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Winds wash the roaring sorrow, a blanket of days gone by. I see the hours ahead of me and its overwhelming just like the word eternity. Desire and death, candles melt away, as my flame, it will sway, counting hours, counting days.
Slipping down and falling with the restless myriad. Hello we say when we greet and bye we say when we go. To say neither is to say i am always here and will always be, right here. And you, you will be there lost in the same listless mediocrity coated in charmed molecules alike. You love the ride as much as i but that is what it is a ride...
I do it because i have nothing else driving me. The pursuit of something unobtainable at least with this limited perceptual borders only traversersed with the ambitious grunt work of satifaction that leaves you panting like a dehydrated stray. The only thing i have that pushes me forward in a frenzy of info-lust lingering day to day. Save it up, spit it out. But why, ah **** why ive settled into who i am and thered no turning back. Ive seen ends as beginning and vice versa realities spinning from the center of humanity out, nautilus nature of all. Mathmatics and mind, and why...
For those of you who know me, you know I don't believe in God
And maybe to majority, that seems like it's odd
But when you hear a person speak, do you simply smile and nod?
Or do you take apart the words and see the huge facade?

When you ask for answers, don't you want them definite?
Or would you rather be fed nonsense, and piles of ****?
We have science to prove to us how particles have split
And created space, and time, and life, and all the rest of it

And space and time are endless, we just play on repeat
You cannot change your future, because thought is just deceit
We have all been pre-programmed to bow at the Lord's feet
But some of us short circuit and want proof and chance to meet

I do believe we are all just stuck inside of a design
But not from any God, but simply from just space and time
And God might be a nice thought for a heart that's more confined
But I won't drink the Koolaid, and your press won't change my mind

I know that I'm offensive to those who take my words true
But the truth of it is nothing matters in this world but you
We all have our opinions, and we have our points of view
But the one thing we can control right now is what we do
If i got the perception i question the validity of its origin, the realization that the illusory construct before me is a subjective star struck image cast from the dust of delusion, molecules beautiful and mad arranging the bits of existence into something i call life and you call your own. Its never-ending here in the twilight of truth and the light beaming from far off planets obscured and red shifted just laugh at earthly wisdoms cartooned by its bound.
Yes, futility my old shell of justification left upon the sand of a million grains of thought, every speck individual in the moon spun tides taking the nothing back to the shore writhing undertoe be thy bain, ethereal electra existing in a lie lying existential just like Sartre on a beach blanket.
You are awake, i am asleep in your pineal run through shuffling thumbs of discourse breaking over the atmosphere.  Channels push the erroneously held dissaray of the speculative. One more and more or less, less is more and more is the ***** of self control, shook by the hand that shook the world from its fantasy haze following the enigmatic resolution to an abando and awe struck as always.
Only nothing
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