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Idriss Feb 11
A dandelion floats upon the breeze,
drifting away with careless ease.
I reached, I ran, but it wouldn't stay
like you, it slipped and flew away.
Idriss Feb 16
I'd give the world for you,
if you wanted me to.
And I'd give my all to you,
if you loved me too.
Idriss Feb 10
The earth will burn,
the seas will rise.
The stars will fade,
from empty skies.

The Alps will crumble,
time will bend.
Yet my love for you,
will never end.
Idriss Feb 10
I'm wandering in the shadow,
chasing the light
that shines far out of reach.
A creature of purity and grace,
her halo a reminder of the world
I’ll never belong to.
Idriss Feb 11
My rose in bloom
winter stole our season,
I hope in another spring,
our petals meet again.
Idriss Feb 13
Deep in the night,
when the world is asleep,
I dance with the memory,
I swore not to keep.

For some loves don’t end,
they just learn how to hide,
A wound left unhealed,
still bleeding inside.
Idriss Feb 15
Und wenn unser Stern schon längst verglüht,
und unsere Erde leise verweht,
wird meine Liebe still durchs All ziehen,
für immer da, wo Zeit nicht besteht.

And when our star has long since burned out,
and our Earth quietly fades away,
my love will silently drift through the cosmos,
forever there, where time no longer exists.

— The End —