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Jun 2011 · 1.1k
Isabella Bachman Jun 2011
The shadows of the trees speak to me with a fearless futility
A chant to step into the transfixing traffic with a tripping twist
Fall beyond the black burnet of their being and see the beguiling burden unfold:

The sky encroaches tightening its grip, making the mind slip
Painted with a varnishing brush dipped in tenebrous charcoal
It drips a tear that plummets a ripple on the skin

A betrayal of the collapsing concealment
A desolate obsidian smeared beneath the eye, across the hand
It heeds the damage of a veil of soot and the pallid bruise of the soul.

A tangled cloud unravels from the pipe like the hum of a spinning fan,
A nocturnal whisper. Its sheen of banishment masked by the drown
Of sirens as two carnations drift down the charcoal water of a river.
May 2011 · 2.5k
Classroom Discussion
Isabella Bachman May 2011
Classroom Discussion
Raucous noise vibrates across
The surface of my ear
Not daring to enter and disrupt
  The train of thought
   That processes as a machine
    Turning, creating, assembling
     The wheel of thought spinning round the axle

          -------A **** on the rope, a pull on the subconscious

The pulley recognizes the intrusion of an applied force
  The wheels halt, as if rust jeopardizes its advance.

The thoughts scatter, a snapped electrical wire snaking in shock;
a cooper waving current racing back to a reality
through black rubber nerves.

          The noise registers,
confirming the split of a once continuous wire
Insignificant words- not quite processing,
  failing to relay information,
   refusing to form a sentence,
    still trapped in a realm of limbo
                 wanting to return to the rhythm of a reverie.

Slipping, falling
the mind surrenders, the electricity dies.

  Materializing in a classroom
   The cage for intellectual minds
    Discussing about.
From one world to another - act, adapt

The bright scientific lights burn
The eyes of the dreamer
Who creates from the dark,
   Objects exposed, judged, determined.
    No place for the dreamer, who loves
      warping reality.

            Within the metal box this reality is set.
Bars on the window, an indestructible verticality
Plastic seats, beige, blue, cold
Sit this way, look up, right, like that.
You are my animals now speak, raise a hand,
perform a trick, tell me what I want to hear,
Speak my language of intelligence, be my machine.
May 2011 · 1.1k
Morphing Memory
Isabella Bachman May 2011
Morphing Memory

I sit, and watch, and wait
For the time, the place, the date
In a tree by the whitewashed gate
The moment more than a minute late
Stuck in a horrific scatterbrained state
As if insisting an ingress interest rate
Risking return to a tabula rasa slate
No longer the proprietress of prized real estate
Solely searching for the squandered second to relocate
Eternal anticipation for a sudden soothing spate
Fluctuating failure that hopefully time can eliminate
Desire to keep things straight and communicate, lifting this worn weight
May 2011 · 738
Isabella Bachman May 2011
I walk in the window
Hold the wind in my hair
Challenge every being
That dares encroach a stair

My silhouette-shadow
Stalking behind the bricks
Creeping confined coward
Transfixed by a few tricks

my ears break
my nose rings
my toes smell
A chaos crammed mind
refusing to dispel

Watch the free bird sing
Extinct enchanting purity
Captured in a cage
Elate for the security

Harrowing relief
From the order posed
So no unsettlin’ grief
For mute is what the world chose

— The End —