aspirations take control,
Love tries to conquer all.

This is an ode of the unsure,
By those who dive before they look,
The abyss will swallow us whole,
Leading us to a brave new world.
Jun 2019 · 201
Hurricane Love
ishaan khandpur Jun 2019
Hi there Hurricane,
We meet yet again,
What started as just a gust,
Turned into the putrefaction of hate.

Just lust, ***** and a whole lack of trust,
Conversations became bold,
We talked the moon to the earth,
But home was always too far to know.

Pieces missing, people new,
Your world was an oyster,
But for me it was still stew,
We tried to build a home together,
But we burnt it down,
In perfect symmetry together.

I hate you,
I love you,
Which of the two,
Is never quite known as a fact.

We're slow roasting,
Into oblivion,
We try to hold onto,
What we thought was perfection.

We stabbed ourselves,
With many fine knives,
The Queen would often wonder,
Where her China went every night.

Goodbye together, goodbye alone,
Goodbye we can never say,
Yet we know it in our bones.

Lust is forgiving,
Love is not,
We'll hold each other close,
But we'll never tie the knot.
May 2019 · 246
ishaan khandpur May 2019
We found wings,
Within a storm,
So we flew,
To destinations unknown.

Hold my hand,
And lead the way,
For wherever you fly,
I'll forever be your tail.

We'll soar in the sky,
O're tress and hills,
We'll fly out of sight,
O're clouds and hills.

If we fall down below,
I'll be by your side,
We'll plummet together,
Till again we find our height.

The sights we'll see,
Will be magical,
The stories we'll make,
Will be mystical.

There'll be happiness,
And there'll be sorrows,
We'll overcome them all,
As we cross the globe.

And eventually these wings,
Will start wilting away,
Feathers falling,
Each with a story to tell.

We'd have lived through it all,
Together in soul,
Even with our bodies,
Away at different ports.
May 2019 · 432
Dearest Mother
ishaan khandpur May 2019
Dearest mother,
I have a complaint,
You've ruined me forever,
With your decadent trends.

While I was a child,
I wanted what others got,
A cacophony of words,
In the form of popular songs.

Instead I got tunes,
Which I hated quite a bit,
Like some guy named Cohen,
Singing about a coat.

You gave me the Beatles,
And the moody blues,
When all I wanted then,
Were Vengaboy's tunes.

I suffered through a myriad,
Of nonsensical words,
Sung by some fellow,
Who called himself Scatman John.

It was truly awful mother,
Having to hear,
Some old country blues,
Through the mouth of Kenny Rogers.

You gave me a group of guys,
Who called themselves Queen,
What a weird thing to do,
When all I wanted was Emenem.

I heard of starry nights,
In the tune of Don McLean,
You even gave odd sounds,
Through some group call Floyd.

Now look what you've done,
Through this selfish act,
You made me fall in love with words,
And inspired me to write.

Dearest mother,
I have a complaint,
You've ruined me forever,
With your elegant trends.
May 2019 · 290
At the Stroke of Midnight
ishaan khandpur May 2019
It's a scary world,
My dearest friend,
Full of hate,
And intolerance.

It's a scary world,
My quite one,
Full of loss,
And loud guns.

It's a scary world,
My silent child,
Your body loses,
To an old man's voice.

It's a scary world,
Ooh faithful one,
Where men in saffron,
Can chop you up.

It's a scary world,
My weeping heart,
Where a simple thought,
Can put you behind bars.

It's a scary world,
My lost soul,
Where rapists walk,
While women cower.

It's a scary world,
My confidant,
Where freedom loses,
To growling chants.
May 2019 · 487
Orange Tree
ishaan khandpur May 2019
We were the orange tree,
Amongst the green leaves.
We were the ugly duckling,
In a pond full of white ducks.

We were bitter espresso,
In a cafe of caramel lattes.
We were the violin,
At an EDM concert.

We were different,
We were unique.
We were happily depressed,
In a world driven by happiness.

We were forever in love,
With an expiry date.
We were mentors of life,
When neither wanted to live.

