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Dec 2014 · 985
insane hatter Dec 2014
Gushing water against my face as I take an almighty push
The feeling of space as I glide through the water
I take a breath and remeber the world I am  actually in and dip my head back under the surface
And realise I have drifted of into my own world yet again
I love this free feeling
I call this an escape
A very special thing to me
Nov 2014 · 4.7k
insane hatter Nov 2014
The way the ink or led stains the paper
With the hand motion you use to create this thing
People call a 'Drawing'
There beautiful
Whoever created them
I am grateful for your discovery
Nov 2014 · 420
The joy of running
insane hatter Nov 2014
The rush you get when you tip forward enough to fall
And then your arms move like the wind
Your striding forward on the ***** of your feet
Standing tall
Chin up
Wind rushing all over your body
This is a run
Nov 2014 · 562
insane hatter Nov 2014
Severing pain on my shoulders
And face
Giving me warmth but also making me cold
Spidering along my skin
Is what it feels like
Heat waves in certain places
Think when you swim outside
Nov 2014 · 576
insane hatter Nov 2014
Sweet giving
Scared lonely
Giggly skippy
Sad torn
People feel
People show
Theres Difference
Its significant
Nov 2014 · 316
How are you?
insane hatter Nov 2014
What would you do if someone constantly asked how you were
And you didnt know the answer
You spend time thinking and answering that you dont know
They will not accept it
But they have to
Because you dont know
How do i feel
About people
About everything
I do not know
Can you relate to this poem
Nov 2014 · 298
Somebody loves you
insane hatter Nov 2014
Somebody loves you
No matter how long it takes to find them
Their there
Waiting for you
To reconise
Because their to afraid
To say
To speak their feelings
So speak
Feel beautiful because you are
Nov 2014 · 313
insane hatter Nov 2014
Does anyone like a song so much they want to type it into a poem?
I do
I love alot of songs but i seriously think that music has helped me and everyone around me
Do you
Music is a savour to everyone i know
Is it for you
Comment below
Nov 2014 · 319
insane hatter Nov 2014
You are crazy and always fun
I think we are furtherest apart but are the closest at the same time
You have been there withall of us through thick and thin
And always done the right thing thats why
I can call you a friend
To Rose
Nov 2014 · 326
insane hatter Nov 2014
You can be agitated but arent we all
You are stunning and beautiful
But you do not except
You can sing not only that but act
So get on with it i know you can
You are a different shape to what you think you are
Let me tell you your are skinny
Have gorgeous hair
you know who you are
So Liana this is for you
Nov 2014 · 678
insane hatter Nov 2014
You dont understand how i feel half of the time
You dont understand how it will be  when you say goodbye
It will be the hardest thing but atleast its not you moving upstairs
I would love you to saty with me and our friends
But we both know you want the best education you can get
And thats why i except your desion even though it will be hard
For not only me but you
So we shall share this little amount of time
Like we have none left
So Mathilde
Lets start spending
Obviously for Mathilde
Nov 2014 · 384
insane hatter Nov 2014
We are both alike
In many different ways
We both hide what we think
And want the other to share
Thats the realationship
Thats how it has layed out before us
Thats how it is
And im not going to change a thing
I love it when you act cherry
But we know its a mask
When its really true
I wonder if i know you
But i really except who you are
For one of the best people on this earth Mathilde
Nov 2014 · 304
stand by you (song)
insane hatter Nov 2014
i will stand by you
if black is your brightest colour
if hurt is your only lover
i will stand by you
listen to this -stand by you by marlisa punzalan
Oct 2014 · 487
insane hatter Oct 2014
thats what you are
braces are a pain but look like a trend on you
you are an amazing friend
never change
you are a main
Oct 2014 · 886
The girl with blonde hair
insane hatter Oct 2014
you act crazy
then you die down
slowly getting sadder
forgetting why your here
you suddenly shoot up
then back down
you are are a roller coaster
i find a lot of flat times in between changes
but i would not want you gone
never have
like you think

