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3.3k · Feb 2012
sexy, they say
Iris Liu Feb 2012
**** they say
comes naturally
a movement of the hips
a movement of the lips
the timbre of the voice
you can’t just train that
**** they say
is no talent
is a breathtaking gasp
the heart double-dutching
bounce, bounce
**** they say
is a gift
2.8k · Mar 2012
Iris Liu Mar 2012
globe lanterns
christmas lights
Shakespeare Andy Wharhol
billiards to the brim

sandwich boards
dust-covered couches
empty trash cans

lonely children
2.4k · Feb 2012
batman and barbies
Iris Liu Feb 2012
sometimes we wonder why bad things happen
when we forget our blessings and count our tragedies
we mourn and grieve and hug and pray
and hug and cry and hug and say
I love you

we spread our fingers to hold numb hands
and we look each other in the eyes and let tears fall
we hold each other and don’t let go
for fear of life disappearing
before and our damp and betraying eyes

we watch in awe as others stand strong
laughing and smiling and honoring her spirit
unbroken unfazed and unforgettable

“Batman and barbies” he reminisces and shares
as composure escapes for a moment
the best daughter, sister, friend and teacher
above in the heavens for all to share

Allison, we love you and miss you dearly
and as we try to go on living in your honor
please forgive us if we break down and cry

You are beautiful and we’ll see you soon
it won’t be long
2.2k · Mar 2012
Iris Liu Mar 2012
just escalator idiots
who use nouns as adjectives
2.0k · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
you’re a star
he’s a star
i’m a star too
nothing is random
we just pretend
they love us
1.8k · Nov 2012
Iris Liu Nov 2012
today I went to the store and listened for you
a hummingbird’s silent reverie
I put the music box back on the shelf
it wasn’t quite right so I reached for the ballerina
the sound of her dancing in my imagination
it still wasn’t you but I wanted to love it
goodwill, music, love, dancing, thrift
1.8k · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
I like spending time with people I like
Given, sometimes these people are imaginary
But once in a while I’ll sit
Now and then surrounded by friends
Excaliburs and *** on the beach,
I’ve never had *** on the beach, I say
I’ll take *** in the shower, though, you say
We laugh.
We share our O-faces and laugh,
because my Adam’s apple is embarrassed
and you’re missing your fedora.
1.7k · Feb 2012
A thought on Coldplay
Iris Liu Feb 2012
he sings about fixing me
i never knew there was a problem
1.7k · Mar 2012
Iris Liu Mar 2012
they called them little Spartans,
the way they pushed and shoved
as the sound of the lunch bell
the way they shown off their weapons,
some of metal and some of paper
the weaker-willed soldiers gave up
their possessions no longer their own
as the 1st graders stole their heart-
shaped kindergarten sandwiches
1.6k · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
he would be a constant hiccup
if hiccups were lovely
a shocking smile in the hallways
he is a hiccup,
showing up at the worst times
threatening to ruin you
making your heart beat fast
a reminder that you’re still alive
whether you like it or not
1.5k · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
i keep counting my blessings
but they don’t seem to add up
1.3k · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
he forgot the bitter cold
that came after the sun
he forgot we lived in a desert
1.1k · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
i wonder sometimes about
how convincing i am
when i tell a bold-faced lie
i’ve never been bold enough
1.1k · Mar 2012
Iris Liu Mar 2012
he is naked on the pier
the water ceased to hit him
the shore no longer freezing
just frozen on the pier, numb
1.0k · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
A glare from his mother,
her arms folded like the paper crane
I’ve never been able to remember
how to create

The ringing of a cell phone
at one in the morning,
and an empty dial tone
on the other end

