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1.7k · Apr 2014
Qynn Apr 2014
I left my place
An empty throne
On a mountain of love.

And you, dear
So aptly named
Deserve it so much more than I.

You'll make much better
A mother and wife
Than I could have ever.
1.5k · Nov 2013
Qynn Nov 2013
I wanted to make music
And I wanted to be a star
I wanted to be so far away from who you are
Dirtied by the masses
And scarred

Bitter taste
Plastic smile
Lead heart

Now I paint my face
To take off my skin
And bare the ***** within.
1.4k · Feb 2018
Qynn Feb 2018
only when the scent of another man
is fresh, and bonded with my flesh
only after my hair is wild
my cheeks red
my chest heaving

in some dim hotel room
heavy with ***

only then will I know guilt
in giving you the same nightmares
you gave to me.
1.1k · Oct 2013
Qynn Oct 2013
Long, long ago,

Around that time when the sun hung high,

I would have gladly taken your hand

And led you to the place where there are no worries.

Led you to that place

Where dandelions are not weeds

And all could be free.

Long, long ago,

Around that time when the sun hung low,

I would have gladly tread the road

Where between the wealthy and the rulers,

Only the strangers go.

Where we would fill the dimmed streets with laughter,

And share our woes.

And not so long ago,

When the moon pressed out

From behind the midnight clouds,

A landslide of firearms swept you up

And carried you away from familiar homes.

And now you’ve got your guns,

And I’ve got my silence.
900 · Nov 2013
Body bag of broken hearts
Qynn Nov 2013
You're sick and tired of the things you used to know
Now you bargain for another place to call your home
If life was easy we would all be singing happy
As god would have it we can never look for hope.

So, caught out in the rain
You cried wolf
Once dry, whet again
Your taste for another, other place
A face.

Had you been broken from a failure in the start
You wouldn't have to check the falter in your heart
Shock waves and heartaches and wounds of yesterday
Cut, collected, and sealed in your throat
Decisions and numbers, and the things that you wrote.

So, caught out yet again
Your lust paled
Regrets and demands, your borderline
Body bag of broken hearts!
894 · Jan 2014
beast longing for gold
Qynn Jan 2014
I write too many "I ams"
me me me
and yet, I'm trying to talk about you.
The way you make me feel when I am all alone
wrapped in blankets and thoughts
sometimes music, sometimes not
mostly your prerecorded thoughts on repeat before I go to sleep.

And look at me now.
Trying to write pretty "poetry"
to appease the goddess in my mind.
your face and your hair are one in her
one in the same in my happiness and pain.

I want to sing to you every night
and scream your sorrows away
oh my god, how I would fight for you
but my tears are pointless today.
I'm not really your type.

What's my narcissistic word count for this one?
How selfish am I in longing
for the gold I could spin from your hair
and like a dragon I would hoard you
my gem, my crown jewel
and selfishly keep you away.
872 · Jul 2014
Qynn Jul 2014
When I was a child, I was bulletproof.
My scabbed wounds and sticks-and-stones attitude
shielded me better
than my mother ever could.

The scar tissue of my scraped knees and raw fingertips
built up
more protection
than I needed.

Alas, that was childhood.
I didn't want to be protected.

Now I am weak.

I am fragile and pale
I can see my pulsing
sickly blue veins
and feel my out of time
and off-beat heart
throbbing in pain.

Now I am unprotected.
Now I'd give anything for a bulletproof vest.
872 · Dec 2013
Qynn Dec 2013
What would I do to hold you -
More like
What wouldn't I do?
What wouldn't I give up
In order to feel your body
Next to mine

Burying you beside me
In love, affection
And passion
To touch you
To hold you
To call you mine

And what wouldn't be
Sweeter than this?
For once, I would be happy
I would be in bliss
If I could do more than dream of your kiss

What wouldn't I do for you, baby?
I would do anything.
What couldn't I do for you, honey?
I can't do
866 · Feb 2014
Qynn Feb 2014
I dreamt of you again last night.
Your smile took me back in time to the enchanted lands.

Awake in the forest,
With eyes sewn shut.

I'll never forget the freedom you gave me
And forced me to feel.

