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630 · Nov 2015
The Timing
g clair Nov 2015
It started with a couplet
quite easy to direct
but blossomed into something else
beyond my intellect.

I am only one,
I ask you, what can one girl can do?
You fed thousands fish and loaves
though you only had a few.

You healed the sick and dying
saying "Greater shall you do"
But I am only human, Jesus,
how can that be true?

And then You say You are 'I AM',
"I AM alive in you".
And I say "Okay, Good enough,
The Truth will have to do".

So how 'bout we just keep in touch
if You're that close, sweet Lord
It won't take long to reach You
and that's a call I can afford.

Very clever little g,
you're starting out just fine
and when the need is there
just speak the water into wine.

Heal sick and broken hearted
lead a soul out of the flame
It's not your job to worry how
just do it in my Name.

Do not worry how you'll look
or what you're gonna say
just be yourself and let Me
be The Light that shines The Way.

Jesus was a real man
the books will verify
at 33 they nailed him
to a chunk of wood to die.

And to be sure that he was dead
hanging naked on a cross
they speared him though, and left him there
my Jewish carpenter boss.

And not a word was written
that He would not fulfill
the scene was painted well before
the making of the hill.

All men can be redeemed
that is,
bought back with His own blood
we cannot pay the price for sin
He freed us by His Love.

Written long before his birth
their KING would rise day three
and so it was, and so it is
that I AM lives in me.

And to many, it may seem absurd
but this is not a game
I am aware of the price He paid
and the power of His Name.

I've no stake in religion
there's nothing there for me
but I will follow Christ alone
His Love has set me free.

And though I am just one girl
and crazy into rhyming
In prayer I find my comfort
and I trust him with the timing.
628 · Sep 2013
g clair Sep 2013
Your life is beautiful
Your life is holy
your life means everything
everything to me~

You were created
in secret places
and only God knew
the best was yet to be.

and when I found out
I was quite nervous
but when I heard your sweet heartbeat
I smiled.

'cause I was made for
this very purpose
to be your mom, little one
and you're my child.
626 · Nov 2015
just being there
g clair Nov 2015
The randomness
the senselessness
you strive to make life count
and then it comes to this

and in the end
you're left with pain
and someone writes this song
and it just seems inane

there is no way
to justify
find meaning in your loss, you know
but still we try

there are no words
you need to hear
you only want the comfort
and it seems so clear

it's in our hearts
we want to take
your misery,
to share your grief
and ease the ache

well-meaning words
it's just the thought
and sinking down
too weak to stand
with arms you're caught

held up and loved
in silence there
is something more
than words can say
to show we care

a gentle touch
a quiet prayer  
the presence of
your faithful love
just being there....

just being there.
625 · Nov 2015
Uncle Rumpkin
g clair Nov 2015
Well they call me Uncle Rumpkin
my body's just a pumpkin
my hat, the pointed core
with a smile, I deliver
warm you up when you shiver
leave me lighted on the floor

Hey  I'm not a nasty fellow
in fact I'm rather mellow
an ordinary guy
on the porch, a Jack-0-lantern
with a torch, but the man turns
and I'm churned into a pie!

and I
would rather die
a broken shell smashed in the street
to be a trick, over a treat
for all your kids
who'd rather eat

well my face is close to human
my teeth can almost chew men
though I'm not that kinda dude
in the end when our eyes meet
you will see who's the pie's meat
when they're servin' up the food!
620 · Mar 2014
Screamin' Yellow
g clair Mar 2014
Not entirely crazy though a teensy bit insane
outside in the daylight, my mind runs as clear as rain.

I took the test they gave me to find a compatible fellow
Roses are red, Violets are blue, but my heart is screaming yellow.

I bottled up my beeswax, showered off the gloom
hello fresh air and sunshine, come pouring through my room.

Started talking to a stranger, not the average Joe
wait until I meet him, the only way to know.

Yarrow is a color, I heard the Asian mutter
held the petals 'neath my chin to see if I like butter.

An over-ripe banana, brown speckled, getting soft
waitin' for his perfect match, the others he has scoffed.

Not easily misguided, he won't buy into hype
Perfect match confided, he's not the risky type.

Yellow is not fade proof, it washes out in time
hang your heart out here to dry, wind blows it off the line.

Whatever is the point here, of how she done you wrong
your history's no matter to me, it's always the same old song

No longer scared, just waiting, been down around the block
I've hopscotched all these sidewalks, know the cracks and saved my chalk

Today I am feeling ready, tomorrow I'm bleeding blue
orange you glad I'm yellow, a bright and crazy hue?

I don't need no internet, or men to entertain
just read my lips and bring some chips
I'll meet you at the train....

Just read my chin
and hold the gin
I'll meet you at the train!

read my mail
and go to jail
I'll meet you at the train!

read my book
and take a look
I'll meet you at the train!

leave your momma
and hold that comma
I'll meet you at the train!

and if by chance
you like to dance
I'll meet you at the train.
Celebration 10 years and 350 lbs. of Pure Poetic Pleasure.
615 · Apr 2014
Grateful Praise
g clair Apr 2014
To know the truth
within the shadows
to know yourself
without the veil of sin
like a child
only with the knowledge of
what I have done
forgiven and forgotten
once and for all
no condemnation
in Christ Jesus
once again and for all time
innocent and free
oh such a lovely one
who truly matters

much time spent in useless pursuits
hungry for something more
thought I had to know
the darker side to
truly appreciate the light
thought I had to go there  
to find my souls delight

thought I had to taste the sweetest wine
and dabbled in the works of men
and found it left me cold and shattered

knowing that I had left you
like a prodigal daughter
ashamed and wanting you back
if only...
then you found me here
the only One my heart knew mattered
and came out and got me
shined a light in my confusion
and I asked you to forgive me and
lift me up...

nothing short of grace
what you came to offer
nothing short of beautiful
rising to the task
buying back this misery
and trading life for agony
killing you fulfilled your quest
so prophesied in Isaiah 53.
and rising on the third day
they had come to see
stone rolled away
and there you stood
a miracle and so delighted

there is
now no condemnation
for the heart that you are living in
a walking recreation
now You see me here without my sin
I'm clothed in your salvation and it's
nothing short of beautiful
it's not a thing I've earned or done
you came out here to me...

You are everything I've wanted in my life oh JESUS
thank you Lord for saving me
and giving me your Holy Spirit
there is nothing else that cares for me as much as you.