We were always meant to die,
To become a better you and I.
We were always meant to be different,
When the world was looking for the same.

It would always be,
As it was intended to be.
A bittersweet good-bye,
Onto the next phase of life.
May 2019 · 162
Good Times
ishaan khandpur May 2019
One of the scariest things about life,
Is when it's all going right,
There's only one way for it to turn.

The thing about good times is,
That it makes you blind to any other reality,
Good times last forever,
And then they don't.

Time, is stolen from you,
Love, is ripped away,
People, are snatched from your existence,
And all you can do is watch.

Good times have an ominous way,
Of finding the perfect timing,
They know when they're needed the most,
And they know when to hurt you the most.

But the opposite of good times isn't bad times,
It's a void.
A lack of existence of anything or anyone,
It's a world in limbo,
Spinning at twice the speed.

Bad times are manageable,
The end of good the end.
May 2019 · 163
Wrong Turn
ishaan khandpur May 2019
Is it wrong,
To not ask why,
To listen to my moans,
And just hear me cry.

Is it wrong,
To feel alone sometimes,
To be left in the dark,
Without wanting any light.

Is it wrong,
To want to cry,
To just need a shoulder,
With no reasons why.

Is it wrong,
To occasionally hate life,
To want nothing more,
Than the solace of the quite.

Is it wrong,
To lobotomize,
The part of the brain,
That questions why.

Is it wrong,
To hate your own sight,
When the world cheers you on,
And all you can do is sigh.

Is it wrong,
To fall out of love,
Yet be so caught,
You don't know how to give up.

Is it so wrong...
To simply be right?
May 2019 · 140
ishaan khandpur May 2019
I burned that bridge,
Down the narrow road,
The one above,
The overflowing bourn.

I watched it's embers,
Grow bold and bright,
I watched it wither,
Like a cracking spine.

I burned it with malice,
I burned it with hate,
I laughed as it scorched,
And left ashes in it's wake.

I laughed at the sorrow,
Of those waiting fools,
I laughed as they had,
Nowhere else to move.

I burned that bridge,
With every sense of hate,
I burned that bridge,
Because it led me to you.
May 2019 · 131
ishaan khandpur May 2019
It's so easy to be lonely,
A few simple words are enough to do it,
Or a lack there of.
A few people can do it,
Or none at all.

It's so easy to be lonely,
In a crowded room,
Or an empty hall,
In a club full of people,
Or with a drink alone.

It's so easy to be lonely,
In a relationship with ignorance,
Or a single soul,
With a lover in bed,
Or an empty home.

It's so easy to be lonely,
With your soulmate besides you,
Who you may have lost,
Or with devil as your best friend,
Who'll never hear your silent calls.
Apr 2019 · 176
Summer Loving
ishaan khandpur Apr 2019
Love in bloom,
Like a passionate spring,
Will eventually meet it's fall.

All we can do,
Is hope summer lasts,
Before winter takes it all.
Apr 2019 · 130
The Countdown
ishaan khandpur Apr 2019
Excitements rise,
As we say goodbye,
The world seems smaller,
Distances can't divide.

We speak our hearts,
As words seem sharp,
But conversations flow,
As thoughts never let us drift apart.

Booming voices
At both ends,
A cacophony of noises,
Trying to push thoughts in.

Silence creeps,
As words disappear,
Comfort seeks,
To agree with each other.

We once were,
Now what we can never be,
We once loved,
Now we barley breath.

Our world is naught,
We don't know one another,
We'll be a dream,
That once created a world unlike any other.

We're perfect strangers,
Like imaginary friends,
Who've outgrown each other.
Yet our silhouette exists,
As nothing more than,
A faded perfume,
On your favourite shirt,
That you'll discard soon.
Apr 2019 · 366
Death and Destruction
ishaan khandpur Apr 2019
Jealousy is a part of love.
It is love, it's the hymn of emotion.
A true devotion.
You don't truly love someone,
If you don't own them.

She has to be yours and yours alone.
Completely. It's the only way she'll love you.
And only you. No one else, but you.
It's your ticket to forever, hidden in each other.