Swimming through shark-infested waters
I clung to the hope that I could be happy.

But god has his ways.
And in the garden of love I had gotten lost in,
I found monsters.

They ripped me away from you
From our provinces.

Now our memories, once beloved
Are feral, rabid ghosts.
827 · Oct 2013
You bury me
Qynn Oct 2013
You bury me
Beneath a mountain of bones
Your skeletons, tired of closets
Ripping the doors open
Longing to be free

And here I sit
Sipping silently
My blood and rage boiled over
In my heart, heavy with such woe
I will never be what you want
I will never be her, though


Let me rip her apart for you
Let me tear her apart, my love
You want to know her every angle
Let me splinter her bones
May I?


Let me cry to you of my failures
Let me sing to you of my hopes
You want me to know I'm not alone
Let me shred myself at the core
May I?


You bury me.
727 · Dec 2013
Experimental Love
Qynn Dec 2013
A sadness fills the empty space
An open, gaping hole, I thought I had left.
The needles ***** at my lungs like icewind on a winter morning
As I try to breathe you in.
You hurt me so badly.
Oh god, I want you.

And I thought I was okay before I met you.

A sadness fills my aching heart
A terrible love I thought I had cured.
Your fingertips send me love through the air, keystrokes and despair
And what wouldn't I do to fly to you?
Cutting wings -
I love you so much, I am so sorry.

I just can't.

A deconstruction begins
A creation I thought I had adored.
My mangled heart clings to you.
My blood is on your hands.

I plead my soiled love, youth, and blood

it is not my fault.
689 · Mar 2014
Qynn Mar 2014
i got greedy.

so i started talking to you again.

i'm not entirely sure
if your electronic presence

the glow of your name on my screen

has made me feel
or worse.
647 · Jun 2017
Qynn Jun 2017
The days are becoming a blur. A sickening blend of everything and nothing. You could almost call it a bad high - if it had any of the slightest pleasure of one. I have felt too much, and now I have become too little. I have negated myself and I am a walking dream in this waking nightmare. Now if only I could remove myself from the equation.

I feel so heavy. And my bones, with rusted joints, need far too much care and coaxing to move. And I'll be honest - it hurts to stay in bed all day. But it hurts to make myself exist, too. It hurts to breathe. What is the point? How can I help anyone - how could I love anyone - when I can barely take care of myself?

I keep waiting for my knight in shining armor. I keep waiting for my true love to materialize out of thin air, here to save the day and tell me that everything is going to be alright.

I keep writing, as if it will keep me numb and from feeling.

And as much as it burns my lungs,
I keep breathing.

I keep hanging on, for some possibility of a promise that the air will clear and the sun will shine through the dust and smog, and bring me a beautiful day, and a beautiful love -  and I will wipe the mud from my face. And by the grace of god, maybe one day, I will be beautiful enough to deserve.
596 · Aug 2017
beautiful boy
Qynn Aug 2017
One of the very rare times
that you hold me in your arms, of your own accord
I look into your eyes
and realize, in horror
that this is not enough.

you are not enough for me.

and that the hurt outweighs the laughter
and the shame outweighs our joy
and for all my tears -
every fear -

you are no longer
and have never really been
my beautiful boy.
Qynn Jan 2014
I poke hole after hole in myself
Not for pain,
Not for another space to be empty,
But to fill them with gems and metal and ink
And become my vision of beauty.

I want to be the pretty girl
That people scoff at on the street.
I want to be the beautiful girl
That is not-quite-naked between the sheets.

So give me a gun and a needle
And I will stick myself through and through
"Don't let words or thought define you,"
I won't.
Because I'm gonna be beautiful too.
527 · Oct 2013
Qynn Oct 2013
All alone
I can't stand the way they look at me
In the street, in the light
I can't hide or fight the judging eyes
And sacrifice
The happy child from long ago
She cries
"What's happened to me?"
"What's happened to me?"