The salty stains on my face
that linger long after I stop crying
958 · Mar 2012
playground games
Iris Liu Mar 2012
he cried uncle far before she gave him the option
they were married within the month
952 · Nov 2012
Iris Liu Nov 2012
knocks on your door
hey, have you eaten
silence answers me
empty of feeling
i stand for a moment
maybe a moment too long
strike a match of conversations
eye contact too strong
he wandered down the hall
looks like he’s waiting too
my hips on the wall
smirk as if he knew
what was on my mind
look deep inside and would not find
for my thoughts were shallow
temporary tinges, restraint on the hinges
a shuffled playlist on down low
can you hear me now?
play, silence, music, rhyme, empty
895 · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
i’m tired of sweet nothings
and prince charmings in dreams
i’m tired of the carousels
and the prince i’ll never meet
Iris Liu Feb 2012
she’s smiling but
her mouth is frozen that way
after years of misconception
and one swift blow
a knife to the throat
852 · Sep 2012
Iris Liu Sep 2012
her wish list
consists of 2 items:

pink lemonade
and the boy
down the street
selling it

her childhood calls
she forgets to pick up

he has closed up shop
for the day

she will try again tomorrow
823 · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
i find it baffling how easily
people believe what they hear
yet are so unwilling to listen

to the truth
Iris Liu Apr 2012
the stars glistened that night
glimmered when you called me beautiful
pulsed when you smiled at me
disappeared when you broke our gaze
so the lake reflected only the streetlights
and couldn’t pick up the stars

they fell with every minute that passed
every minute lost in the night
every minute less i would spend with you
every minute you weren’t holding me

and the stars never shined so bright
and the sky never hung so heavy

than they did the night you sang to me
816 · Feb 2012
woman, she is
Iris Liu Feb 2012
she spills her coffee
when reaching for her newspaper

she trips over a stiletto
when searching for a lost earring

she burns her fingers
when testing a batch of cookies

she can’t seem to do a single thing right.
806 · Feb 2012
Coquettes in the parlor
Iris Liu Feb 2012
you should never trust a woman
believe me, I’ve seen the things
they are capable of, they trust
and let trust, only to be broken
they are forgiving yet never forgiven
they don’t learn from mistakes
but instead wait
they wait for proof of humanity
and stand frozen in stone and patience
but forgive me for
my hasty generalization
762 · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
I wake up some days not loving who I am
And on these days that come just a little too often, I look at my hands.
I remember days when I thought they were perfect.
These delicate angels that defy fragility; they belonged somewhere.
I remember thinking I would be a hand model.
At the fragile age of 10, I knew what I was put on this earth for.
It was meant to be.
My perfect hands could do anything.
McDonald’s would want them in their Big Mac commercials.
Revlon would want my healthy cuticles to model nail polish
I could learn sign language and open up worlds of possibilities.

I remember the day I shared my dream with my mother,
“Mom, I’m going to be a hand model,” I said with appropriate gravity.
“But, honey,” she replied, “your ******* is crooked.”

I wake up some days not loving who I am
And on these days that come just a little too often, I look at my hands.
The shattered dreams they hold with every imperfection—
The broken what ifs and crooked middle fingers
More crooked with every nervous crack of a knuckle
And syncopated snap, snap
with every ******* and broken promise
I forget what it’s like to trust

I wake up some days wanting to go back to sleep
Back to my dream with my perfect hands
that with a touch could turn plastic to steel
turn thieves to Robin Hoods, turn the weary to the wise
with my perfect hands that
gave youth to the old, clarity to the young
sanity to the misunderstood and
promise to the dreamers
hope to the hopeless and
a smile to the ones who have already given up

back to my dream where
my lips aren’t sealed, but my hands are
a cupped offering of sweetness, concentrated
But honey, your ******* is crooked
And I wake again in a warm sweat.

My perfect hands are lonely
And impatient
They want to be warm again
Like they used to be when they were perfect
Whole, like when they held another.

