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Iona Betts Sep 2015
I could be for only one
Like a sieve maybe what will be left is you
I'm testing your hearts strength
And time is strength

Put your trust in me
Grab me by the arm
Take hold of your insecurities
And doubts of my capabilities

I love it when it's just me and you
I'm not always at one with the wind
Sometimes I'm wrapped up with your presence
And I anticipate your moves
Like this could you be my romance and my partner,
Companion and guide
How will you know unless you try
Iona Betts Sep 2015
it seeps through my face
it burns me up
a surge
i won't be sleeping tonight
a fiend
now i am
i am not afraid for i have been here before

while others are calm and in control
i lose it
i'm screaming for release
but this trap was meant for me
i ride it and create a zone for myself
then i can't get off the ride
till i hit the pillow and crash
it takes days for me to recover

i wake and i feel reborn
i have to heal
Iona Betts Sep 2015
Is it excitement in my mind
That makes me do a little dance at night
That makes me see a bright calming future
Or are those tingles in my stomach alive
Is it excitement in my mind
That makes me glow with happiness
No it's too good to be true
My belly gets big
My feet are swelling
Not much sickness
Although that bourbon did sit badly at the top of my throat
Or is it excitement in my mind
Iona Betts Aug 2015
Should we ignore the signs
Does God have a sense of humour
Is he always testing our strength
Talk to him maybe the pain will go away
Of the torment of the thoughts he has given us
And the path he has put us down

I took a stroll to the beautiful cathedral
I struggled at first to do so but I breathed in the fresh air and eventually I enjoyed my walk
When I walked into the church I felt welcomed by God and everything started to make sense
All my troubles slowly disappeared

The water tasted like I've never tasted water before
The simple pleasures in life were suddenly more calming
And my sleep was nurturing not restless
I don't want to preach but I was blessed because I went to God out of my own volunteering not because I was forced to.
I felt renewed

— The End —