I'm alone
To the pace of the world
I'm an off beat note
I march
To a grey tune
And I run
Farther from you
Away from you

Stay away from me
I scream as you feel my
Heavy bones
My blackened heart and soul
They're not for you to know

As the panic, rush
Sets in
I weep, I mourn for this
State of mind
My piece of mind is gone
Lost forever to this
524 · Dec 2013
virginal hope
Qynn Dec 2013
If only I had known you
Before I knew him.
If only I had known your skin
Maybe things wouldn't be this way,
I would not owe to life
Such bitter debt.

We could live together somewhere
In the city - you and I
Singers and painters and names
Not yet written down in the book of life
For such a life would we have to live!

We'd be those silly romantics -
The kind you see in sappy indie films
And the kind that people pluck guitar strings to.
The ones whose faces ache from smiling,
Whose lips and eyes are chapped by love.

Instead our lives are less saturated with love
Then they should be.
Hundreds upon hundreds of miles
Taking our breath away
With each and every word.

Breathlessly sleeping,
And endlessly awake.
I am so tired, I am so tired.

If only I could keep my mouth shut.
Keep my heart shut.
If only I had waited.
If only I had waited for you.
512 · Jan 2014
will it rain tomorrow?
Qynn Jan 2014
Life is short.  It is fast and unforgiving.  
And in the time that we are given
- the time we are allotted to spend here on this planet -
we don't ask nearly enough questions.

No, not "who where why when how".

Questions that matter.

Will it rain tomorrow?
What's your name?
The first two things I said to your face.

We were younger then, and I didn't know that in a month's time
I would be asking you much more important things.

Like your favourite colour.
The songs that lift your spirits.
If I could be someone, anyone, to you.

And now.
We are where we are.
You have become to much more to me than I had ever dreamed,
and, as you had told me, time and time again, I to you.

Life is short, so I want you to know that I love you.
I love you more than "I love you" could ever say.

Life is fast, and I want to make these memories
-however virtual and electronic they may be -

And life, above all, is unforgiving.
I will never be able to tell you what I want you to know.

I'm not so sure anymore that I will do anything worthwhile with the time I am given.
After all...
What kind of time would I be spending without you?
Sort of prose.  Read-aloud:
496 · Nov 2013
Qynn Nov 2013
Your memory yet smolders in my heart
And your ashes have been ground into my wounds
I wear them now like tattoos
A bleak, crude reminder
Of what I neglected
And would lose.
480 · Mar 2018
Qynn Mar 2018
every night I walk the dark
the burning headlights blinding
I pray to god id catch an eye
and in the street, they’d grind me.
479 · Aug 2017
Qynn Aug 2017
More than anything
I wish I had the strength
To rip my heart out
Throw it on the ground
And let it wither
And rot away to nothing.

My heart
And the amount of love I have
For you -
They have poisoned me.

They have turned me into a bitter,
Jealous person.

And I would rather my heart die
Than continue on this way.
471 · Oct 2017
Qynn Oct 2017
This year
You were a liar
And so was I.

The beat of my heart went unanswered
And your biological responses left unchecked.

I was alone
And you were smiling in the next room.

There was death.

Death of people
Death of friendships
Death of trust
Death of love.

My birthday was just another day.

And your gift to me,
The same as always
More oil to keep
This monstrous engine running.
388 · Jul 2018
Qynn Jul 2018
No matter how bad I wanted this to be
I’ll take it down from where it hangs
and leave it here to bleed
With sand in my heart
my feet in the sea
The storm arrives
and suddenly
I know it’s time to leave

The lighthouse keeps on beckoning as I cast off from the shore
Despite everything I had
I still got caught
I wanted more
And I tried to stay the winds
to stay the waves
to stay in your arms
But I found myself thrown in the current
We push farther apart

And it’s wrong, this song, this eulogy
Of bittersweet departure
The times we shared so late at night
I’d give it all to find you
But I’ve grown so tired
watching you and her along the shoreline
And now I’m soaked all through my clothes
to my bones
I’m out of time.
383 · Nov 2017
Qynn Nov 2017
Resilience is the most cursed gift
The hand that never tires of holding
And how eager the heart is to hurt.

Forged between the veils of anger
Of sorrow
Of wretchedness.

We beg like children
To never feel the heat of the same tears
Wetten our faces.