To know the truth
within the shadows
to know yourself
oh such a lovely one
who truly matters
611 · Nov 2015
his final passage
g clair Nov 2015
His final passage
all it took
to get this girl
to read the book
he'd asked her twice
before he died
she said she'd started it
but lied

His point was made
she'd do her best
fulfill this day
his last request
for now, what's sure
she's hanging on
to every word
because he's gone

and once aboard
she's hauled to sea
no pleasure cruise
but misery
she stands her watch
from noon till nine
he drinks his scotch
she sips her wine

He holds the course
and surely keeps
the surging seas
from where she sleeps
and once her grieving
eases some
she's finds his voice
a comfort from

the memories
she reads his words
through tear filled eyes
her ears have heard
and now she enters
into his
her mind alive
with images

of life beyond
this mortal soul
of turquoise seas
and sandy shoal
she mulls each chapter
of this book
and smells the sea
and baits the hook

and climbs the mast
up to top
unties the sails
and let's them drop
and pulled into uncertainty
the ship sails through
but never does
she doubt the man
who said he could
she knows he can

and reading on
she comes to see
the trip was really
meant to be
for all her days
she's been alone
sometimes by choice
though seeds were sown

but landing here
on troubled water
no one found
his only daughter
and left to find
her own way home
to settle down
or wait and roam

she's simply learned
to stay afloat
while others love
and others dote
on children born
to entertain
she'd prayed for babies
but got rain

the wind kicks up
her heart still bleeding
blames herself
for never heeding
youthful dreams
for fear of failing
she's out here sailing!

now rising from
the galley door
the smell of fresh
baked bread and more-
sea-salt blends
with airborne yeast
and draws her down
to taste the feast

she swings the rope
from deck to ladder
there's her Dad
a little fatter
the captain calls
all hands on deck
a storm is brewing
still they check

to see what's cooking
time to eat
for work requires
mortal meat
and in the middle
of the story
here's her father's
pride and glory

pictures taped
upon the wall
his two best girls
and that's not all
a golden key
on nail in teak
she'll watch him knead
while floorboards creak

she stands beside
and learns his ways
for he was gone
most of her days
out to sea to make a living
and mama said
he's always giving

now she listens as he praying
for wife and child
what's this he's saying?
"Bless them both
while I'm away,
lead them safely
through the day"

while fishermen
have dropped their nets
he speaks of losses
and regrets
that one small daughter
missed her dad
he never knew
just what he had

and once again
the ride resumes
across a sea
of oil plumes
and men are hardly
scarce she finds
her father's story
now unwinds

he fought this battle
with his crew
while stirring up
a *** of stew
his Guif, the sea,
was once so clear
he loved to fish
and held it dear

the tales within
this mariner's log
Would pull her head
out of the fog
he's taught her how
to sail the sea
to feel the wind
which sets her free

from thinking it's
about the past
to taking hold
of things which last
and using what's
inside of you
to break the cycle
cook the stew

to forge ahead
and let it go
you must read on
or never know
now seeing that
his book will end
she slows her eyes
and takes his pen

and writes a note
on every page
attempting to now
quell the rage
for how could he
who claimed to love
allow her pain
to rise above

the peaceful calm
she's found within
his final passage
'tis a sin
and still, one day
he shouts "LAND **!'
the end approaches
heart in tow

she will not greet
the writer's end
nor leave this place
of make-pretend
She will not listen
but drops her anchor
just off shore

and won't accept
the last surprise
but stills his voice
and shuts his eyes
she fights against
the frothy foam
while bailing water
from her own

she cannot bear
to lose him twice
his loving presence
his sound advice
on written pages
this the book
about his life
at sea
the cook

for days to come
the text will sit
with marker near
the end of it
for this her only
comfort now
to know he waits
for her somehow

and days will come
and days will turn
to weeks, then months
a year to burn
the only way
for this old lass
to ever move
beyond the pass

to go and read
the final pages
put to rest
her rock of ages
to do the only
thing she can
to free herself
from limbo land

She finds the book
upon her shelf
and opening
it for herself
She'll read the words
the man had written
years before
when he was smitten

on that page
and by his hand
a blessing that
he'd always planned
to read her on
her wedding day
the daughter he
would give away

"Be sure to love
the one you're with,
and this my girl
your wedding gift"
and tucked within
the jacket there
a little clipping
of her hair

a poem she'd done
when she was nine
and two more things
within the spine
a lock box number
and that key
this man, he loved
a mystery...


Today she rides
upon the seas
and sails around
the Florida Keys
she drops her anchor
swims to shore
the waves won't scare her

and just last year
she met a guy
a salty sailor
with just one eye
he'd seen the movie
lived the book
this, not the ending
just the hook.
610 · Oct 2015
Forever Love
g clair Oct 2015
You know my quirks, and every way
you could have left, but chose to stay
your purest love, your work of art
hey, Son of God you've changed my heart

You came to find your wandering sheep
Your shepherd's love, my heart will keep.
No other love, could stand it here
but here You are, Eternal Dear.

And nailed to cross upon a hill
my darkest deeds, Your Father's will.
forgive my sin, dismiss my case,
my heart you win, and sin erase.

abiding in your word today
you are the Truth, the Life, the Way
and this is what I'm thinking of
I am your own, forever love
608 · Sep 2013
Mr. Fool Moon
g clair Sep 2013
Just follow the bouncing ball! 1- 2- 3- 4- 1- 2-

Hey Mr. Moon (badunt dunt dunt)
shine a light on all of our blues (badunt dunt dunt)
we passed around the bottle of gueze (badunt dunt dunt)
while lookin' down at skuffied up shoes (badunt dunt dunt dunt dadee)

hey Mr. Moon-(badunt dunt dunt)
your gettin' on my hormonal rythym, my chemi hemi-spheri-cal schizm
reacting to your lunar deluge

so strike up the band (badunt dunt)
won't ya shine a light on all of us crazies
we love you 'cause your foolish and lazy
and you do it for attention and news(badunt dun dun, dumpedy dun)

::well your the orchestrated leader
of the criminally insane
and the bona fide heater
of the hearts on lovers lane
and what's it to ya anyway
just what all do ya gain
when ya push the tides around
and do a number on my brain::

Mr. Moon! (badunt dunt dunt)
I hope you come around real soon ( dadunt dunt dunt)
I'll try to write a song for the sun ( badunt dunt dunt)
who keeps a dark old rock in his fun ( badunt dunt dunt duntety)

Mr. Fool Moon ( Budunt dunt) un-
aware that you're a pain in my **** (badunt dunt)
keep the rhythym 'til we're over ****~(badunt dunt)
'cuz you know I like the light of your lump ( badunt dunt dunt bumpety oh)

Mr. Moon i love you,
Mr. Moon i love you,
Mr. Moon
i love you,
Mr. Moon.
605 · Mar 2014
Misery Digs Company
g clair Mar 2014
I took a walk with Misery
we've been walking for a while
sometimes he says I go too slow
but I'll go that extra mile.

