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Nov 2010 · 768
Isabelle Nov 2010
Patience. Loneliness.
I have been waiting for you.
My love. My one true...
Isabelle Sep 2010
I never saw it coming
I never dreamt it would be like so
The day was like no other
Boring, mundane and so
But then you suddenly came
And barged through the metal doors of
My caged but fragile heart, being, and soul
I was taken aback and overwhelmed by it all

Your wit, intellect and exuding aura
Dragged me further in
Every moment with you was special
It made me feel ecstatic, cheerful, and exulting within.

I thought you were the one
The one who would finally see through me
See through this facade
That I would always put on replay

Days and nights you occupied my dreams
I thought I was falling for you
And I thought you the same way too
But then I realized
How can a person like you
Ever like someone like me?
By that time I was heartbroken
By a simple “happy crush”

I felt so foolish
I felt so naïve
I drowned myself in sorrow and tears
It killed me every time to know
That you were always there
But you never seemed to talk to me
Even if I was dying to talk to you
I know there is someone else
Inside that heart of yours
And that pained me even more

All that I could say to myself was
"You're not missing out on him.
For all you know, he's the one missing out on you".
But deep down I knew,
That wasn't true

And the worse part of it all –
This whole act the tore me apart
This entire drama that kills me every time  inside
Was all unconsciously done
And for that, I say “bravo”
You Unsuspecting and Unconscious Murderer
Apr 2010 · 1.1k
Isabelle Apr 2010
It's not that I am competitive..
I just don't like losing to people
who don't deserve to win.
Apr 2010 · 714
Just Because
Isabelle Apr 2010
Just because
I'm alone
It doesn't mean
That I'm lonely

Just because
I sit by myself
while everyone
is talking among themselves
Doesn't mean
I'm a loser

Just because
I don't mind you
Doesn't mean
I'm rude

Just because
I pretend
I don't hear you
Doesn't mean
I am not affected
By the words you let out

Just because
I smile
It doesn't mean
That I am

Just because
I am what I am
Doesn't give you
The right to
Judge me

Can't anyone see me?
Apr 2010 · 7.9k
What is once used to be
Isabelle Apr 2010
This nation
once fought
for its liberty,
its redemption,
its freedom.

Now it sets all its
rights aside
just because those who reside in this nation
simply lost the fire
that once burned in their heart.

The freedom that this nations heroes fought long ago
is being disregard.
The countrymen act like the
notion of freedom is nothing.

I dream about the nation this
piece of land used to be.
How nationalistic it once was,
how love used to fill the air.

Now, nothing remains but the memories
of what used to be.
I would honestly rather live and die
in the time wherein this nation fervently fought for its
freedom and its rights, wherein each and every person
loved its homeland, than live today
where apathy rules.
Mar 2010 · 834
Isabelle Mar 2010

Don't you ever wander
What is usual?
What is standard?
What is ordinary?

Society unlawfully
dictates what  
is ordinary
and what is bizarre

It is merely based
on the dictation
of the crazy antics of

Therefore the term
or rather notion
of normal
does not have
a solid foundation

Why should I follow
The wants
Of others
When I am
Perfectly capable
Of making my own

Why should I
Follow their perception
Of life when
I have my own idea

Why should I
Give in to their
When they don't
Listen to mine

Why can't I
Live my life
According to how
I want

Will I always be
Trapped in a cage
Mar 2010 · 1.4k
Isabelle Mar 2010

And yet, when it's gone
We long for it
We miss it
Mar 2010 · 984
One Window
Isabelle Mar 2010
One window is all I need
To veil my complex side
To whimper, weep, and wallow
in the despair I am in

One window is all I need
To cast aside my fears and tribulations
To finally hear the song within me

One window is all I need
To dream the nightmares away
To see past what is real, and what is just
an imagination conjured up by my foolish mind

One window is all I need
To see past my imperfections

One window is all that is needed
for this taciturn lady to bring to light
her darker side
To realize that she is not alone
To understand that once in a while, it would never hurt
to lean on someones shoulder
instead of trying to bear the weight of the world alone

One window is all that is needed
To understand her
Mar 2010 · 812
Isabelle Mar 2010
Staring into space.
That twisted and painful feeling
at the bottom of your heart.

— The End —