But the past shall repeat.
But the past shall repeat.
But the past shall repeat.
377 · Feb 2018
Qynn Feb 2018
I hear the electricity humming above me as I make my way back on the long dark road. Lampposts scarce, my way is illuminated by the irregular volumes of light pouring from the cars that pass me by. I catch glimpses of roadside carcasses  in the abstract light, and through my open mouth.

The path is clear but it is jagged. My canvas shoes have gotten wet from the shallow puddles I couldn’t see.

Sometimes it is dark. It is lonely. There are no cars, carcasses, or other urban romantic ideas to keep me company in my travels.

Sometimes I get so focused, furiously typing. I end up in the middle of the street. A horn blares. My heart catches in my stomach and I correct my failed trajectory.

It is 7:43 pm on a Saturday night at the end of February and I wish you were here to walk me home.
366 · Jun 2017
Little things
Qynn Jun 2017
It's the little things that keep you in love with someone.

Your concern for the frizziness of your hair after it rains.

The way you lick and then purse your lips after a laugh.

How you suddenly wake up at 4 am and rustle in bed - then roll over and take me tight in your arms.

Begging like a child for an afternoon snack, no one can take care of you better than I.

The way you tilt your head down, gazing just above your glasses, to focus on something.

The way your belly moves when we have ***.

Yes, it's the little things.
329 · Jun 2018
Qynn Jun 2018
what do I do
when there is
no amount of love to ease the pain

no matter how soft the kiss
how rough the ***
how sweet your words
there will always be the stinging



here, to remind me
the things you hid
the things you did

the pit in my stomach
the hole in my chest
I should probably brace to receive

such sordid gifts
from my liar lover.
326 · Sep 2017
Qynn Sep 2017
There is a wrongness in this life that I cannot place.

There is something about the world that I wake up in every day
that makes it feel less and less like home
each time I open my eyes.

Something is missing.
Something is wrong.

As if I was transplanted here against my will
the wrong blood type, the wrong time
the more I try searching for meaning,
there is even less that I can call mine.

My vision blurs
and I beg my heart to let me see beyond.

There is so much more worth bargaining for
than exists here
on this day
in this life.

Sick in the sun,
and searching for the moon

The beacon to call me home.
323 · Dec 2013
Qynn Dec 2013
I have waited a thousand-and-one years
For my long fabled prince to come.
My tower is crumbling,
And my bed turning to stone.
I have waited far too long
And my heart is dying.
This is so short but I felt like I needed to end it there
317 · Jul 2017
Qynn Jul 2017
Everything I am is too much.
I am an assault to the senses,
and no longer do I dare
to brush against your heart
for fear of an allergic reaction.
308 · Sep 2017
Qynn Sep 2017
I listen to the voices of other men.

They tell me that I am a goddess,
worthy of all the love and lust in the world.

I listen to the music of their voices on repeat
artificial, prerecorded sweetness and affection.
Adoration and attention.
Sometimes dusted with lust.

Words that no longer come
from my own lover's lips.
287 · Jul 2017
Qynn Jul 2017
You give me words.
Each and every one of you.
You make the world more bearable.
In my sleepless nights,
in the endless, shameful days
I can tuck my guilt away.

But never with my own hands,
only the hands that have helped to fix this broken home
time and time again.

And in my eternal gratitude,
most all I can ever manage
are strained smiles and teary eyes.
But please, my dearest friends -
never doubt for a second
how much I love you.
286 · Jun 2017
Qynn Jun 2017
Most nights I put myself to bed alone.
I smoke til I'm dizzy and I tuck myself in.
I wait for the opening of my door -
The creak of the bedroom floor -
but I fall unconscious
far beyond the point where you finally join me.

And some nights I feel you pull me close.
And you whisper "I'm sorry".

I cherish the few moments I have with you
As brief and as warm as they are,
they are fleeting.
But my love for you is not.
286 · Jun 2017
Qynn Jun 2017
Sometimes I peel up my skin
Just to see if there is anything inside worth loving.
I'm so ugly on top. If I was pretty you'd look at me when we make love.
If I was beautiful I would have been enough.