We don't say much and that's okay,
I'm not much one for talking
Silence makes good company
though some may find this shocking.

Well Misery's been up and down
these old familiar roads
prefers to walk with strangers now
who'll kick against the goads.

He's seen his share of Trouble
it invites him in for tea;
he walks the sullen pathway home
alongside Sympathy.

They take the train quite often
and meet up at the bars
Self Pity's always waiting
with her bottle, wounds and scars.

They buy a round and toast the clown
whose always got one-liners
to keep the crowd distracted
from the sad-sack whining piners.

Adversity can test your will
and take away your smile
you might meet up with Misery
and settle for a while,

to dwell upon the negative
will limit where you go~
and stuck inside, you'll just abide,
and surely miss the show.

Reflecting on old Misery,
I've often let him lead
through disappointments,
and my own uncertain need.

I slow my pace and let him pass,
and turning up the sound
I bid farewell to Misery,
it's time to turn around
g clair Sep 2013
cowboys and indians, old as the hills
enlightened by alcohol's forces;
like big children playing, it gives me chills
they oughta be out riding horses.
599 · Mar 2014
singe of the fringe
g clair Mar 2014
Come closer won't you, Dear
my loving friend
you're always out there hanging on the
fringe of my heart
it's that white knuckled fear
surely Freedom stands near
and you dare not even tell her you're afraid
598 · Mar 2014
John Lemon
g clair Mar 2014
John Lemon
John Lemon
Please put your glasses back on.
g clair Nov 2015
What can you say
out there in the fog
in want of your old flame
you burnt your last log.

The memories are hot
the pain you remember
beneath all the ashes
that last glowing ember.

Don't bother to fan it
there's no fuel to burn
let it go out
save the ash for the urn.

Turn your attention
to the wood
that needs chopping
do something worthwhile
like sweeping and mopping

Sweep out the soot
and mop up your tears
clean out the attic
let go of your fears

Put on the blues
then something upbeat
get on your warm clothes
walk out to the street

Follow it down
to the steaming creek bed
the mineral water
is something it's said

Melts away saddness
and heats up your head
without all the smoke
without all the dread

Don't need a fire
the water is good
cleans away everything
and better than wood

The Word is water
still living and true
all that you need
all that you do

Lie back in the warmth
pulled free from the mire
be free and be healed
and forever on fire
597 · Nov 2015
beautiful blue-gray
g clair Nov 2015
the darkening sky, like a sad song
lending peace to my sorrow inside
and just like a lover, that storm cloud will hover
'til that which it bears cannot hide.

it comes without rain, uninvited
yet welcome for that which is brings
my smoldering heart is ignited, excited
blue-gray plays the drums with my strings

at first with the wind chimes, the thunder
like a lump in my throat to my ears
and clouding my vision, that gray-cloud's incision
soon opens and pours down it's tears.

*I gaze out at dancing rain faeries
bouncing off sidewalk and street
I watch with pure joy, like a child with a toy  
the release from my heartache so sweet!

and soon the excitement exhausted
no weatherman needs to announce
the sky's a bright mist, my face has been kissed,
there's no hurt left within, not an ounce!
written during the onset and outpouring of very heavy storm, and noting the effect it has on my heartache. good stuff.
594 · Jun 2014
g clair Jun 2014
Glide upon the whooshing air
in suit of polyester wear
Ride upon the tourquise skies
those fancy goggles on your eyes
Free fall forward gliding fast
wings are tight
as air screams past
glancing downward now you see
the road is winding out to the sea!

trusting that your landing will be soft
592 · Sep 2013
through Yah's eyes
g clair Sep 2013
through Your eyes
I am magnified
through Your eyes
all the best and all the worst
and in between
and in the quiet places waiting
You could hear me when I cried
in the darkest times relating
understanding what's inside

through Your eyes
every dark and desperate move
and all the lies
and all the places I've been in
though a sin
but you're a real and present savior
and blesser of my sneeze
and so here I am Lord, once again
asking on my knees

Through your eyes
just see me through this storm
and be my guide,
I can't really see through
to the other side
only you,
You know currents
and the depth of every tide
and you promised to be with me
and i know you've never ever lied

and in the smallest seed of faith
you see the tree it will become
you're making something out of nothing
chose the lowly and the ***
and if my trusting you
is foolish
than I'd rather be that too
than pretend I'm strong and wise enough
to make it without you.

and then when my little faith is tested
when I'm down here in the deep
when it's getting late
and I can't wait
you help me get to sleep.
and when I fall down you are with me
like you fell down with that cross
and you lift the burden
from my back
and help me with the sauce
and with the words all wrong
you show me
just how to wrap it up
and you meet all my needs
bring me right through the weeds
Dear God that I'll see
through your eyes.
589 · Apr 2014
g clair Apr 2014
oh yeah, like I am gonna read

six hundred and twenty nine poems

like I have all day with nothing else to do

who DOES that?

Read stranger's poems all day long?


oh yeah okay

tell me to pace myself

and be sure to give a thoughtful response

oh yeah, okay

or maybe just give them a heart

like a martyr

I'm off to a start

wasting time which I could be reading

all of your fabulous achings

read through the hearts that are breaking

and what's with the lives bent on taking

or hurting themselves, yourselves?

I suppose a call for help

or maybe just therapy or both

either way I should say something

Oh yeah, don't be doing that PLEASE!

you write all of the very best stories

be sure to be crowning the glories

the gory's

the missives



and every Earth poem in between

don't feel bad for me I signed up for this job.

give them all a heart and tell them I'm a slob

for poetry

don't forget I promised to follow

every day but hey....


Maybe just confetti for the mob

give applause and maybe some day

boo hoo

you will be reading this too.
588 · Sep 2013
The Timing
g clair Sep 2013
It started with a couplet
quite easy to direct
but blossomed into something else
beyond my intellect.

I am only one,
I ask you, what can one girl can do?
You fed thousands fish and loaves
though you only had a few.

You healed the sick and dying
saying "Greater shall you do"
But I am only human, Jesus,
how can that be true?

And then You say You are 'I AM',
"I AM alive in you".
And I say "Okay, Good enough,
The Truth will have to do".

So how 'bout we just keep in touch
if You're that close, sweet Lord
It won't take long to reach You
and that's a call I can afford.

Very clever little g,
you're starting out just fine
and when the need is there
just speak the water into wine.