some people say besties
some people say bff
but i think you more
more than what you will accept
your a sister
Oct 2014 · 324
Slipping, why
insane hatter Oct 2014
why did this happen
why are you upset
why does it matter if you know
all i know is you don't understand
i don't think i do either
but the attitude you have towards everything
seems all but you
i think your trying to slip away
slow but effective
i know what your doing
i honestly don't like it
you are trying to find yourself to early
no need to do that
i want to be you friend forevermore
Sep 2014 · 325
insane hatter Sep 2014
left alone for one minute and feels lonely
sees a friend with some one else and cries
been in a fight and wants to die

dont be like that
your are fine'you are not what you think you are
theres nothing wrong
not everyone has to like you
you will find yourself
Sep 2014 · 339
insane hatter Sep 2014
dont you feel they are copied and pasted
dont you fell like everyone else
dont you feel like they aren't creative
everyone seems to have the same clothes
and thats why trends should be things that are interesting
but all different in one way or another
Sep 2014 · 350
insane hatter Sep 2014
why should I wear the trending clothes
why should I like what you like
why should I act like everyone else
I want to be independent
but this is not happening
everyone does what I do
I dont like that
how am I supposed to be independent
if people will not let me
I want to be unique
I want to be quirky
I want to be different
Sep 2014 · 305
What would happen
insane hatter Sep 2014
what would happen if i said this?
what would happen if i pull this face?
what will happen if i didn't do this?
what would happen if i had done this action?
in the end what would happen?
Sep 2014 · 371
Best Friends
insane hatter Sep 2014
we talk like theres no tomorrow
we act like we are unstoppable
we dance like we have brand new legs
we sing like we are amazing new pop stars
and care like we are sisters
thats why i call you my best friend
Dedicated to Mathilde
Sep 2014 · 287
insane hatter Sep 2014
you spend most of the time fighting
not really caring
you shout at each other your voices blaring
you then realize realize the time you have
and then care in way you should've
Sep 2014 · 691
insane hatter Sep 2014
breathing in filling up my lungs
breathing out letting air escape
breathing in feeding my body
breathing out giving it a chance
breathing in its not working
air resisting to be in my body
now im gone
now im done
Sep 2014 · 372
People and their body
insane hatter Sep 2014
head to toe you dont like what you see
from forehead to chin you dont want to be
from chest to ancle i wan to be you
from heel to toe
i want to be new
Sep 2014 · 431
insane hatter Sep 2014
the flash of light
the sound that echoes in the stadium
the crowd of people trying to get to you
the way you act int front of cameras
the way you are followed by thousands
and the way you mostly cant stand it
Sep 2014 · 478
insane hatter Sep 2014
what should i choose
bold thin or italic
which will it be
public private draft
who could think
mys perspective or someone  else's
who knows
who cares
Sep 2014 · 243
insane hatter Sep 2014
i want time to escape the world
everything in it as well
i want time to spend
without drama
i want time to
be me with out thinking once about
what other people think
i want time
and time is slowly
Sep 2014 · 708
insane hatter Sep 2014
the beauty within is icy cold
the beauty without is fresh and springy
the beauty within is dead and lacking
the beauty without is less than you are thinking
Sep 2014 · 277
insane hatter Sep 2014
I've' sunken to the bottom
stuck there like cement
losing control
desperate for light
fighting for my will
to get to the top of the water
and finish of my life
Sep 2014 · 489
insane hatter Sep 2014
her hair skims her back like seagulls over water
her eyes light up the night like stars are inside her
her heart thumping like an elephants step
her will to stay away
her feet never lose beat
her drive to run,
run away from him
Sep 2014 · 385
insane hatter Sep 2014
The cold wind shatters me inside
as the darkness takes my life
the frost starts to spider up my skin
the soul that was there  is now nothing within
the tarp just holding as a house
the empty pockets, empty wallets
as if a mallet has taken my life
Sep 2014 · 259
insane hatter Sep 2014
the way the light in her eyes suddenly disappears
the way her words leave her lips
the way her springing legs stop
the way her thumping heart is gone
the way she was there and now is no more

— The End —