Im allergic to certain metals.
When I wear them they make my skin crack and bleed.
Like how you did to me. Creating canyons in me, to dive to my heart for the ****.
But you were blind like I was deaf.

My skin isn't perfect.
It isn't smooth.
Its too dry in the winter.
Its too much to take care of.
My skin fits my bones as well as you do -

271 · Jun 2017
Qynn Jun 2017
this mask I now wear
hides the fact
that I have been crushed
by the weight of my love.

The love of a thousand men
too strong, too bruising for me to bear.

if this armor will protect me from you,
then let me protect you from myself.

Do not come too close my love,
for I will make you my Atlas.
271 · Jul 2017
Qynn Jul 2017
I remember the first time you put your hands on me.
I remember feeling the fire in your heart,
and tasting desire on your tongue.
I remember the way it felt to lay against you
and how perfectly our bodies seemed to fit together.
It was like we were hand crafted for one another.

do you remember?

And then, slowly
but ever certain
the fire bled out until it was but an ember -
barely glowing among the ash.

I'm so cold now.
Your body used to keep me warm.
Your breath kept my heart beating.

But now, I am alone
and I am cold
and all I have left to keep my heart humming
are these bittersweet memories
of honeymoon passion
played over and over again in my head.

like your favorite **** star on repeat.
264 · Jun 2018
Qynn Jun 2018
time after time
after time
after time

we repeat the appropriate
scheduled mantras

as if they still have meaning
as if they promote feelings
as if the syllables are different now
in number, as the words leave our lips

the bittersweet

wishing for a time
before time
before time

when the resistance of regret
was as foreign to us
as wilted blossoms to seeds.
260 · Jan 2018
Qynn Jan 2018
There is a point I come to every day on my walk to work. An outlook, messed and marked by tall grass and weeds. You can see beyond the valley there, to the low rolling mountains of the Allegheny. Sometimes when the sky is just right, you can even see the smoke stacks of the power plant near my old home.

Most days, I pass by this vista.
I can't bear to look it in the eye.
It reminds me of the wideness of the world, the fear that touches me when I speak of leaving. The dreams that I have spent like breath - time and again - departure from this life.
To leave the job that kills, the friends who've forgotten, the lover who cannot remember how to love.

Most days I walk past.
I will not lift my head.
But the vast emptiness of the space between me and the world, the openness, the cold and absence of safety, with no promise of home... it calls to me.

Like the angry seas to young sailors, it cries my name. Something unsure. Something more.
Something that will nurse, something that will drown.

It beats me down.

And I will let it beat me til I break.
253 · Jul 2017
Qynn Jul 2017
When I hear the office women,
dressed up so pretty in their nice clothes
say that they are having a bad day -
I scowl.

Have you been crying quietly
at your desk
all day

Do you mourn for the family that abandoned you?

Do you long for a safe space, a place to go to, to call home?

Has your lover forgotten how to love you?

Have you lost your peace -
Have you ever known peace -

Or, like me
are you conveniently
and very much,
mostly unwanted?
246 · Jun 2017
Qynn Jun 2017
I used to paint myself to plastic perfection. By the buzzing light of my squalid bathroom, I would paint a portrait of a queen on an otherwise less stunning, far less beautiful canvas. Synthetic eyelashes, artificial pigments and all, I was something to devour.

And as I adorned myself in little more than lace and elastic, I felt less like a plastic gem. I felt far more like a diamond, primed and ready to be displayed to an endless array of lost souls from every dark corner of the internet.

I had never been more lauded in my life. I was some sort of ethereal creature to worship.

But only as much as I was a ***** to purchase.

And all too quickly, the gems lost their sparkle. The tokens lost their shine, and I lost that glimmer in my eye.
As much as I was a work of art to inspire, I was cheap, and thrown together. Meant to be torn apart.

And now, so many people own so many parts of me. So many secrets.
I cannot even own myself.
233 · Nov 2017
Qynn Nov 2017
I am at a constant war with myself
Whether I should cake-face or remain nameless
Comfort in my own flesh...
I have never known it.

How do I further beautify this body I despise?
Not so that I love myself more, but to inspire a fire -
Your lust, your desire?
Qynn Mar 2018
“I’m gonna get it done this year.”

