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Jun 2015 · 621
~She is...~
impoetriness Jun 2015
She is my soul,
When I lose myself.

She is my sun,
When clouds invades the sky.

She is my star,
When the others are far away from me.

She is my favorite sound,
When no music calms me down.

Her voice's the heaven's voice,
When the others are screaming.

Her mouth is my favorite poem,
When I kiss her i read Robert Frost's poems.

She is my first one,
And the last.
Jun 2015 · 301
impoetriness Jun 2015
It was 1am,
I was walking alone,
I was thinking about her,
Under the same stars.

Does she was awake?
When I was too?
Does she was deep in her sleep?
Or does she wrote poems?
Like I did?

My poems,
My thoughts,
My breathe,
My cough,
My eyes,
My stars
My words,
My moves,
My chords,
All for her.
Does she knows?

All for her,
From my heart to every atom of me,
It is enough?
It is enough, darling?
Would you mind if I ask you for a kiss?
Or it is too much?

Oh my dear, you're a star,
I settle for you,
You shine, you're special,
Do you know that?
How my poems,
How my thoughts,
Never rhyme
Never had meaning,
But forever fits,
Exactly on paper.

My love for you,
Like a hurricane,
My love for you,
Like a star.
It's so bright,
It is shining,
It is never dissapearing
Until you do that, too.
But I know you wouldn't do that.
Don't you?

My endlessly galaxy
Only for you,
My endlessly mind,
Only for you,
My endlessly love,
Only for you,
Because you're my only one,
Am I the only one for you too?

Because when it's 2am in the morning,
I am sitting here,
I am writing,
Poems with no sense,
Poems who can make you feel exactly what I feel too,
Poems from my deepest places
Of my heart
For you my dear,
Poems with no sense but with feelings.

Like I am.
Jun 2015 · 573
Unspoken words
impoetriness Jun 2015
I was doing bad until you showed up,
Saying ,,what the **** is wrong with you"
I said ,,nothing" with smile on my face,
She said ,,do what you want to do"
So I started to say how much I love her.

I was expecting the same thing from her,
I said ,,why don't you say something"
She doesn't answered anymore.
I said ,, do what you want to do"
And she left.

Since god made me bleed,
With unspoken words,
With words that doesn't really matter something,
With words that fits perfectly on paper,
I started writing poems.

Since i've started loving you,
Since i've started entering in your beautiful soul,
Since you've got control on my mind,
You're the reason i can't sleep at night.

You light up my life, darling,
Everything has sense,
Since you told me
,,I love you"
Jun 2015 · 384
impoetriness Jun 2015
You're an angel, with those hopeful eyes,
When you looked at me, with your tremulous voice,
Saying that i'm your only one,
My heart dies.

Since, when you left
I've started to wrote,
Poems, just like this.
But none of those can explain
What i truly feel.

I got everything new,
My phone, my hair..
But not my soul..
You're still catch here, your voice is still in my heart...
Whispering me things you used to say to me at 3am morning,
When the sun was sleeping
But us not.

Do you remember our little escape,
When we were alone?
Just you, just me...
Do you remember what i used to call you?
That you were my angel?

You know, i can always pick up something I need from books,
And start to read,
But I need you,
Why you're impossible to find?
My heart's ache, it's trying to get you out of my blood.

But i can't, if i am trying that,
I start to bleed,
Nothing but dreams,
That i don't want to lose.

So, if you remember that i called you my angel.
I call you my angel right now,
If you love me, hurry up,
I need you.

It's 2am morning, waiting for 3am morning,
Our hour, our escape...
But i still need to console myself,
That we're looking at the same sky, at the same stars,
But from different places,
And that's hurt me,
Because we used to look at the same sky, at the same stars,
From the same place.

And you used to put your head on my shoulder,
Saying that you love me, and you'll never leave me.
But for god's sake
You left me, my angel.
Jun 2015 · 280
impoetriness Jun 2015
Oh...i remember,
You, staying beside me,
And if i were clever.
You were here, now.

But you..
You're gone, my dear.
You choose to leave,
I still swim in tears.

My morning coffe, now it is alcohol,
I was drinking it on my balcony, now i don't do it anymore,
I still catch me staying up late in the night
Wondering ,,for what i fight?"

You're a warm heart, an angel with big wings
You've always be in my dreams
But when you left you tell me...things?!
Such as ,,you're an idiot".

And i walk alone,
On empty streets,
I still sang your name,
We're catched up in the same game.

So when you left, i told you
,,You're gonna miss me"
But you wouldn't believe,
Until it is happening.

And it's happening.
Jun 2015 · 307
What you are?
impoetriness Jun 2015
My dearest darling,
How can I keep you?
Smiling, away from crying?

Should I go away from you,
Or should I stay here,
By the way,
I will keep you far away,
I promise.

You...what you are?
What we all are?
I'm a dragon, with a burning soul
You're an angel,
With no self control.

— The End —