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Ilya Molotov Jun 2017
I will be a beggar down in dirt
i will crawl on my knees feeling hurt
for love i am ready to handle the pain
i'll lose my agression, and never be vain
i want to sense i want to cry
to feel the beating of pure life  
walk million miles to see you smile
become hungry to feel wild
lose myself to find you
nothing scares me anymore
im ready to do more and more
to be more and more
Do anything for love
Ilya Molotov Jun 2017
Can i feed you, when youre hungry
Can i calm you, when youre angry
Can i heal and keep it real
Can i be rich and say, poverty is my pride?
I see roses dying, children growing up and dying
Beautifull men going down the drain
Pure hearts turning vain
Washed down with rain
As if it never happened
Can i turn coal into gold?
And turn poison into water of life?
I will not battle, because i dont accept you as a monster
I shall not opose evil, and feed it
I shall not rely on anything to need it
Feel me like something out of this world
Something not from this mold
Something you never thought of  
I am new kind of force
Not going with rythms of human heart
Im my own art
seeing foolishness in what you think is very important
Ilya Molotov Jun 2017
Sword is my heart
Instinct is my mind
Say what you want, i leave you behind  
The devil may cry, the angels may sing
i carry the flame of northen ghost king
And rivers flow and grass grow
By same will as i will one this the dao
natural pull, unbeatable power
hear my voice creatures
i shapeshift to be your servant
i shapeshift to be your king
Ilya Molotov Jun 2017
Destroyed and forgotten i wander the world
defeated and broken im dragging my sword
sleepy and blind, heart whispers these words  
just guest in these worlds  
like snail crawling on razor blade
dreams disapear and passions fade  
ignition from you, i light a match  
and throw away the matchbox
let everything be smashed on rocks
i will just roam, enchanted
Mind like snowy field, no emotions
no comotions just white cold
everything gets old
See you never
Ilya Molotov Mar 2017
im going in circles
im living the dream
and life became hurtless
like image from film
my childhood back
im flying again  
i never had  loved you, i never felt vain
my world is created, from bits of my past
possessions are ashes, the people are dust
A child in forest, playing with sticks
like birds he is honest, and uses no tricks
i dream of a planet that has no despair
of fragrant green landscapes, of god that is fair
Feel power of nature, be power of life
where nothings forgotten, and nobody dies
Ilya Molotov Mar 2017
Im burning alive, im burning thru clothes
thru thoughts and desires, im burning it all
Im powered by fire, with no hint of dust
im clean as a flame, im burning my past
I have no desires, no thoughts and no goals
My goal is to burn, burn everything, all
I will just blow up, if I am restrained
I am just fire, I carry no name
Will burn you alive, if you get to close
From ashes and dust I slowly arose
I am the fire, once burned you shall fear
No mind, no desire, don't you come near
Ilya Molotov Mar 2017
forget the world, the universe
the sun, and the moon
dive deep in the mind, deeper then deep
leave all behind, nothing for keep
fall and forget, see and embrace
the land of no name
where nothing is named, just is how it is
no self, no me, just light summer breeze
just one drop in silence, just crack of the tree
how can you tell, who's you and who's me
Ilya Molotov Mar 2017
Hello my love, its been so long
I have been thirsty, missing you
Alot of challenges went thru
I wait for you, to see your smile
Refresh me, make me run a mile
Your hearts like sun ive waited for
my cloudless sky, j'adore  
You are the better side of life
I shall seek you everytime
With grace, i know you wait for me
With loyalty, believe in me
God bless, take care
this love may we forever share.
Ilya Molotov Mar 2017
clumsy like a newborn deer, eating sugar, drinking beer
what you say to bring me down, flys away and turns around
have no talents, set no goals, heart speaks freely, mind is cold
love me gently, be with me, just be patient, you shall see
stars are shining, extra bright, life is going, passing by
i am worthless, i am soft, like a tree stump, grown with moss
life is perfect for the trees, they express themselves with leaves
goaless travel, empty heart, no attachments, from the start
flowing river, carries me, wait with patience, you shall see..