I speak the words, just above a whisper. Some sort of self assurant mantra, but mostly I speak them to you. You - two feet away from me.
You - two million miles away.

And as my lips shut, my heart opens, like always. Waiting for some sort of response.  Some kind of reassurance that you have the pride and hope in me that I always seem to lack in myself.

But you - two million miles away, with your nose buried in the vapid pixels of your phone.

My heart closes yet again.

I’m gonna get it done this year.


224 · Aug 2017
Qynn Aug 2017
I would walk the dark eternal
beneath the dimmest of stars
in the blackest of nights

if it meant I would never need to come home
to the chill of my empty bed
a forced hug, a stiff kiss
the doubts in my head
or the love from you that I seem to miss
so desperately
so dearly

I would let these streetlamps flicker
and fade
and I would welcome clouds bearing rain
come to help me hide my tears
in the new moon's light again

I make myself smaller yet.
so that I get lost in the sound
of the wind through the trees,
not again the phantom vibrations in my pocket,

but the promise and comfort
of sworn solitude
my loneliness
my broken heart and aching soul
buried on a rainy night,
here in the dark.
223 · Jun 2017
Qynn Jun 2017
You told me I could starve,
for all you care.

I am not made of your blood.
I am not woven from your hair.

For each bitter,
venomous word
that drips from your crooked lips

I will rejoice

in that you have given me
one final reason

to cut
your crushing hands
from my throat.
219 · Sep 2017
Qynn Sep 2017
What am I doing with my life
locked in my head
thoughts on repeat
playing in reverse
like a record in my mind
my brain never wired quite right
my mind never one to keep me
or my heart
in tune
with the spinning of this world
getting faster
getting sicker
more bloated than ever
in the place I must call home
219 · Oct 2017
Qynn Oct 2017
My demons are my best friends
The ones who hold me in my times of need
Who press themselves into me
Without me ever asking
Despite my protests

They sow the seeds of anguish
Amongst the fields I reign
Like plague they reap
Before I may ever thaw.
219 · Feb 2018
Qynn Feb 2018
there is this stain on my spirit
and I bleed my fingers
trying, in vain
to scrub it out

this mess is one you've made

I'm tired of trying to fix it.
217 · Jun 2017
first time
Qynn Jun 2017
I blink hard in the darkness of the evening light, struggling to find your eyes. I find your mouth instead, soft and gentle against mine, pleading for my tongue and so much more. I find your hands - and I feel them move up my body. You leave impressions of your fingertips on my most hidden skin for the first time. For each chill you send down my spine, I gasp and moan into your ear, hotter and hotter each time. But still, I cannot find your eyes.

Instead, I find you less soft, less pleading - more demanding than ever. How could I deny you - how could I deny myself? The hottest dream I've ever dreamt.

And the only way to measure the passage of time is how many times I feel you, again and again, for the very first time. Your skin against mine. Our breath fogs the window. Your hands in my hair. Sheets strewn, bodies bare.

Babe, you took me there.
214 · Oct 2017
Qynn Oct 2017
I build myself up with kind words.
Words I do not hear from the person I want to hear them from the most.

Sometimes the things that are best for us are also the most painful.

I hurt so much, I don't want to hurt any more.

But I don't want to hurt any longer.
214 · Nov 2017
the eye, the breath
Qynn Nov 2017
I am the eye.

Oh god, I am the eye, and I have seen
Enough vulgarity to burn ******-skin
Obscenity in corrupted files
One upon one and another.

And how much I would love to gouge
This golden honey brown from my skull
Feel the chill upon my temple to help me forget
Forget and forgive, forget and forgive
As if it had never happened.

I am the breath.

I am the breath and the poison
The only reckoning I have to offer
In words like mustard gas
How I would boil your flesh in hatred
Rage and despair.

Wistful weapons to bring you home
Fragile shield against my heart
Nothing to hold close.
Nothing to push apart.

No hope and no mercy.

Trust is feigned.

I am the eye, and I am the breath.
My love is gone, and you wear his flesh.

I am the eye. I am the breath.
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