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50 · Oct 2020
The True Love
Delilah Oct 2020
I can not explain this feeling
I thought I had felt this before
When you are finally with the right person your heart knows
It knows it can love with all it has and not be afraid to do just that
When you are with the right person your body knows it just can not tell a lie
You tell that person everything and anything because you know they'll understand
and in the moment you look each other in the eyes to say I love you
You know she truly feels it back
41 · Feb 2020
Delilah Feb 2020
She walks on tiptoes many times because she scared to release it all
She has caution because she knows what life can send her way
She still loves with all her heart
Makes you feel like you matter and makes the few months of friendship feel like an eternity of love and kindness to each other
I’m trying to believe for myself that everything happens for a reason and she is proof
Things led her back to her hometown which was followed by our meeting and her hand being there to hold mine through a darkness that she once encountered
Her smiles make you feel welcomed and comfortable
Her laugh is continuous
Her ideas are full of life and excitement
And while we both are living to survive she makes it easier to believe that there is happier moment still to come
Some friends come along and attach to the heart in such a way that for a brief moment when you both throw you head back in laugher you forget everything
and that keeps you living
She helps you keep living
36 · Jul 2020
Delilah Jul 2020
On the night you were born the moon and stars were aligned so perfectly that they had a conversation about the beautiful life getting ready to explode into a journey of absolute creation and wonder

So on days when it seems like you don’t want to live another moment remember that the moon holds your heart and the stars will guide you to where the sun will rise again, and everything will be as it is meant to be
36 · Jun 2020
Sick of being so Strong
Delilah Jun 2020
When you grow up in a **** show
people on the outside will say a number of these phases to you
* look at you being so strong
*this will just make you stronger

* I cant believe how strong you are
and while all these words come from a good place
no one ever truly knows what is like to be *STRONG
unless they have lived in these same situations

What really needs to be said
I know you're strong and I can't imagine what this is like and I see you
* You don't always have to be strong, but you are doing a great job
I know/ don't know your pain and/but I'm here*

Sometimes being the strong one isn't what you want to be known for
35 · Jun 2020
Thank You
Delilah Jun 2020
Thank you for leaving me when you did
When you left I was crushed but slowly and surely I found my way into a life I love
The life I'm creating for myself is beautiful and every single thing I have ever hoped for this part of my life
Our memories together were wonderful and I will never forget all the things I learned from being apart of your life
But I have finally realized that without this push I would have never be able to truly live my life and I hope with all my heart that you are doing the same
Delilah Feb 2020
Things keep happening
they just don't stop coming
you can't stop them and you can't stop living either
you have to find that way that makes it worth it
finding something to live for to keep the bad days bearable and good days even better
on your 45th bad day and you haven't been able to take a breathe and the **** is constantly hitting the fan please continue to believe that the magic and good things will come
i promise
Delilah Jul 2020
I am scared, scared of being so hurt like I once was

I let my heart feel every ounce of emotion

I let myself fall, fall way to hard and way to fast and that also scares the **** out of me because I am trying to protect my fragile heart that is way too big for its own good

But there is this woman

A woman who is often unsure of herself but tells me that I make her feel sure

A woman who has the prettiest blue eyes I have ever seen

A woman who is brave but doesn’t know she’s showing it

A woman who has a talent out of this world and a voice that makes my heart skip a beat

A woman who Is letting me know that its okay to feel this way again

And even if I end up in the same place I was before I know that this adventure with her will have been well worth it
33 · Aug 2020
Pain within ourselves
Delilah Aug 2020
To grow you must endure the uncomfortable which is almost always playing with pain but in return you come out on the other end

That's what they say

The moment you feel that first wave of pain you want to mask it
Which is why there are so many alcoholics and drug addicts
They have a pain that needs to be masked
but on days like today I have learned that sometimes masking the pain will not take it away but only hide it until the mask falls off and you are sober again and then its real and bigger than before

Anything worth working towards is going to be painful
It requires you to stand still and feel what is happening around you
Feeling the pain is never easy but it is a must for growth

And once you grow that pain will slow slip away and you will finally be able to breathe again
If there's no pain there will never be a gain

— The End —