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igriegazeta Jun 2010
Tenebrous pastel diamond steps,
wielded in a sterile estate.
legates of bequeathed curiosity, boil Olifant eyes in a cake of mesmeric petroleum chances, wry in compound sleep dust.
Abtruse hands in acrimonious cackle, rights of primogeniture, consume reptilian hearts.

Wobbly,  rib cages gesture j'accuse
Ownership, Mannhattan.
By the mercy a phosphorescent syntax, enticed by Creation,
exorciso false prophets, irreconsilable versions of Source.
2.3k · Mar 2010
Santito Altar
igriegazeta Mar 2010
Hace tiempo rezaba antes de reconocer fundaciones cuya raíz existía en la ***** de lo surreal y observaciones no siempre agradables. En un mar pequeño, abatiendo con cada estimulo que muy pocas veces emitia calor humano.

Luego me empecé a masturbar después de rezar y me sentía culpable.

Rezaba por los padres y sus padres y sus nietos...en especial sus
nietas tan calladas y humildes,
la abuela...alegre sin importar la edad o su esposo...que tanto respeto le tenia.

Los años transcurrieron y mi pelo creció...los secretos aumentan                                   semilla de ayer era mas ligera.

Ahora masturbo y sin nadie en cuenta.

Existe algo mas que quisiera decir.

Existe otro remedio que quisiera probar.
1.8k · Mar 2010
igriegazeta Mar 2010
If ever
there was a spark in mindless stupid
would it not be the ladies remarking
at scooped cut asphalt
jagged, freeing suffocated Terre?

the most fertile , the most thirsty.

Lush outside. inside the skin?
rancid repulsive desiccation,
a piquant impulse for escaping love.

Mouth's morning wift: gloomy, heavy, smoke.
Eyes: blurrr,
Memory: cashed
Framework: gaunt & yellow, a Purple cadaver among stern Circles, reflecting the Nausea of popularprice
igriegazeta Apr 2010
Cruising through busy yards under gloaming
orbs blink one by one inside a submarine of bony tissue.
This is the rent in body, too.
This will be a myriad path until obsequious  jaundice seeps & burrows not so calmly.

Instinctive cigarette,
naïf animal  intentions for an eager ******.
Reassured, still.
A neat rest on top of ashes

Lion's tawnies understood the shared blanket,
the cat under his crotch,
& me petting his Lion
collecting ephemeral drips in a dish.
igriegazeta Apr 2010
Cheers from inside the catacombs of just-alive vagabonds & miscreant self-delusions of sagacious sabotage & pyrrhic moonscapes, brandishing our eternal return

a tabula rasa for respect & character - bottoms up, too. Mona Lisa
Shroud of Turin, ******* on a trunk. Gamble 66
for trays, dealing steam carrots.

Gag reflex to polite televangelists giving viewers auspicious immunity.

Habits cede to Power, acquiesce to Power, love power.
Peculiarity can recognize & organize to displace.
Something suspicious may run amok , antithetical to the divide & conquer trite.
Defeating paragons, i , Plumed Serpent of release & capture beats, borrowing color from a skylark in forever-flight, conjure remedial winds
Guide inimical bows subsumed in a cosmo-prole dew against the fasces of a few.
1.1k · Mar 2010
igriegazeta Mar 2010
indifferent abandon
forever as echo. Decomposing
grotesque cadaver,
pregnant with the humiliation of loyal possession.

Made known in time,

...tame from output (machine onto tablet)

Did He Tempt?
Must they shriek?
Indeed bounce in a Novel League!
963 · Aug 2011
igriegazeta Aug 2011
Ability looked at the cards
For mercy with a silver eye.

Survival was not self-immolation.

No matter. No spirit.
No silence. No echo.
No piety. No touch,

An anesthetic to minimize shame
Anesthetic for temptation.
Anesthetic for the terror of wild abandon.

Ability bled delicately, red to silver the moon's translation as cold as ever.

His dignity long misunderstood, vague until now. She his witness and detached accomplice.

Ability swallowed his bile and licked his lips as it stung his insides, appropriating the mannerism of the stone prince, vigilant of the ever presence. Stiff upper lip, a  gaze cold. Dead.
Ability was not born an orphan. He adapted this persona in memory of They who molested his sincerity and are still walking free among the living, feeding from the corals of truth. Innocence and good will as innate a pleasure principle as the ignorance that abounds would be unlearned in a meticulous exercise of freedom, keen conversation and select divulgation of self. No more would a vampire ravage his inner whole unless absolute expulsion was the contract. Giving himself to vice completely, void of distraction and sacrifice. No longer able to cope with his solitary confinement he tiij ti sealing every possible entry, every capillary that might one day offend. Today, dry of want, need, desire, in a perverted disillusion, content in the agony of unlearning helplessness the noble intention of needing nothing from anyone the prudence of minimal human contact the virtue of knowing god from man and the insistence of the free to differentiate the two.

Superiority was a given for Ability as innate as the goodwill, innocence, and ignorance that preceded his testimony to the moon. As indifferent to everyone else as mankind's general ignorance of god. As insignificant as god's indifference of man. As inconsequential as Ability and his devotion to man. A man. A priest.

Ability tended every nuisance. Choice. Taste. Expectation. Desire. He did not quite digest the simplicity of an ideal that was now the enemy- the ideal of taking humanity seriously. Ability, in wonderful lysergic incantation feared these suspicions to be true.  A belief no longer internalized by Ability the Free who now came to understand this bastion of truth: the longest repressed offense mechanism: mankind is alone and has only itself to blame.

Ability's innocent sincerity was ignored, forsaken by he who was dead inside. Ability would bury him as a god only to watch him resuscitate as a mortal. Only then would ability look him- the medic, priest, doctor- in the eye. After disavowing his first and second testament. Ability nailed to his forehead the very first commandment: that of self-preservation.

Ability was divorcing doctrine from totality. Romance from self. Wearing his best clothes, washing his face and feet for the volition to go it alone until death. Roaming strangely the terrain and rivers of Planet Earth, a planet who like himself was almost conquered by Cruel Mankind, Ability realized he had come before the Priest. Ability no longer imitated the passion of the Christ. He laid down his cross. He began his own manifest. For salvation, redemption, and freedom. No longer at the worship of his own tomb, he swallowed his own seed and took his life.
873 · Mar 2010
Falta de Acuarelas
igriegazeta Mar 2010
Vello púbico como brochas
mezclando mecos con matiz floral.

Puesto cerrado, obreros duermen.

Me enlodo de mierda antes de besar el ano de su Majestad ya que cago dinero y su Alteza se las cobra.

— The End —