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Inspired by musical wonders
I write this letter to you,
why shouldn't I?
There are some things vital to know,
and the foremost is the infinite universe
within you.
It's been said a million times, I'm aware.
But a mind such as yours sees these words,
and truly grasps the beautiful concept.
Look within you.
There are streams of flowing water,
roses budding in spring,
the crisp chill of autumn,
and beauty explodes with each drop that falls on your cheeks.
You are even more than this.
Imagine what lies beyond our vast universe.
Even a beautiful mind as complex as yours cannot understand this.
And that, my friend, is where your soul lives.
So take your words, your voice, your love;
and shoot it even farther into the unknown.
There is someone that understands.
I really admire you, you know that?
I love looking over to you in a dimmed classroom,
and seeing the same thing every morning.
An open notebook, begging you to write more.
You're like me.
We find such comfort in the pencil and paper.
They are our relief and escape.
This, my friend, is the way we pour forth our souls.

I thought the other day the right words could never leave my mouth.
They bubble up in my chest and in my throat.
Rising, rising, risi-
then escape through my fingertips.

You rip the paper out and delicately fold it up.
Gently now, those words are precious.
So I know that with a great deal of trust
you place it in my hand.
This, my friend, is the way we connect.
And the level on which we connect is a transcendental one.
Our words are perpetuated through ink and graphite.
This is the reason for my admiration.
You understand.
You're like me.
Here is a secret I’ve kept for over four years.
There was a stack of letters I wrote you with the same title.
But over time I stopped writing.
Over more time, I tossed those letters out.
But now you are back in my mind,
and you hold a new space.
After too many failed relationships,
three people who have used me for their own desires,
and one specifically bitter heartbreak,
I see you in this new light.
I know with absolute certainty that you were my very first love.
I also know that you are the only person I have ever loved so purely and authentically.
So much so that this love for you remains with me still today.
I carry it in my heart, in secret.
But today I heard a song and I realized something else.
There are songs I have dedicated only to you.
Only to this innocent and pure love that was between us.
Never could I have given these songs to any other lover,
for the sheer reason that they have all crumbled and fell away.
But not you.
And my love, I have grown.
And I have journeyed so far from where you left me,
to realize that I will never again have you as my own.
And it is a reality I’ve learned to accept.
But those songs will remain yours…
Unless and until I can find someone who is truly capable of the love you give -
the love your soul has always readily available.
Someone loving and kind and pure-hearted.
For now they remain yours.
this really is a letter series i would write to my very first love, about 4 years ago when my heart was first broken. It isn't a poem by any means, but i needed a place to store it. to this day no one has been able to match that love.
things fall together
and things fall apart

like words fall on paper
and transform into art

and sometimes the best explanation
is in the hands of God

and the reasons we look for
are far and abroad

and the heartache we feel
cannot be captured in poems

and the sickness and anger
is best left unspoken
The stain of salty tears
on the underside of my pillow,
and trust issues.
Because nothing and no one is true,
or real.
And all that's left in me is the
pain in my chest
as my heart wrenches,
since the memories are tainted.
All I feel now is disdain.
You left anger in my heart and soul.
Shivers and a Hollow Feeling.
even my words are bitter
the absence of you,
is the absence
of the well-known me.
we kissed on december 10th, 2018 around 11 am after a fire alarm and breakfast.

— The End —