Heal sick and broken hearted
lead a soul out of the flame
It's not your job to worry how
just do it in my Name.

Do not worry how you'll look
or what you're gonna say
just be yourself and let Me
be The Light that shines The Way.

Jesus was a real man
the books will verify
at 33 they nailed him
to a chunk of wood to die.

And to be sure that he was dead
hanging naked on a cross
they speared him though, and left him there
my Jewish carpenter boss.

And not a word was written
that He would not fulfill
the scene was painted well before
the making of the hill.

All men can be redeemed
that is,
bought back with His own blood
we cannot pay the price for sin
He freed us by His Love.

Written long before his birth
their KING would rise day three
and so it was, and so it is
that I AM lives in me.

And to many, it may seem absurd
but this is not a game
I am aware of the price He paid
and the power of His Name.

I've no stake in religion
there's nothing there for me
but I will follow Christ alone
His Love has set me free.

And though I am just one girl
and crazy into rhyming
In prayer I find my comfort
and I trust him with the timing.
586 · Nov 2015
one sided
g clair Nov 2015
Where are you?
I looked for you.... everywhere
but then, I noticed that you weren't looking for me
and well, it became embarrassing.
586 · Dec 2013
Walkin' Along
g clair Dec 2013
Walkin' along
I hear his voice and get a skip in my step
I have to watch it cause I'm getting a rep
for acting crazy when I'm walkin' along

I hear his song
and nothing else is makin' me tingle
could be the way he puts the gin in the jingle,
the **** 'n bull is always brimming with fizz
ain't no wonder 'bout the best that there is

though he's old
and it's said
being old is better off than dead
well we know
where he'll go
Who saved our souls and for our sins He bled

and when I'm blue
his voice can reach me in the worst places
bears the burden, then he ties up my laces
and lifts me like the sun in His song
staying with me while I'm walkin' along
585 · Nov 2015
a mind of my own
g clair Nov 2015
you take the wheel
and I'm left standing there weeping
you won't turn back
that's just the way that you feel
it doesn't matter much, 'cause soon I'll be sleeping
time and again my heart heals.

waiting around
well i'll wait for a season
seasons will pass
think it's all in my head
I'll buy a calendar and ponder the reason
some things are best left unsaid.

This is my song
though the music is fleeting
and these are the words that are harder to sing
i'll write about it since there's nobody reading
nobody's needing a thing.

another mistake with a miserable ending
questioning why I'm left standing alone
I'll pour my heart to the woman who's tending
love has a mind of it's own.

Here are some words, honey
free for the taking
leave him alone don't be there when he phones
change your number and be done with the aching
you've got a life of your own...
you'll have a love of your own.

This is my song
though the melody's fleeting
and these are the words
that are harder to sing
I'll write about it since there's nobody reading
nobody's needing a thing.

another mistake with a miserable ending
questioning why I'm left standing alone
he tore my heart out, now I'm left with the mending
love has a mind of it's own
583 · Oct 2015
Jerry Says
g clair Oct 2015
Jerry swears someday he's gonna marry thee
but he hesitates to take you on a date
Jerry says no movies that he wants to see
and diner food these days is not as great.

Jerry said he's saving for his future
and likes to see you saving for yourself
though daddy never said the man's Moocher
he's watching Jerry's actions for himself.

Jerry says
Jerry says
I don't care what Jerry says
Jerry is
what he does
if you listen to the buzz
Jerry has
been a spaz
though he's cute and all that jazz
let's see Honey put his money where his mouth is

Jerry said today he wants to stay with you
well you can't believe what comes out of his mouth
Jerry doesn't know which way his head is to
more than likely Jerry's head is pointing south.

Jerry said tonight he's working overtime
and won't be calling you, so go to bed
Jerry thinks that all you want are diamonds dear
expect Cubic Zirconium  instead.

Jerry says
Jerry says
I don't care what Jerry says
Jerry is
what he does
if you listen to the buzz
Jerry has
been a spaz
though he's cute and all that jazz
let's see Honey put his money where his mouth is
583 · Nov 2014
Sanguen De LaManel
g clair Nov 2014
Snuggled in Downey, five-hundred thread county, creating,
in brushed cotton flannel she'd sewn his panels, he's waiting
when down in the subway he sits on a nail
and jumping up, empties his cup on the rail
the coppers subdue him, and drag him to jail, parading.

Stripped to the drawers for a search they discovered the flannel
when asked of the man who had frozen his can in the English
he gave them the name of his seamstress and then
discovered that inside the panel was penned,
a note from the woman who goes by Sangwen de Lemanel:

"If you find this it means you have bust loose the seams of your insulation
come back to my shack and I'll cover the cost of my consultation
and then, if by chance, you'd be wanting some scones
while I fix up your pants, you can warm up your bones
and I'll double the thickness and strength for your own consolation".

Though the note in the pants, at a glance, hardly worth the debating
somewhat cryptic in places, suggested the seamstress was dating
could it be that this maiden with needle and thread
was hiding an inmate who'd recently fled
it was suspect, her stitch-work, a cover: abetting and aiding.

Intent upon solving the case of the note in the panel
Sherlock Dannel rode down to the seamstress and brought her some flannel
"I've sewn quilts, without guilt, for the queen, rest her soul,
and the king wore my hats, though his head had a hole
but the rest of my work will attest to my innocence, Dannel".

And Sherlock, so taken with Sangwen, whose voice was sedating
missed the gist of her kiss, but the point of this pistol elating
"See I'm really quite good with a needle and thread
but in cases left traces of blood on the dead
when my needles were shed from drawers of the bores who were waiting."

The man was immersed, but well versed in the curse of the smitten
he saw that this seamstress was shrewd and her verses well written
and hiding her needles and notes could avail
in busting loose criminals down at the jail
and if he had his way, on this day, in the pen she'd be knittin'.
g clair May 2015
An apple core fell to the earth
released by me for what its worth.
I had no thought nor care for it
for seeds don't look like trees from birth.

The flowering trees are brightly lit
as branches reach towards where i sit
to shade the seedling while it grows
the fruit from one discarded pit.

The orchard with it's many rows
of crimson leaves, each sunset knows
the crispness of this autumn air
will ripen what the sower sows.

