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Ink Jan 2014
Everyday, every minute, every second

Contemplate with your every breath
Solve until your final death

Life is a mystery
That you need to deduct
It is a series of patterns
You'll only see
Right before your eyes are shut
Ink Jan 2014
The glasses in front of my eyes
Help me see a different way
A way you may find cruel and dark
But it opens my eyes a little more each day

My glasses are merely tears that I see through
But refuse to let them pass
For they help me see everyone's pain and suffering
My glasses are projectors of the past
Ink Jan 2014
The weight machine
Tells me a higher number

I think it's broken
Because surely
My soul is weakening and thinning out

Into nothingness
And doesn't that have a weight?
Or is this feeling inside me
Merely pretend?
Ink Jan 2014
In this darkness I'll tell you a secret
But promise me, my dear
You'll keep it

I can't bare this world any more
When I know it will be better
Ink Dec 2013
Hush little baby
Don't you cry
I'm right here with you
Whispering in the night

The blood on your arms
Can stain my shirt
By I won't let go of you
Because baby, you're hurt

You can have my shoulder
And hold me close
Because I've taken your alcohol
You've had your dose

I know, I'm cruel
I'm forcing you to face reality
But babe, you aren't alone
You don't have to lose your sanity

I can feel your shivering body
And the faint thump of your heart
The beat, it touches me
You're a fine piece of art

Hush little baby
Let me take away your pain
I'll whisper soft words to you
"There is sunshine beyond this rain."
No matter what you're facing, you need someone to help you. After all, two human beings can overcome much more than one. And until you find someone to help you, don't forget that things will get better.

They have to, and they always do.
Ink Dec 2013
I don't like crying
It's a waste of precious liquid
It's a strain of energy that I really need

I rather just take it all
Let the anger absorb me
Delve into my hatred
And never come out
Than admit I am weak

For I will never
Let you know
That you have gotten to me

I swear
Ink Dec 2013
You are always truly alone
No one can be there for you
Unless you are there for yourself

You are not the width of your waist
Nor the flaws on your face
Nor your hand that can't reach a shelf

You are not the sound
Of your helpless snores
Or the laugh you enjoyed letting out

You are not the anger
That takes over your eyes
Or the guilt in your heart after a shout

You are not the tears
You want to but have not cried
For fear of being weak

You are not the words
You whisper when you're alone
That make the world sound bleak

You are not a body
With a soul
But a soul that has been given a human shell

You are the life
You claim to live
You are your own living hell

You are your own nightmare
Your own problems
And your own savior from it all

You are a spirit
That can run forever and free
Yet you choose to burden the fall
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