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956 · Oct 2015
Truly ,deeply, madly
Inayat Vasal Oct 2015
Mercury , Mars  or Neptune
Or were u driven to the moon ?
Oh dear , dear u are dearly missed
Alas u have no idea that I exist .
A single reality seems to be bitter than a thousand nightmares
All I can do is despair
Bae you know u were loved : truly , madly , deeply and broadly .
Those endless nights of endless pleasure
All seem  to have come to an end
Tho U were right : it was just not ur thing
But we tried and cried and struggled to cling
For ur happiness we had to let go .
If  princes rode  white horses or black horses  you rode a unicorn
A unicorn who took u in a different direction .
A direction meant to ice your cupcake
But dear u will still be loved , maybe not broadly but - truly , deeply and madly .
This is a special tribute to zayn malik . This poem is dedicated to any singer/bandmember that chose to quit.
895 · Oct 2015
Last night
Inayat Vasal Oct 2015
We gazed at the star-studded Sky
We knew it was time to say goodbye
All I could do was cry
I was gonna lo-ose my guy
Each passing day you had fought
So we could tie the knot
But we knew it was the end
Tears of blood fell from my broken heart
I could feel the pain during your chemos
More than the plight  of the flightless emus
People said love was the best medication
But they never talked about expiration
One last hug . One last time . One last question  :- "Why could my love not cure  your cancer ? "
I knew you would soon be gone
But I'd  always wait for ya right here in this lawn !
Feel free to criticise or appreciate
762 · Apr 2017
To the heart in you
Inayat Vasal Apr 2017
Goggle outside the louvred window ,
All you'll see would be the shattered , grey indo
Gaze at the disconsolate yet selfless  trees
Or ponder about the strayed , invigorating breeze
Contemplate about the sky that isn't clear anymore
Or lie under the star-studded Sky near the shore
Think of the woes of the struggling tiger
Would their future really be brighter ?
The transience of asthma patients would leave you dumbstruck to terror
All carelessness has led to error
The dirge of the survivors  seem so surreal  
Could nirvana possibly exist in real ?
Polluted rivers would lament and sob
If only some human could of anything other than their job
The clocks are ticking , animals are missing , high time we stop all the dissing .
We together can bring a change - earth environment's and human environment :-
To the heart in you , don't be afraid to feel
To the brain in you , don't be afraid to revolt
To the sea in you , don't be afraid to rage
To the silence in you, don't be afraid to break and to the environment in you - don't be afraid to change .
732 · Apr 2017
To the Infinity
Inayat Vasal Apr 2017
Where once I stood still
You made me dance like a vivacious ballerina
Where once I was on a verge of extinction
You made me replicate myself
Where once I was about to jump off the cliff
You made me fly like a carefree swallow
Where once I had lost my voice
You made my vocal chords work harder than ever
Where once I turned grey
You made me more colourful than VIBGYOR
Where once I became oblivious to all
You made me  a walking talking encyclopaedia
Where once I became deaf
You made Mozart immortal for my ears
Where once I refused to smile
You made me chuckle endlessly
Where once everything had turned dark
You made my life brighter than sunshine
Where once sadness refused to leave me
You made me forget what it even was
Where once the aura of shallowness surrounded me
You made me realise I'd reached the zenith
Where once I merely existed
You made me feel live ......... to the infinity

— The End —