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insane hatter Dec 2014
Gushing water against my face as I take an almighty push
The feeling of space as I glide through the water
I take a breath and remeber the world I am  actually in and dip my head back under the surface
And realise I have drifted of into my own world yet again
I love this free feeling
I call this an escape
A very special thing to me
insane hatter Nov 2014
The way the ink or led stains the paper
With the hand motion you use to create this thing
People call a 'Drawing'
There beautiful
Whoever created them
I am grateful for your discovery
insane hatter Nov 2014
The rush you get when you tip forward enough to fall
And then your arms move like the wind
Your striding forward on the ***** of your feet
Standing tall
Chin up
Wind rushing all over your body
This is a run
insane hatter Nov 2014
Severing pain on my shoulders
And face
Giving me warmth but also making me cold
Spidering along my skin
Is what it feels like
Heat waves in certain places
Think when you swim outside
insane hatter Nov 2014
Sweet giving
Scared lonely
Giggly skippy
Sad torn
People feel
People show
Theres Difference
Its significant
insane hatter Nov 2014
What would you do if someone constantly asked how you were
And you didnt know the answer
You spend time thinking and answering that you dont know
They will not accept it
But they have to
Because you dont know
How do i feel
About people
About everything
I do not know
Can you relate to this poem
insane hatter Nov 2014
Somebody loves you
No matter how long it takes to find them
Their there
Waiting for you
To reconise
Because their to afraid
To say
To speak their feelings
So speak
Feel beautiful because you are
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