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245 · Sep 2016
The shine is diminishing.
Love has vanished into thin air.
The distance has made them lacklustre
and the fondness totally blustered.
Hunting ways to come closer,
Folly, they were never made for each other.
It was a mere infatuation.
They decided to take to another level,
but like a sandstorm in a desert
The affinity of sand kissed off.
Each disease has a distinct medicine,
Likewise, love needs coherence to bear in.
A connection of not hearts but souls,
Not words but roads.
Love is a disease because it's cure is minimal
and the dose of prevention is superficial.
231 · Dec 2016
Tragedy of life.
Fire doesn't scare me anymore..
The matchstick hardly burns the tender hands to tears.
The profusely bleeding wrists give me a kind of strength;
Of an empowered Me!
Walking on embers no where feels like a once terrorising nightmare,
When mumma left me to sleep alone, away from her embraces.
The nimbleness has evanesce into thin air.
The inner kid glowing with innocence has perished to the tragedy of life.
Perhaps, my once learned lesson about time and experience as the best teacher has come out true.

— The End —