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1.4k · Apr 2015
i like you {haiku}
ak Apr 2015
Blush sears up my neck
and onto my cheek bones as
I smile at you
1.4k · Sep 2014
ak Sep 2014
watching you, just standing
there- as the world is
fitting into place around
you, a puzzle
for which
I am unfit,
the wrong shape
and you don't care
not posted a poem in so long lol
1.2k · Mar 2014
ak Mar 2014
Not much compares to the beauty of a motorway

the perfect example that the most beautiful things can be the deadliest
1.0k · Mar 2014
ak Mar 2014
To watch as my best friend disolves into tears
Because of you
To watch her hope and pray that you would still be there for her
To see her try to talk to you
To type messages to you to which you will never reply
To see her being there for you for months as you battled with yourself
To watch as you pushed her away
To accept your harsh words and say nothing as she was hurting so badly
But now, as you dance away into the sunset with someone else, I can not just sit back and watch you hurt her anymore because, as you know, this would break her and its not fair
You're a coward, that is all, a low life coward
And you leave me to pick up the shattered prices of someone you used to love
When you could have prevented it
And its not fair
But you are just a coward
720 · Mar 2014
ak Mar 2014
the eyeless eyes following my outline
the fixed limbs moving in one form to create
an expressionless figure
and an expressionless mind

*just as I want to be
702 · Mar 2014
why, I wonder,
ak Mar 2014
why, I wonder, have I become so fragile
when I used to be so strong

why, I wonder, do I see the world as if everyone is against me
when I can break through and see that they are not

why, I wonder, does my heart beat so fast and terror rushes through my veins for seemingly no reason at all
when there is nothing to be afraid of

why, I wonder, can I find so many flaws within myself
which were not there before

And with that I fell asleep
664 · Sep 2014
ak Sep 2014
choose your next steps wisely, they say
choose with your head, your heart, your head
one on top of the other
conflicting sides battling
splitting families, friendships, countries

this oh-so-important decision in the hands of the people
my hands
and can I trust myself to choose the right path,
can I trust myself to choose the way to benefit my country

I just don't know
my weak and fragile hands are shaking under the strain
655 · Mar 2014
9.12 pm
ak Mar 2014
Your tear stained face is etched into my retinas
As if my heart yearns to make everything better
And to rock you to sleep

Or to brush away all of the bad things
And censor all of the bad news
Hypnotize all of the bad days in a long forgotten past

Hold you in my arms until everything was better
Sweep you away and make you happy again
Like you deserve

If only you would let me care
If only
If only
If is my favourite word
621 · Mar 2014
a m
ak Mar 2014
a m
the crisp, cool morning air glistens with dew
the tough ground beats rhythmically under my feet
the distinctive, calming smell of the salty sea air
and the beauty of everything
spurring me on
keeping me going
410 · Mar 2014
ak Mar 2014
bodies bustling forth and back
shouting and laughing
eyes closed
letting the crowd keep you moving
every so often you will be lost
but good lost
and with the flashing lights
like a million pictures being taken in a row
everybody's form changes and distorts around me
strong arms and backs pushing me between them
no one really enjoying themselves
but just pretending to be happy
379 · Jan 2015
ak Jan 2015
the feeling of my rib cage constricting, crushing, breaking under the strain of my heavy heartbeat and sharp breaths
constant constant fear, no, worry
I don't want it to break
but I am almost sure that I will
291 · Mar 2014
a haiku
ak Mar 2014
the way your lips arc
smoothly as if made for me
to hide in safety

— The End —