Otherwise what are you really?
Friends? Lovers? Just lost in each other.
But is that so bad?

Are we needed to be one? A single soul?
Made from different clay combined into one mold.
Are we to loose ourselves, our loves our hates.
To match one another.

Love is fleeting and in that it's right.
It comes and goes and comes again.
But is it love, if it has to be held tight?
With no space for more, all sunlight gone.

Remove the world from a newborn's sight,
And you'll be the only world the baby can find.
Love isn't gripping, it's not of a single shape.
Love is forever flowing, it's free to find it's form.

I love you my darling. I love you my friend.
I love you forever. I love you just for today.
I love you as a woman. I love you as a girlfriend.
I love you as an enemy. I love you as a stranger,
That I'll never meet again.
Apr 2019 · 319
ishaan khandpur Apr 2019
We started a journey, a life
It was something of beauty.
An explosion that gave birth to a star.
There was love all around us,
And we created it all.

We walked with a smile,
Through every door,
We brightened lives,
And not just our own.
We merged together,
Two parts of one soul.

We drew it out,
Longer than most,
Our smiles were real,
Our passion showed.
Distance was a concept,
We didn't quite know.

But love is fickle,
Like a candle flame,
Its needs to nurtured,
And fueled to live.
And as colours grew,
To a lighter shade,
The autumn of love,
Came to shed it's weight.

Our passion's bright,
Our love is real,
But instances dictate,
And convenience creeps.
We do what we do,
And we'll do it forever,
But somewhere there,
The candle will flicker.

Our hearts will ache,
Our  adoration suffer,
We'll question love,
And pray for winter.
We'll hibernate alone,
And wonder what if,
We end it all,
And start all over again.

There's something I've lost,
And something I've found,
Experiences taught,
And my world turned upside down.
I don't know if what I do is right,
And I'm questioning myself with every swipe right.

We're so far in and yet so out,
We're completely undiscovered,
Yet bored of each other,
Forever seems long,
Tomorrow seems longer,
When did distances stop being measured in miles?

I finally get,
What the world always shouts,
My naivety of youth,
No longer stands out,
I'd rather swim with a large school of fish,
It's painful to lie yet we do it everyday.

Love isn't forever,
It's not meant to be,
They're just four letters,
It's just infatuation what we feel.
Tolerance is appreciated,
And content is better than wonder.
We'll only be happy,
If we have no expectations of of each other.

I'll call it off in my head,
Yet the coward in me,
Will never let you leave,
I'm sorry if I hold you,
A little too tight,
It might be my last,
And it could all end with a goodnight.
Mar 2019 · 197
ishaan khandpur Mar 2019
It's a beautiful word.
It's poetic silence,
A tribulation that makes for wonderful beginnings.
Like Juliet's death that spurned many a love stories.

It's a parley of hate,
Love through pain,
And words that gain,
More power than we know what to do with.

Everyday. Every morning. Every night.
A breath of reality without you.
An understanding of corporeality.
Not far from your nightmares.

Hateful. Painful. Resentful.
A motion without an end.
A function without an objective.
A grind towards uncertainty.

A new hope. A factual lie.
An unbelievable promise.
A filter from and dissemblement towards...
Tragedy, Travesty, Daze and Reality.
Feb 2019 · 367
ishaan khandpur Feb 2019
We found some rope.
So we tied a knot,
In the hope we'll last forever.

But we tied it wrong,
Now our necks are bound,
A noose keeps us together.
Feb 2019 · 225
Silent Words
ishaan khandpur Feb 2019
Silent words are not just an oxymoron,
They're a belief in conversations not yet had,
The poetic voices that otherwise never get a voice,
The unsung songs that match the raindrop's beat.

Silent words are more than just unsung lores,
They're the march of a new generation,
Ready to challenge convention and beat its own path,
They're the tomorrow we dreamed of brought to life,
Just not yet spoke.

Silent words are more than just amorous songs,
They're an undiscovered passion aching from the heart,
The fight you're ready to fight even if it takes you down,
They're the cove of emotions which lay undiscovered,
Just not yet disclosed.