Ilya Molotov Mar 2017
Out of the illusion, snapped out, from the confusion
Im indestructible now, i dont care, im just there
Just doing my thing, growing over you, dont care for competition
Or exebition, im just inside myself, and like a plant i grow
Under the snow, cracking the stone, i am that plant, im growing slow
I dont compete, i dont get hurt, my energy is fueled by dirt
Ilya Molotov Mar 2017
Iron tempered by the fire
quench my heart, with your desire
drag me back into the cold
world is falling, i get old
turning into piece of iron
getting tempered in the fire
till i cant no longer feel
and no longer know whats real
dropped into these empty lands
turned to iron by lords hand
calm as white clear snowy field
faith and peace my sturdy shield
Ilya Molotov Mar 2017
Shelter me, from brutal world
keep me warm, when days get cold
Be my roof, be my wall
Keep me safe, and keep me whole
Grant me wisdom, to see clear
save me from the doubt and fear
keep me healthy, keep me sane
im protected by you name
Ilya Molotov Mar 2017
Of my mind, i sit in silence, lonely night
I see myself, reflect the past, dont want to think
dont want to do, just want to sit, forgetting you
just want to sink, in my own mind, to build myself all over
i'll make myself, more stronger, all over, starting life again
i was abused, misused and used, thrown out like trash
it left a rash, it left an iratation, a messed up nation, zombie life
im going to be changed tonight, this new me cannot be beat
just build myself and never stop the clock is ticking
dont touch me, im here to live, embrace my fate
something amazing i'll create , just work my brain
whole day and night, i will, i shall, no fights to fight
Ilya Molotov Jun 2017
Angle baby, sweet blue eyed girl
you make my heart shiver
Carry me off to your beautifull world
and give me love fever
Im tempted by your grace
And living with you in my heart
I know you deserve someone better
It hurts me to feel we're apart
If you ignore me, my heart shatters
I love you, my love is like art
And you are like paint
i'll paint till i faint
My sweet blue eyed saint
Ilya Molotov Jun 2017
Many roads, unwalked
many things unseen
many lives, unlived
I leave you to yourself
Be wild as you were born
Dance and be yourself  
I was just a sparkle in your life
Not my girlfriend not my wife
I was just a sensation
A moment in creation
Does your hand still feel like that day
When you touched my face
When the moon was big and rich
Do you remember?
Or i am lost and washed away by time
by the sea of life
Life that we could share
Just imagine..
Ilya Molotov Mar 2017
About the days, gone, and passed away
live the lives of gentle men who walked with grace
who lived , embraced, and left a trace, of fragrant melody
The phase, that once humanity embraced, sing me a song
Of gentle souls, of glory days, of winters cold  
How manhood bloomed, and sun was bright
how beauty won the desperate fight
How love has cut the silent night
Sing, let me absorb, the beauty of the perfect world
In your song i shall dissolve, sing me about days of old
I want to be one with the grace, of gentle men that left this trace ..
Ilya Molotov Mar 2017
i'll hide inside, when lonely night, so cold so dark, takes over
just keep the fire going, my shelter are these words i speak
i sink deep, and swing, and dance, falling into magic trance
too keep away the lonely night, my shelter, shining with warm light
impossible to penetrate, for all the evil and the hate
the magic light that keeps me safe, my armor are these moves i make
like ****** snow in frozen land
i stay untouched by human hand
Ilya Molotov May 2017
Winds are blowing, from the east
Heart departed, from the mist
Mist that given me my name
Simple man, withstands the pain
And my faith, will be my shield
With an honor i shall wield
simple truth, is like the sword
in land of lies, fire burns
the swarms of flies
trees regrow, their broken bones
Resting underneath cold stones ..
Ilya Molotov Jun 2017
Lonely stars, that shine in the dark sky
Cant express how lonely i am without you
Cold moon in the dark sky, cant express how cold i am
without you, Listen the wind whispers my need for you
I want you, i need you, like a wolf that never knew his mother
i run on the lonely highway, the sun rises only to light my search for you. my love.
Ilya Molotov Mar 2017
nothing left this test is last
i try my best, to build my nest
i carry my own burdon
i sing my story loud and clear
i want these chains to dissapear
i practise faith, i hold my sword
the way to talk with holy word
i found a way to be myself
regardless of the pize and wealth
this who i am, a holy ghost
in your heart reflects the most
the passion of the running wolf
realease my soul to fly
over mountains to the sky
i found myself, when i lost you
goodbye my love i shall miss you
Ilya Molotov Mar 2017
be mindfull, whatever you do, be balanced
the cosmos inside you, growing..
the trees are calm while the wind shakes them
Listen.. one drop in eternity...
Ilya Molotov Jun 2017
Love me, hate me, toss me, burn me, hug me
dissolve me in your tears, keep me far, feel me near
you are like cold icy tasty lemonade, in sunny sweaty day
when i acknowledge you i have nothing to say
You **** me with your sweet grace
With you i feel like i have found my place
Where trees and grass will sing for us
You are my one, there is no past
with you i want to start again
Forget my wounds and selfish gain
I want to travel through your soul
You capture me into your world
I need no gold, refreshing cold
Like old love story never told
You are like icy lemonade on sunny summers day..

— The End —