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atlas Nov 2019
the beautiful summer air is nought
the shifting of the colours of the leaves is nought
the shining white snow that falls on a winter day is nought
the sweet scent of spring flowers is nought
all is nought
when compared to you

even heaven’s light
enwrought with wondrous colours
cannot compare to you

your smile shines the brightest
illuminating even the darkest of spaces
nullifying anything negative

as nought can come close
to you.
written in may, 2018 for my dearest
atlas Nov 2019
look! all the animals are playing!
where’s the tiger?
he’s escaped
the others, they’re breaking out
they’ve escaped, too
the menagerie is no longer contained
everything running amok
it’s all a blur
they won’t settle down
i’m losing my balance

atlas Nov 2019
a violent flood washes me from my home
carries me away from what i’ve known


the flood dissipates


i sit, waiting
all the while hating
myself and my


hatred, anguish, grows
as fungi from a corpse flows
feeding off


my shambled self
retreats home without help
i’m too


i’m sorry
atlas Nov 2019
you’re still afraid of it
like a wild dog you’ve frightened off with a friend
it returns when they’ve left
or it grows courageous
you fear the day you grow weak
you fear the day that dog rears its fangs once more

you’ve begun to falter
your steps muddled
you see its approach
you feel it
you’re still afraid of it

yet you are persistent on fighting it again alone
you were always arrogant
atlas Nov 2019
i’m in love with the sun
it’s bright and warming
pierces through the darkness

but can the sun love a rainstorm?
can it love the darkness it tries so hard to erase?
will it?

its arrows, flightless
their power, immense
but its arrows are finite
its power is not limitless
finite is not forever
limits end somewhere

when will the sun set?
atlas Nov 2019
a mouse
spiraling through the complex maze
in search of freedom

a lab rat
left behind

the silken-haired mouse
rewarded with fine cheese
for every accomplishment

the course rat
with meagre scraps

a vibrant mouse
pushing onward
pleasing the scientists

a dull lab rat

— The End —