Silent words are more than just un-walked roads,
They're the offbeat paths aching for discovery,
The side of the compass that's got no name,
The walkway through the stars in the bright morning light,
Just not yet paved.

Silent words are more than just thoughts,
They're the undisturbed beauty found only in silence,
Through boredom without distractions,
They're dreams in the daytime with eyes wide open.

Silent words are louder than any of those spoken.
Feb 2019 · 164
Together but Lonely
ishaan khandpur Feb 2019
As we walked down,
The valley of despair.
We found the prettiest,
Flowers blooming their.

Loneliness is love,
To an unfilled soul.
Passion is lust,
To a hopeless sod.

The siren's song,
Like pollen flows.
Calling us over,
To an unwanted forever.

Words on paper,
Kept out in the rain.
This love is forever,
Stuck together with tape.

Colours shine bright,
Blinding us in the belief,
That hope will come tomorrow,
But the sun never sets below our knees.

Hope lies alluring,
Like a rainbow in the sky,
Pretty from a distance,
Disappearing from our sight.

We take this step,
One last time.
Walking in together,
Into the great divide.
Jan 2019 · 495
ishaan khandpur Jan 2019
Forgive me
You've heard it enough.
Forgive me
Said more often than love.
Forgive me
Has lost its charm.
Forgive me
Your patience is done.

Forgive me
I've taken you for a ride
Forgive me
Our life's become mine.
Forgive me
For the promises I broke.
Forgive me
For ******* your soul.

Forgive me
For making you part of the crowd
Forgive me
For all the lost phone calls
Forgive me
For the insecurities that I create
Forgive me
For my cowardice ways.

Forgive me
That cacophonic chant.
Forgive me
You can't hear it anymore.
Forgive me
Love has lost it's hold
Forgive me
You said as you walked out the door.
Jan 2019 · 222
Hand in Glove
ishaan khandpur Jan 2019
I miss my glove,
The lonesome one,
It made my pair complete.

It seems quite rude,
To leave this school,
A hand warming symphony.

I feel quite odd,
Prancing about,
With one hand running free.

I fear I'll soon,
Be caught and ruled,
To be a bit loony.

So my glove-less hand,
Just caught a cab,
When there wasn't one to be seen.

People called,
This Faux Pas-ed prompt,
As the next fashionable piece.

My glove-less hand,
Became the talk of the town,
It was in every magazine.

Soon it grew,
Too big for it's shoes,
Or glove as in this case it would be.

It wanted out,
Of my jointed arm,
The world it had to see.

So I sat it down,
And offered it some ***,
Which it did gleefully ****.

The poisoned ***,
Made my hand numb,
The silence could actually be seen.

And that's when I saw,
My long lost glove,
Hiding in my sleeve.
Dec 2018 · 132
ishaan khandpur Dec 2018
I seem to be reading,
Words. Woes.

I seem to be breathing.
Inhale. Exhale.

I seem to be walking.
Left. Right.

I seem to be living.
Wake. Sleep.

I seem to be living....

I want to be living.
I'm fading.

Cold hands.
Cadavers all around.
We're zombies,
Pushing daises.

Monotony kills us all,
We try to find excitement in the mundane.

Is it morning already?
Did we sleep?

Wake. Eat. Drive.
We're machines pretending to think.

Alive only in words,
In love only in practice.
We're plants potted.

Always in pain.
Oct 2018 · 338
I lost you
ishaan khandpur Oct 2018
I've written of you,
A million times,
But never felt,
The lack of a beat.

I've spoken of you,
Like a villainess tyrant,
But never felt,
This taste of defeat.

My heart is gone,
The light is killed,
Darkness swarms,
A haze it fills.

I'll fight no more,
I'll always be yours,
But this love of ours,
Is your sweetest ****.

You ripped my soul,
You took it away,
You can burn it now,
It holds no weight.

Love is painful,
It's never around the corner,
But while I fight onwards,
You slipped in the blade.