And all too soon the branch is bare.
I cannot reach for apples there
but eat my applesauce with care
while rocking in my Malus*  chair.
Malus - the wood of an apple tree
579 · Nov 2015
A Shepherd's Love
g clair Nov 2015
My sheeple perish
what to do
they see the boundaries
run right through
they take the shield
and throw it down
the thorny brush
my painful crown
The garden bed
they trampled on
and now not fed
they linger on
and turn against
their only hope
the One to cleanse
their wounds like soap
The hand which wipes
away their tears
was stained with blood
two thousand years
before  you saw the
light of day
He died for you
and come what may
He calls to heart
which turns again
to filthy place, the darkest sin
Messiah knows
He leaves the rest
to find you in the
another mess
He draws you back
to quietness
restores your soul
to joyfulness
and washes clean
and sets you free
to live again
in harmony.
577 · Sep 2013
The Campy Mommy Talk
g clair Sep 2013
you are just so beautiful and even with the drool
and every time I look at you I feel like a fool
it's not that you were made by me, but how can I resist?
sweet child of mine, I love your whine,
continue, i insist.

I don't think you should stay up late
you need to get your rest
we'll talk about your bedtime
but it's time that you got dressed.

and you can wear that funky shirt
but just not every day
please pick yourself another one
or it might go away!

Of course, I'm only kidding
and I know just how you feel
my poor old Floppy lost an eye
and then one day, for real...

i couldn't find him anywhere
he was my closest friend
and then one day
my Mom would say
he made it 'to the end'.

and where, you ask
would be 'the end' for
things we love on Earth?
our favorite blankets
precious things
we loved and had since birth?

Well I don't know,
I think it's true
that everything we love
has a place within our hearts
a shelf, I'm thinking of

where we can put our memories
and almost touch the thing
and smell the freshness like the day
and make it new like Spring.

and though you might not
have that shirt for years and years to come
take a picture, make it last
like Double Bubble gum

and when you're tired
you'll spit it out
and bag it if you must
and give away
the things that you've not worn into the dust.

but always keep your heart in check
and watch the stuff you keep
remember you're God's precious thing
and you'll always get to sleep.

and then, my child, when I am old
remind me, I was cruel
but tell me that I'm beautiful
and even with the drool.
576 · Apr 2014
just being there
g clair Apr 2014
the randomness
the senselessness
you strive to make life count
and then it comes to this
and in the end
you're left with pain
and someone writes a song
and it just seems inane

there is no way to justify
find meaning in your loss, you know
but still we try
there are no words
you need to hear
you only want the comfort
and it seems so clear

it's in our hearts
we want to take
your misery,
to share your grief
and ease the ache
well-meaning words
it's just the thought
and sinking down
too weak to stand
with arms you're caught

held up and loved
in silence there
is something more
than words can say
to show we care
a gentle touch
a quiet prayer  
the presence of
your faithful love
just being there....

just being there.
574 · Jun 2014
the glue
g clair Jun 2014
dysfunction is the glue
which has me stuck, like you
in patterns from our youfh
disguising simple truth
our DNA maintains
the crazy in our brains
the way our families act
and cope with troubling fact
the stuff we choose to do
in which we have no clue
be sure  this fact is true:
dysfunction is the glue.
573 · Nov 2015
soul patching
g clair Nov 2015
what can I say that has not yet been said
and where can I go that my heart hasn't led
when faced with the truth, let it go to my head
it hurts, but at least it's an answer
and where is the one that I've wanted to date
yesterday's leftovers still on my plate
coming to grips with the fact that he's late
and he's probably out with that dancer

Oh he may come and he might go
and I can't follow, I'm too slow
but I can sing a song I know, it's called my soul needs patching
you can sing along with me, the humming bird and buzzing bee
for all we know you're just like me, two souls whose hearts needs patching.

And when will I have what that other girl's got
love for a lifetime, guess this is my lot
I've scared off a few with the end to this plot
how those mystery dates made me shiver
and who is this person that I have become
sometimes just lazy, and snapping my gum,
I've tried to play smarter, perhaps I'm just dumb
but I'm all that I've got to deliver

Oh they may come and they may go
but I can't follow, I'm too slow
still I can sing a song I know,  it's called my soul needs patching
and you can sing along with me, the humming bird and buzzing bee
for all we know you're just like me, two souls whose hearts needs patching.

how can I slow what is driving me on
roll down the window, I'm more like a song
Set on the breeze that the wind blows along
with the fragrance of long summer days
So why all the longing when now is enough
precious and sweet are your words off the cuff
i'm happy to have you to read all this stuff
while the worlds smallest violin plays

Oh they may come and they may go
and I can't follow, I'm too slow
but I can sing a song I know it's called my soul needs patching
and you can sing along with me, the humming bird and buzzing bee
for all we know you're just like me, two souls whose hearts needs patching
573 · Sep 2013
g clair Sep 2013
Though i can't see the end from beginning
God, there's nothing that You cannot see
when I can't speak for fear and in weakness
Speak Your calm and Your peace over me.

You are Truth, but tonight
I forgot, you are Light
let my thoughts lead the way
to a darker place.

overwhelmed, lacking prayer
I set sail without care
thought I'd manage alone
since I know Your Grace.

but when storm clouds appeared
it was then that I feared
and called " Lord!-
can't you see that I'm sinking!?"

and that's just how I pray
in the midst of the day
come what may,
I just say what I'm thinking.

My guess is that Jesus was dreaming
when he slept quietly in the boat
No one was needing a thing, at the time,
all was fine, course aligned, still afloat.

No need for Divine conversation,
so why don't You just take a nap?
I'll be snoozing right here, if you need Me, don't fear
by all means, Jesus, we have the map.

We all know how storms blow in quickly
and that Weatherman knew, for He must~
if He wanted, the Lord could have warned them before,
more important they learn how to trust.

And they cried for their Savior to save them
from the monster which threatened their peace
they awakened the Man who said "Do as I AM,
simply speak to the storm, it will cease!"

Though I can't see the end from beginning
God, there's nothing that you cannot see
when I can't speak, for fear and in weakness
Speak Your calm and Your peace over me.
566 · Oct 2013
Deli Girl
g clair Oct 2013
She tends to rouse the men up like a fencer with a sword
cause handling meat and cheeses is her calling from the Lord

A quarter pound of turkey and a half a pound of cheese
asking which and how he liked it, he says "Any way you please"

A halfa pound of swiss gets more, if you don't care what the price is
less the holes, you'd get the same, with holes you get more slices

So if you want to spend it down, and don't care 'bout the holes
and flavor's what you're looking for, try rye with seeds, not rolls

I came in for some loose meat, (and by now he's getting flustered)
then BUY the meat, and get the ROLLS, but don't forget the mustard

The crowd grew still, all eyes were on his face, now glowing red
he came in for some loose meat, not the fixings OR the bread

A quarter pound of turkey and a half a pound of cheese
I'll take the Swiss, cut thinly Miss, in silence if you please!

