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Apr 2019 · 172
aaliyah Apr 2019
Is it bad that she’s different
Because she’s always alone
Is it bad that she’s sad
Because she wants to go home
She just wants to be free
From the burden of life
She justs wants to be understood
Without the pain of a knife
But she is forever broken
Nowhere to run to in this miserable life
She is tired of fighting
She just wants to be free
But instead she is different controlled by a key
Apr 2019 · 374
aaliyah Apr 2019
She wants to fly
Fly high in the sky
But yet 6 feet deep in the ground
But she also has so much to live for
She puts in the effort
She puts on a brave face, always
When she cries she always gets back up
She always wipes her tears
Whenever you need her she’s always there
She is always the girl you need whenever you are stuck
She isn't always happy
She doesn't have an always person
She is always alone
Always in the darkness
Always hurt
Always crying
She just wants to always be happy
Her always is always temporary.
Apr 2019 · 322
The Light
aaliyah Apr 2019
She is the the light
She is the light that brightens an entire room
She is the light; a ball of sunshine
Her smile is bright and beautiful
All you will ever see is the light
She doesn’t see the light
She sees the darkness
She is always in the darkness and never in the light
She feels hopeless and unsure
Her light is always dimmed
To her she isn’t good enough to be the light
To her, her light is broken
There is no light.

— The End —