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IllythiaRose Oct 2013
My heart's nightmare
playing upon
my lonely fear
my self-esteem falling
So hard to
hold it up high
because whenever I do
I drop it
as it crashes down
breaking apart in pieces
some so small
they become lost forever
No way to be replaced
and the ones I pick up
don't look the same
They're damaged
They're so important
to me, I just
wish they were
to someone
else too.
IllythiaRose Sep 2013
It's nothing new
hidden there for awhile
Like a sword of ice it's frozen
me numb and so I smile
until I'm all melted within
Core of my subconscious mind's unrest
the truth of myself
that my waking mind suppressed
IllythiaRose Sep 2013
Burning sky with clouds of fire ablaze
deep within the chambers in my chest
Black smoke fills my soul
As the desolate air stings my skin with loneliness
This haunting emotion, spirit consumed
embraced by confusion
Reason subsides and so my heart is doomed
IllythiaRose Sep 2013
the Moon
always see you again so soon
When I look away, you wink
I look back and you just stare
You see the future
        and the past
And it wasn't long, since I saw you last.
IllythiaRose Sep 2013
garbage is not
         just in the trash
it's everywhere
         in our lives
we still have to
         take time
to dump it all
         somewhere in the past...
IllythiaRose Sep 2013
These waves
of deep emotion
tugging like the tide
in the ocean
keep chippin' away
my bone straight to the soul
maybe this
was a diamond that turned to coal...
IllythiaRose Sep 2013
They sleep, those mindless crowds
moving blindly, turmoil explodes in the face of peace
Illusion surrounds us and drops the call for reason
but they move forward, the wrong direction to say the least
One for all and all for what?
Deaf to murmuring hearts, rising to these empty voices call
Using pain to heal pain so our sorrow will smile
On our own feet we're not
and beneath deceit's shadow we crawl
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