The fault was mine,
I let you lose,
A treasure cove,
Invites the rotten few.

I loved you more,
Than I thought I could,
I let you fall,
From my grasp too soon.

My heart is gone,
It's buried deep,
What beats inside,
Is death's own keep.
Oct 2018 · 265
Our Dreams
ishaan khandpur Oct 2018
Our dreams, our dreams,
Our withering dreams.
As we walk forward,
We leave them be.

Yesterday's pilot,
Today walk on the streets.
A devoted husband's forever,
Destroyed by his wife's *******.

Our dreams, our dreams,
Those playful fantasies,
Watch how they die,
Like lust through *******.

Remember the rocketman,
Who discovered Mars's sea?
You looked for him all over,
Now he never lets you be.

Your past is a mirror,
Of your failures and defeats.
Each botched interview,
Each failed college degree.

Our dreams, our dreams,
They aren't quite how they used to be.
An opportune future,
Is a past that failed to be.

Our dreams, our dreams,
They never let us sleep.
They haunt your every moment,
They're nightmares imagined as realities.
Oct 2018 · 912
It's Okay
ishaan khandpur Oct 2018
It's okay you're strong,
You'll brave another day,
Of the beast on your shoulders.

It's okay you're strong,
Stop being so pessimistic,
Everyone dances to this song.

It's okay you're strong,
Fear and panic at 12am,
Is normal and to be expected.

It's okay you're strong,
We're meant to be workers,
And expected to always respond.

It's okay you're strong,
Your silence will be rewarded,
With promotions and growth.

It's okay you're strong,
Bullying is considered normal,
After all a client always wants more.

It's okay you're strong,
No need to speak up,
You'll not be heard no matter how much you shout.

It's okay you're strong...
But it's also okay if you're not

It's okay if you're not strong,
Your emotions are yours,
And to be defeated is better than to be destroyed.

It's okay if you're not strong,
You can walk out if you want,
It doesn't make you any weaker.

It's okay if you're not strong,
You can talk to me,
And I'll always guide you on.

It's okay if you're not strong,
Your strength isn't defined by the world around you.
It's okay if you're not strong.
Sep 2018 · 468
ishaan khandpur Sep 2018
I'm living under water,
Breathing my last breath,
I'm in a perpetual state of bardo,
My existence between life and death.

Alcohol isn't numbing,
I look for a harder fix,
I need to remember,
What a heartbeat feels like.

I look at self destruction,
The immolation of my soul,
As the sweetest form of poetry,
My symphony number 4.

I'm floating somewhere high,
Or is it down below?
Days and nights seem to fly,
Time has lost its hold.

Existentiality is fleeting,
Insomnia feels like a rabbit hole,
The falling lasts forever,
The end is invitingly close.

Voices seem to echo,
Faces seem to blur,
People melt into one another,
Is there someone knocking at the door?

The scabs seem to be growing,
Yet I don't remember getting hurt,
I scratch at nothing,
Is that where my skin was?

There's a battle every morning,
And as evening comes to a close,
I wonder if I've won this round,
Or lost the war of my world.

I'm diving into darkness,
Swimming to glint below,
But is that the stairway to heaven,
Or Hades final call.
Sep 2018 · 159
Video Games
ishaan khandpur Sep 2018
My controller seems to be broken,
The X no longer works,
As I seem to be jumping,
To someone else's tune.

The battery seems alright,
So I give it a fine wack,
I try one more time,
To take my character's life back.

He seems to be running,
Like a man on a mission,
To some unknown destination,
No arrows to guide him.

This independence is haunting,
Like a cut-scene from his life,
I wonder if he knows,
He's coded to move and sigh.

I'm aware he's going to win,
But I wonder if he knows?
His life is written in binary,
His world is made of ones and zeros.

He seems so sure and confident,
As I wonder about his dreams,
Does he want to move forever,
To someone else's beats?

And as he completes his missions,
One objective at a time,
I see a haunting similarity,
Between his world and mine.