Was one fine pearl, this deli girl who cut his cheese that day
for each thin slice, her sacrifice, to shut her mouth and pray

And once the meat was cut and bound in plastic with a price
she took the time to slam it down and yelled, "next up, be nice!"

She handles meats and cheeses like a fencer with a sword
but lives to serve her customer, a calling from the Lord
564 · Oct 2013
In the Depths
g clair Oct 2013
How can I find rest when I am weary
struggling through this test, these days are dreary
losing hope when things go wrong
and life just drags my heart along
I'm down here in the depths but where are You?

Lead me in a way that I can follow
show me how Your love is more than hollow
words which can erase the pain
when trouble comes, something to gain
could you be here in the depths and see me through?

Taking one more step in Your direction
learning that my thoughts need firm correction
grasping grace I realize,
I'm running towards the greater prize
and want to hear your voice within my soul

We all need hope but sometimes lose our footing
and soon forget the proof is in the pudding
I tend to get my knickers in
the slightest pinch when I don't win
the thing which I had prayed for from on high

Forgiveness is the key for Neptune's daughter
loosed the chains which held her underwater
and surging towards the light of day
the swimmers pulled her out and pray
trouble taught her patience in the night
562 · Sep 2013
Hey Harry
g clair Sep 2013
"Nothing goes your way", you say,
those words are cutting, dear
hard to take day after day
and worse year after year.

silence is not golden
over-rated when you're dead,
so those who walk beside you
should speak truth, in love, instead.

so here is what I've pondered
wrote it out and made it rhyme
hope that you will hear me out
appreciate your time.

nothing for not but you're anxious
i believe you've developed a tick
worry and woe have you tossed to and fro
as you bite down your nails to the quick.

another thing, sweetie, you're greedy
longings have filled you will strife
hoarding away, you wait for the day
that you'll finally be living the life.

blessed with your talents you waste them
your time you have spent on the couch
lazy and tired, or drinking and wired
blame the world, but you're really a slouch.

religion of man is deceiving
you've mastered the art of believing
you're always alone, and all on your own
while all along I stand here grieving.

Being quiet I've done you no service
you're no better off in the end
after all of these years of going your way,
I'll be taking a right here, my friend.

and though I said I'd never leave you
I'm right over here if your choose
but if you decide you can save your own hide,
stay away, by all means, and you'll lose.
561 · Sep 2013
Hormona Lee
g clair Sep 2013
fraza lee, fraza lee
she seems that way
she seems~
lona lee, lona lee
and only 43~
ginger lee, ginger lee
she steps around her dream~
norma lee, norma lee
but never this extreme
cazu lee, cazu lee
she'll smile and
wilt inside
lover lee, lover lee
less is best to hide.
551 · Sep 2013
Man With The Hammer
g clair Sep 2013
your hammer's good, it's headed south
it keeps your secret, without a mouth

the ground is hard, the ground is cold
tells many stories, as I am told

where you've walked, how much you weigh
you'll cover your tracks, but still, one day

the smallest fragment, the tiniest hair
well get you life, to this I'll swear

you make your bed, you dig your grave
and to your guilt,you'll be a slave

Think this out while you sit in the slammer
He carried the cross, but you bore the hammer.

He took the nails you pounded in
"Forgive them Father, they know not their sin"

Three days later the ground will attest
The man was seen walking along with the rest.

A carpenter by trade, he knew about hammers
He knows about you. his lost little lamber.

He stands at the door, speaks truth and won't stammer
Be the best friend to the man with the hammer.
547 · Sep 2013
old self
g clair Sep 2013
"maybe you could wear this when you get back to your old self", said my mother, holding up a sweater she used to wear when she was her old self.
547 · Nov 2015
being true
g clair Nov 2015
Well I can see the sadness in your eyes
though I will not share your darkness, drinking in those subtle lies
call me friend, but I'm not with you and I know,
how you just keep telling others that you're out there in the snow
in the cold, when you've got fires right here inside
lots of love to keep you going, keep you warm and satisfied.

And I've heard the stuff that beckons from the grave
all the guilt that you have carried, while your friends all say you're brave
time to lay it down and listen to the truth  
there's no point in hanging on to broken promises of youth.

being true
feeling blue
being you,
keep on walking in a circle  
till you're done then come on through
being free
is the key
letting go of what you see
hanging on to what you hope for
in the end here's where you'll be

You are strong and you are good and you are kind
got more love within your pinky than the stuff you left behind
and I urge you just to let bygones be gone
sometimes love can pull the trigger, though so sorry, we are blind.
You've got years ahead to practice what I preach
stuff I've learned from all you've taught me,  now it's all within your reach.
Turn the page and take a lesson from the past
we are not the stuff we've lived and life is more than what's been cast.

being true
being blue
being you,
keep on talking in a circle  
till you're done , then come on through
being free
love's the key
letting go of what you see
hanging on to what you hope for
in the end here's where you'll be
537 · Mar 2014
g clair Mar 2014
the perkiest bark from one tiny dog
cut through the woods near a cranberry bog
and I alone present to hear what he say
had let him go free without leash for a day

I then the keeper of this little mutt
again and too often within the same rut
Hey little guy, I'm right over here!!
just follow your nose, it should be very clear!!

from out of the woods then he tore with a squeal
leapt into my arms with a squirrel at his heel
never before had I seen such a sight
Teddy the Bear being filled with such fright.

The very next day I took him, I reckon
right back to the place of his fear, let it beckon
I've been in his shoes, and I know how it goes
think it's best to be done with your everyday woes.

So I set the dog down and I told to him to flee
and he ran like the wind and took off for a tree
and up the squirrel ran like a bat out of hell
old Teddy is back, and he's sure feeling well!
536 · Aug 2015
with magnifying glass
g clair Aug 2015
I'd like to find the poetry hill
that's hiding from my sight
observe as poet prodigies  
pour out from heart's delight...

I tend to hear the rhythm
from the ground beneath my feet
the thing which drives my words along
is marching to a beat.

I'd much prefer the heavenly home
the nest or hive or hill
where poets mine the best of what
remains unwritten still...

some buzz around fresh blossoms
gently pollinating poems
while others come from darkness deep
with couplets forming tomes

I wait in joyful silence
as they read their precious lines
which draws the listener into
that which opens up our minds.

