Introductions are better left for the way your eyes scream out for sanity the way your mind knows only to greet your skull because safety seems latched inside the voices within our senses
Who knew Late night constructs Could turn into such Disastrous dilemmas My mind races But not around a track Or some make-shift run way Where runners go To get away from such issues I stay the course Practicing patience As if I really knew What made people want to stay It's sad Because I really do Is that silly? Am I foolish? For wanting to be here To stay so still Thus eliminating progress To provide some sort Of comforting process To rest on the simple fact That things just aren't that simple Are they?
In the distance I can hear the preacher man scream Gospel verses to the patrons with ears tried enough to listen.
On this table I meet one hundred ants who didn't know the end would come sooner than expected Some survivors mourn the table cloth body count. Others trample on without worry.
Forgive them Father, they know not what they do
Forgive them Mother, they lost fathers and mothers too
The struggle comes not from death but the belief that your fate is greater than the fallen before you.
I watch this congregation. Hear the prayers of those still struggling to find the most peaceful way to apologize.
And it all stops. At this time I wonder if heaven can be folded up and shaken out this easily. If angels ever feel their wings begin to fall this fast.
They say Every day Passes by a thousand times Like a movie fluidly stuck on rewind Every day A thousand hearts swell And a thousand more need restored Every day A new life starts with innocence Yet lives are lost Every day At war or at your local drug store It occurred to me that Every day Everyone Sees Every day The same Don't you see? That Every day You have the chance To pass the time between sunrise and sunset You have the chance Every day To spend time with someone you love or never met Every day People collide in times of trouble Making struggle and strife offset Every day A phrase is framed That can take your breathe away Don't you see? Every day Is beauty undefined By spoken word Or open eyes So take it in and realize
Forget your dreams And focus solely on Your everyday actions. Soon enough You will start to realize They belong together. So while you sleep Remember this: You define your reality.
Excuse me while I hold my breath Count to ten, puff my chest The words I need have been suppressed Far away, for the best No cause for concern or distress Silence stays, a welcomed guest My troubles find a peaceful death Away again, pain at rest
Never seen, hardly told Passed around once or twice, it comes back twisted Everyone looks- but looks can be deceiving It's presence is present-less when presents take precedence It's neither right nor wrong It's merely lies within us It's the truth The ugly truth
I'm a people person A look both ways before I cross the street person A hold the door if I beat you there person A pick you up if you get knocked down person A don't care where you come from person A don't care what your skin tone is or how long your hair flows or if you have any hair at all or if you look in the mirror and see a person who you can't stand person A let's team up and change the world person Because we all are people
What do you think is out there? Is it anything? Is it nothing? Is it worth something? Is it worth asking about? Is it worth finding out? What do you think?