The only difference is,
Who's really free?
The charterer of my video game,
Or is it really me?
This is a bit more basic than what I wished to write, but this one's really for me. I feel a sense of loss of control in my life. And this leads me to wonder, is it really my life that I'm living?
Aug 2018 · 274
My Shadow and I
ishaan khandpur Aug 2018
My shadow speaks in prose's tall,
Of where it's been and the things it saw.
Of mountain peaks and valleys long,
My shadow could write a travel blog.

I alas can't say the same,
Though I've visited all the places same.
My worries and my fearful heart,
Couldn't quite fathom this extricate art.

A prisoner of my shouting mind,
The words aren't silent, the fear divine.
An orange jumpsuit, is what I've adorned,
All my life without a single cloth on.

Locks and chains are lighter still,
Than the shakles of this panicked *****.
I'd trade my mind, I'd give it up,
I'd make it silent with that powdery white stuff.

I crave for silence in a quite room,
A moment of peace, some quietude.
I wish to travel like my shadow does,
Living and experiencing, not a reflective stop.
Aug 2018 · 1.3k
Lay with me as I dream
ishaan khandpur Aug 2018
Remember when we chased butterflies,
Ran behind dreams,
Stalked opportunities,
Shadowed hope and trailed desires.

Today, staring at a picture postcard laden desk,
The only thing I chase is the end.
Finality has replaced hope and uncertainty is no longer exciting.

We've grown beyond our age,
And aged beyond our dreams,
We're all but asleep,
With open eyes.

A nightmare as a daydream,
A de-shriveled reality,
A symphony of monotonic cacophony,
Of timelines and deadlines
Where we're all looking for a lifeline.

A throw out to yesterday,
Looked through kaleidoscopic eyes,
Where every tree was green and every sky blue,
Where the future held hope and life held purpose.
Jul 2018 · 436
ishaan khandpur Jul 2018
Boohoo, Boohoo,
Weeps the self pitying fool,
A heartfelt cry, cried every night,
The world he feels is too cruel.

Boohoo, Boohoo,
The gods have been untrue,
A prayer sung right, is to reap great heights,
Yes the pious man lays unswooned.

Boohoo, Boohoo,
He sings this merry tune,
He sings to the world, hoping someone will hear,
And tell him he'll grow to.

Boohoo, Boohoo,
The melancholy seeps through,
His world spins around, all upside down,
Yet unchanged he continues.

Boohoo, Boohoo,
The weeping man's a fool,
He lost it all, his girl and consorts,
This man is failure come to.
Jun 2018 · 397
Man's Tears
ishaan khandpur Jun 2018
So when the world ends,
Is it okay if I cry?
Is it okay if I'm less man,
Is it okay if I don't abide?

So when the world ends,
And we're just you and I,
Can I tell you I love you,
Without the fear of society's ire?

So when the world ends,
Can I shed a tear?
Can I cry unlike men,
Can I miss you forever more?

So when the world ends,
Can I finally say goodbye?
Can this be the final answer,
To what beyond the universe lies.
May 2018 · 600
ishaan khandpur May 2018
And somewhere he knew,
The villain was him just in different shoes.
May 2018 · 414
ishaan khandpur May 2018
Sips like salve,
To soothe the soul,
This liquid life,
Into me is borne.

The elixir of life,
Is a funny thing,
Bitter to taste,
To calm the bitterness within.

A concubine,
It shares my life,
Free will, I fear,
Is a lost device.

In it's love,
Wars were sold
In it's love,
I battle once more.

This tall dark beast,
Is my price for life,
The sin of gluteny,
In my cup of coffee lies.
Apr 2018 · 242
Pass it Down
ishaan khandpur Apr 2018
With every turn of the page,
A new story was told.
The book was almost as interesting,
As the anecdotes of the hands it passed through.
Apr 2018 · 362
ishaan khandpur Apr 2018
You broke me,
Absolutely and completely.
Your words more powerful than poseidon's trident.
Stabbing my dreams one empty future at a time.

I'm broken, empty and lost,
And I thank you for that,
For leaving me in scraps,
To build myself for tomorrow.
To no longer be vindictive,
To **** my ego.
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