And as I lean down closely, seeing  
poems have formed a hill
I'm  bitten by a poetry bug
whose rhymes affect me still.
g clair Sep 2013
the one thing that I've wanted
eludes me to this day
I drive around just looking
with nothing much to say
the ones that have it, earned it
while the others, we just pray
for the one thing that we wanted
but eludes us to this day~

Aye, the one thing that we wanted, but eludes us to this day!

well you take the road to riches
and ****** well you may
find the path that intersects it
when your greed gets in the way
and blindly turn aside
when all the beggars plead, "Oi Vey'!
you've got the one thing that they've wanted
but eludes them to this day~

Aye,the one thing that they've wanted but eludes them to this day!

while I wait around just hoping
that my wages serve me well
and try to keep the heat down
while the gas bill goes to hell
not the thing I really needed
but the one that keeps me warm
it's my thermal underwear~
and all that's clinging to my form~

Aye, her thermal underwear is all that's clingin' to her form!

I pull myself together
in the early morning light
and layer on and layer up
'cause this has been my plight
the news guy says it's snowing and
Long Island's in a freeze, Geez
the last thing that I needed
and it's right up to my knees~

Aye, the LAST thing that she needed and it's right up to her knees!

So I'll boil a *** of water
and I'll fill me up a tub
and I'll soak my father's daughter
till there's nothin' left to scrub
and when I'm toasty warm and ready
then I'll climb back in the bed
close my eyes and dream of summer
and the one thing in my head~

Close her eyes and dream of summer and the one thing in her head!
It's the one thing that I've wanted, but forever left unsaid.
532 · Oct 2015
Sweet Mystery
g clair Oct 2015
At the end of the day, it could go either way
much like at the end of this song
Well I write for a while then I sink to a smile
when I think how you draw me along.

Well we came with a story, a beautiful poem,
unheard verses locked deep in our soul
and to way to discover what's locked in a lover
find the key that will fit the keyhole.

Must we all be inspired? Seems like that's how I'm wired
I've got something to share, but it seems
that I still blame myself for what sits on the shelf
unreleased from my closet of dreams.

From rejection to strife, anger cuts like a knife
and it tore at the door to my pride
it was then your sweet voice through the keyhole rejoiced
and released the deadbolt from inside.

So now I can tell you just what's on my mind
I am corny and weird and unkind, sometimes
but I say what I feel 'cause i know what is real
and it sure beats what I left behind.

Thought the answer was finding the right key
for the words and the music to roll
but the Master unlocking life's sweet mystery
is the Love sown in each others soul.
532 · Sep 2013
Jerry Says
g clair Sep 2013
Jerry said today he wants to stay with you
well you can't believe what comes out of his mouth
Jerry doesn't know which way his head is to
more than likely Jerry's head is pointing south.

Jerry said someday he's gonna marry you
but he hesitates to take you on a date
Jerry says no movies that he wants to see
and diner food you get is not that great.

Jerry says
Jerry says
I don't care what Jerry says
Jerry is
what he does
if you listen to the buzz
Jerry has
been a spaz
though he's cute and all that jazz
let's see Honey put his money where his mouth is.

Jerry said he's saving for his future
and likes to hear you're saving for yourself
and though your father wouldn't say Jerry's a moocher
he's watching Jerry's actions for himself.

Jerry said tonight he's working overtime
and he won't coming home, so go to bed
Jerry says you'd better pull your weight, my dear
or expect Cubic Zirconia instead.

Jerry says
Jerry says
I don't care what Jerry says
Jerry is
what he does
if you listen to the buzz
Jerry has
been a spaz
though he's cute and all that jazz
let's see Honey put his money where his mouth is
g clair Sep 2013
Eb pulls back, he holds his peace
he's done with Flo, he's wined the beast
and as it's said, 'don't tread where sands are shifting'
ebb and flow, they come and go
ebb draws us out, the tides are low,
but as we yearn, return, and stop our drifting.

i stand on rock, alone at last
and mourn for what is done and past
but still, with broken heart, recall the surges;
the times when you were out at sea
and when you finally wrote to me
I laugh at how you satisfied my urges.

The words we shout from distant shore
the ones which fall on heavy oar
which make the trip back home far less than pleasing;
far better are the words on wing
which land with olive branch and sing
a song of love which keeps the flow from freezing.

but even in the closest knit
where scarcely will the piece not fit
there's comes a rhythm known as ebb and flow.
and marriage is a special bond
and Eb and Flo they looked beyond
and understood the way it had to go.

and through the laughter and the tears
and late night dances, sharing beers
they always knew the highs would lead to low.
and now Flo waits on lonesome shore
for time apart was forced before
as time would have it, 'twas Eb's time to go.
530 · Nov 2015
not that into fish
g clair Nov 2015
Something struck me out of the blue
and cut my dorsal fin
worst pain I'll say I ever knew
guess it's due for mess I'm in

Thankfully, I am just fine
next time I'll be more careful
to watch out for the fisherman's line
and try to be more prayerful

This one's not that into fish
though fish he did one night
caught me hanging out beside
his boat, to my delight.

He spoke to me as if I were
the chicken of the sea
and said some things I won't repeat
but took as flattery.

So play we did and had a ball
that fisherman and I,
I must say though, along the way
the man, he caught my eye.

He shared a couple of tales there
that I could scarce believe
'bout a women who had landed
that old heart upon on his sleeve.

Before the sun had set
I felt a certain sting of pain
he said, " if you were not a fish
I'd take you out again".

"I do appreciate the thought"
as I entertained the notion,
"so put me in some salt water here
or jump in to my ocean."

"I got a funny feeling",
said the fisherman, said he
"that if I were to take you out
you'd be too much for me."

It was then I got his number
I knew that line, you see
Been hooked perhaps a dozen times
and thrown back in the sea.

"The sunset's sweet and lures you, man,
I love that sugar stupor
but you're just a fast food ******
and will never ******* grouper."
529 · Jun 2014
gradual awareness
g clair Jun 2014
is not that great an idea:

considering that most
believe that they have mastered
the art of balancing
one with the other
and wind up in some
lame predicament
while appearing
to be brighter than
the average Joe,
I would rather
be overflowing
with common sense.
God's consolation prize
for the not so smart.
523 · Sep 2013
in the end ( aka bad gas)
g clair Sep 2013
Take it out
on someone else
better, yourself.

I cannot see the reason for your blame
though it strikes me odd, you tend to think the same
your reasoning does not much good for me
and it's time I set you free
throw out the key.

Well it does no good to rummage through the past
these things will only give us back our gas
well it's better just to let bygones be gone
and we'll meet back here again
out on the lawn.

I know you liked me best. I loved you most
but it's useless now to chase that lover's ghost
and it's getting late and we are getting tired
distance turns these things around
that's how we're wired.