I wake up some days not loving who I am,
and on these days that come just a little too often, I look at my hands.
But on some days, I forget about my crooked *******.
708 · Feb 2012
she who trusts
Iris Liu Feb 2012
she is surprised by their incredulity
- i hope you’re not upset
they smile and share maybes
broken promises in the making
703 · Nov 2012
Iris Liu Nov 2012
opposites attract
we are just broken magnets
cold, polarized hearts
690 · Feb 2012
for winter and spring
Iris Liu Feb 2012
the rolling hills keep teasing
the eager squirrels at the bases
they think they’ve made it to the top
when the next hill puts them in their places
649 · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
with each step they trample
the confidence of the women
astounding to onlookers
yet incredibly dim on the inside
they are creatures of privilege
with each step they spit
on the unfortunate they pity
with their smugness
they think they are the truth
622 · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
shut me out and
shut me in
the words you say are here
my friend
i wish you well in times of joy
but hell comes only when ignored
621 · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
words are weapons
it’s a sad truth
but so are shovels
and gravediggers need words too
the world doesn’t stop beating
children awake to the light
i sit here and listen
to your mood music
and i forget again
602 · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
gentle flickers of light
they remained fireflies
in the starry night
forgetting who was human
and who was right
598 · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
he stands, looking down upon her
she hides her eyes, as to appear stronger
they have betrayed her for the last time
he has betrayed her for the final time
she has given in for the last time
never again will he stand over her
597 · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
the ones who complain are fine,
it’s the silent ones we should worry about.
593 · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
i am a billboard
of my problems
my joys and worries
plastered as great
wooden spectacles
581 · Feb 2012
broken wings
Iris Liu Feb 2012
he wants to fly
just as high as she does
he quivers in fear of
the grunts and stares
but he stands stoic
an amalgam of the men
they told him
he had to be
577 · Mar 2012
Iris Liu Mar 2012
if i was a leaf
you’d be the grass
i’d fall into you
by gravity

it’s out of my control
566 · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
your smile is a lot less convincing
after your heartless slurs
you say you’re getting better
but you’re absent like remorse
564 · Feb 2012
a pleading cry
Iris Liu Feb 2012
“if i ask nicely,
will you like me?”
said the young girl
to her mirror.
554 · Jul 2012
Iris Liu Jul 2012
i am losing sleep over nothing
he says let's step back
he is full of ****
yet all i do is write about it
538 · Feb 2012
This too shall pass
Iris Liu Feb 2012
the power of words
can be overlooked
by heathens and saints
and creatures of habit
they wrestle with weak worries
and stab the strong in the back
they forget the power
and that “this too shall pass”
505 · Mar 2012
Iris Liu Mar 2012
if only the silence that fell
when shock filled the room
would fall upon insolence
like the sword it once was
498 · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
if we could travel the world together
i don’t think we would
we could be anywhere we wanted
and together would be enough
482 · Mar 2012
Iris Liu Mar 2012
i haven’t ever loved
and from the looks of
poetry, love *****
478 · Feb 2012
school girls and boys
Iris Liu Feb 2012
the bell always rings
at the worst moment
when you’ve finally found
the last piece of your courage,
the missing puzzle
pieces of your smile fall in line
then scatter as the brass hum
takes him and his untouched pencil
straight out the door
478 · Feb 2012
thoughts in passing
Iris Liu Feb 2012
the days have grown long
but not quite long enough
it’s a thing you notice once
forgetfulness catches up
466 · Feb 2012
he's got this
Iris Liu Feb 2012
he’s got this soul
from the soles
of his feet, man
he’s got this rhythm
got this beat, man
on the mic, he swears
no defeat, no cares,
no woman on the mind, man,
he’s whole with
the soul he bares and
this hole he tears in
my heart beats fair
unfair this grip on my
breath it’s sick I could be
maybe i’m crazy but man
that’s a **** poet.
Iris Liu Feb 2012
hello old friend
we meet again
how are you?
me too.
i don’t know how to say this, but…
this should be goodbye?
i’m afraid so. i have to go.
i should have known better.
please, don’t be upset.
i should have known you’d leave me.
it’s just…
good things have to end for better things to come along
465 · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
his hands pounced on me
his warm breath smelled of desperation
and Jack Daniels, he wasted no time
461 · Feb 2012
Iris Liu Feb 2012
i have a problem
i wish it was a secret
my tears betray me
and my heartbeats battle
my composure suffers
slow and grueling death
i wield only my ideas
sharp as a steel sword
and a broken shield
change has no time for remorse
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