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Stop showing
You love me
A little at a time.

Stop saying
You care
Bit by bit.

Stop keeping
Me here
For tiny pieces of time.

Because I need
All of you
Not piece by piece.

I love
All of you
Not just some parts of you.

So love all of me
All the way
All the time.

Or let all of me go
All at once
For good.
I wish
I was dumb
'Cause my words of mouth
can't communicate
with you.

I wish
my eyes
get oppurtunity
to meet yours,
'Cause sometimes
it misses
the sparkle
of those enigmatic eyes.

I wish
I could be
the breeze of fresh air
early in morning which
hugs you first
when you go to sleep.

I wish
to be a reason
for your smile...
a smile
that you can never forget.

I wish to be
your wish
 Feb 2013 Ian P Olexio
 Feb 2013 Ian P Olexio
This girl goes to sleep with the weight of the world on her shoulder,
she wakes up to it feeling like a boulder.
Her lips touching his everyday,
now a distant memory only in the way.
It seems missing him is not enough,
for the seas of love become very rough.
She loves him more than he will ever know,
she loves him more than she will ever show.
Loving someone this much is scary,
for true love is what you feel when you marry.
She lies awake, taken aback,
Lord, I hope he loves me back.
 Feb 2013 Ian P Olexio
They told me it was metal,
but I didn't believe a word.
But now I find it's iron
of the strongest, finest kind.
Ah! Here is my little bellows,
I think I'll melt it down.
That the only thing I need is love.

To give love.

To maybe receive it.

But I then I realize how wrong I am.

I just need you.
The night of the fight,
Mind closed to the sights,
I dread counting lights.

Before the first round,
Ears closed to all sound,
Soon violence unbound.

Nerves make me shiver,
Heart starts to quiver,
Win by a sliver?

Start off like a shot,
Lungs burn icy hot,
Give all that I got.

With fire in the veins,
Let go of the sane,
Embrace the sweet pain.

With hand in the air,
I knew how I'd fare,
No feeling so rare.
All things were together. The mind came and arranged them.

We have placed you here and you there.
You have a name and a group.
Do not stray.
To choose is to judge.
To understand is to label.
Out of Chaos we have borne you
And your clones,
And the clones of these clones.
What once was a jumble of harmony,
Is now a sectioned map with directions
And a compass to point right or wrong
Everything was given to us as one,
We have chosen to understand.
 Feb 2013 Ian P Olexio
Kaitlyn H
My heart aches when you're gone
Because I know you won't return.
My heart will always long
And my soul will always burn
For your smile, your eyes, your touch
But it seems my love asked for too much.
 Feb 2013 Ian P Olexio
Occasionally I’ll see you
Within the lyrics of a song
On the face of a young woman
In the depths of a dream

And the sting never fades

But I seek not your pity
Or even a word
For you I know it was worse
Than I’ll ever know

So much has changed
Since our hearts were entwined
We’ve grown to be adults
Made commitments that bind

You knew then what we had
Was rare indeed
A love to last our lives
… Had I only took heed
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