So take it out on someone else and see
no they won't be puttin' up with misery
and then you'll come back draggin' on your knee
but I will not be around
I'm leaving town.

I do believe I see a lonesome tear
have I touched the nerve which makes my heart to fear
that you'll always be the one I call my friend
ain't it just like you and me
in the end.
522 · Mar 2015
Self-Help Cure
g clair Mar 2015
I saw Him first or He saw me
and fear struck lonely in the knee
and I did stumble, but then caught
compose yourself', the guru taught

Still the urge to run and hide
lest someone see what lacks inside
I took six steps and then back three
this war between self-help and me

and he took nine from where he stood
the other way, but that was good
the farther off, the less the chance
that lonely would be asked to dance

Now hidden in the second aisle
my strength returned and I could smile
and feel the heat come to my face
and as I looked, my heart did race

For he too lingered in this aisle
the other end and for a while
perusing through the magazines
should I be wondering what this means?

I tried to think but drew a blank
what to do, then my heart sank
around the corner came his wife
with 4 small children, yes, his life

Of course, you fool, you can't be thinking
everything that tics is winking
stop the nonsense, drop the strife
count your blessings, get a life

Bound by lonely? Just get free
kick it in the other knee
get a dog and take it out
and don't forget, you're kind of stout

Lose the weight and get some style
feeling fat? An extra mile!
take your self-help to the bank
get some money, fill the tank

Bring your fear out for the ride
drop it off the other side
fear found lonely in the brew
Find yourself and lose those two

don't be waiting on the show
'cause when it's meant to be you'll know
Pack a bag and take a few
drive all night to somewhere new

but self-help, where we going to?
time is short, you cannot stew
but why the running, why the haste?
Why, can't you see? Your life's a waste!

trying all this new advice
I'm on the rocks, please hold the ice
i just can't fix these strange new drinks
and I don't care what that one thinks

I took that ride out to the cliff
and if's that's true, then what's the diff?
I've spent a lot of time on these
and burned my eyes right down to peas

And so I opened up the door
and took the books out, from the floor
and THREW them off the cliff that day
dust to dust or come what may!

To the woods, from whens you came
before your words would cause me shame!
before they bound you into books
and scarred your spine with fonts and looks!

you had no say in what was done
but someone gained a pretty sum
and all well meaning, surely so
but in the end, a heavy snow

And spring has come, and all things new
I'll try not to remember you
but hope to God that come the thaw
I'll not be sought out by the law

for dumping is illegal here
and though my conscience, fairly clear
at least I saved another soul
from thinking self-help makes you whole

when life is just one smaller part
of whats to come, what's in the heart
and how you act and what you do
the evidence of what's in you

As human being, we tire and fall
and need the strength of someone tall
but not a man, a loving God
who knows just how our feet are shod.

who wore our shoes and walked behind
who bore the sin of all mankind
and took the beating for the worst
the ones who hated, those who cursed

And asks us just to trust in Him
to wash the stain of human sin
to let Him carry, be the Lord
a Savior we can all afford

Whose perfect Love cast's out the fear
the lonely hearts club band is near
and knows the pain, he's led the herds
he wrote the music and the words

the sheep can't really help themselves
though self-help books have filled my shelves
but when I trusted Jesus Christ
he gave me more, the BEST ADVICE!
520 · Sep 2014
Take The Shame!
g clair Sep 2014
My sister sent some money 'cause things had gone to hell
She said, "You don't belong there Honey, a trip home will do you well."
On a three day smelly bus ride away from what had been obscene
turned my nose to New York City where the air was fresh and clean.

Pulled into Central Station, a different kind of highland
was met by my dear sister, a castaway on Gov'nors Isand.
Being broke was half the trouble,and we played it like a game
but the nasty shoe debacle, well it made me take the shame.

I didn't know quite what to do, but I knew I had a job,
a suit of hounds-tooth off 'The Give', and my hair cut in a bob.
The suit was fitting perfectly, for shoes we found some flats
pink with silver circled cut-outs, kind of clownish without spats.

Well I stood there in a laugh-cry, 'cause my job was in the city
I gotta make these babies black or be lookin' 'Hello Kitty'.
So she gets that strange expression, perhaps as from the Lord
In an empty apartment down the hall was some paint for the old baseboard.

We laughed the night we dipped the shoes,laughed until we cried
And early the next morning, it seemed the paint had dried.
You could see that they were shiny and ready for the weather
and from an eyeball's distance they could pass for patent leather.

I was ever careful as I slipped my stockinged toes
into brand new 'hello baseboard' shoes and no-frills tailored clothes.
Mincing along, but gingerly I hopped aboard the ferry
missed the bus to Beekman, in the dark, the walk was scary.

Made it the building not a minute did I lose
I tidied up my hair and then I glanced down at my shoes...
Blasted ****** got 'em muddy, bits of paper grass and sand
I heard my toes scream out, "Hey, buddy, for shoes, tar paint is banned!"

Quickly then I kicked 'em off and tried to wipe 'em clean
but every little thing unstuck took off the tacky sheen.
I did my best to conceal a sob but had to pay my dues
as more than one allergic snob caught sight of battered shoes.

I tried to blacken out the pink, with a big old magic marker
but folks complained about the 'stink', and not a day was darker.
At 5 PM, back on the street, with nowhere else to roam
my misery was made replete, as I tracked some more dirt home
g clair Jun 2014
DP:  "I
I just
I just don't
I just don't know
I just don't know how to
how to.... to do do I do this?"

DOH: " to do what?".

DP: "How I ought to deal with you".
" What is the kindest way to avoid drama....
To avoid the manipulation of self pity...
To save us both the indignation of an acting out?"

DOH: "There are at many ways to deal with me....
"nicely and neatly to avoid inflicting more pain,
directly and honestly to help you understand,
silently and patiently in hopes that you will find another to distract you,
sternly and without pity to engage your own sense of pride.
or....shall I remind you of the past and how difficult it was for you?
shall I simply give you increments of time to help you adjust?
shall I simply smile and promise to talk soon as I wave goodbye?"

DP: Or perhaps I should simply come to grips with the fact that you are in my life forever and thank God for you?
After all, who else would care for me as much as you? "

DOH: " Probably no one", and thinking a little longer responded, "No one can love you like me".

DP: "BUT YOU DON'T love me!"

DOH: "I don't? Hmm.... I guess I never noticed."

DP: "Perhaps this is true. But is it fair to do that, to take without returning, and how is it that you can continue to do that? Oh, who can answer my questions about fairness in relationships?"

DOP: You can, if you have the courage to face singleness."
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