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I want to be a play write or a poet, maybe an actor or musician, just be somewhere I can show it. I only want to be seen as equal, not be looked upon as being devilish and deceitful, like politicians. Now come see, be my witness. I want to be one with the people, spread positive words and use my life for something meaningful. Maybe I'll be a war hero for my nation, **** innocent people over religion and where it's based in. Travel across the earth to foreign soil, Iraq or Syria and ****** them for their oil. The plot is set in stone never to be foiled. Maybe I'll be a scientist, and aspire for intellect, flaunt how intelligent I am and earn everyone's respect. It's something to expect, not to be undermined, when I reminisce over you, my god. My thoughts through this screen I'm giving to you, I hope you feel what I'm saying and maybe put it to use, spend your life and do whats right, forever seeking the truth. I'm a brother, I'm your family and I'll forever be here for you.
The break through infinity, infanately is given the chance to see life so vividly. Lucid our imagery, for we know not what to feel, what we're feeling is it real? A feeling surreal, The paper ingested now tearing the seal on your spine, intertwined by the helix, distorted with time. Slipping into a world full of translucent images, I proceed to lose my heart and now my powers' limitless, asking to myself, "how could I envision this?" I think about my past, bow my head and now I reminisce. Bleeding for your love, why'd you have to leave me, I hate when I was at my worst that you had to see me. Dreams of you, they seem so vivid, when you speak to me it's like almost as if you're still here and I can't help but miss it. Suddenly I awake and it's the same old view, a haze I struggle to see through, continuously keeping me from you. Beginning to cry for the beauty is bright, swimming through a sea of illustrious light. Transparent as phosphorus in the waters at night. Time becomes an illusion, replaced by confusion, should you run or should you walk, may I think or should I talk. If I did would they know, while the delusions begin to grow, rapidly, while higher beings can't even fathom me, call it a tragedy, or call it what you will, all I'm certain of is that I'm not sure of how I feel.
Along the watch tower, they come and they go, intermissions can wait, and that's something to know. Search and you'll find, a new disposition, don't wear it too long, girl just sit back and listen. Come be my witness for love not to lust, I promise to you that i'm someone to trust. Your temptations of me, I can accept and let free, if anyone came to know they'd **** us for sure. So for now lets just wait and keep our love pure. I know that you're older but that shouldn't detour you, yes I'm still young, but give me this chance, let me ensure too. I can satisfy you, maybe radify you, physically and mentally, touching your body, you feel this was meant to be, see what you mean to me, and what I can do, our love is quite special, and that I can prove, erratically I'd say it comes naturally so what's there to lose. We're not together right now, but I'll be your's forever, no matter how vein or gray turns the weather, don't wonder wether, it's right or it's wrong, I'll be of age soon, it won't be to long now, that wall that you built up, I know I can tare down, sensation with no patience, you've kept me waiting this long, your beauty is radiant, emitting the notion, one that you want me as your plan set in motion. Give me all of you, I'll be your sweetest, your utmost serenity, give me this dance, and you may just as well be, my love for infinity.
You brought me to god in such a way these written words cannot convey or express so you mustn't detest what I'm about to say. You may ask how so, why here, why now, but even I don’t know the answer I seek. All I can do now is put my heart into the words I speak. Your decision to leave has left me weak at the knees. You've put a lock on my heart and stolen the key, why can't you see that I'd bleed for you. I hope I find some rhyme or reason because love is in season and I need you to believe that I can alleviate and remove the weight resting upon your shoulders. Why can't we grow closer while becoming wiser and older for when the nights grow longer and colder I'll be there to keep you warm, love and protect you. That was my promise at least. In genesis my only intention was your friendship, now I reminisce how It progressed so rapidly we couldn’t capture the beauty of patience does it make sense? You say we’re moving too fast, this is true yes, but is it a test questioning the validity of my claims to never be the same as my father and to love you as I would my own daughter. A promise to my mother when I’m with you there’s no other. I cherish the days we watched the rain stream down my window panes, can you feel my pain? If I lose you I'm afraid things will never be the same. When you’re away I pray for the strength to explain the pain I feel. I can no longer conceal my promise to be a better man, I can achieve it just maybe with you in my hand. I continue with genesis because as I read these memories I can’t help but think about the love we shared or way we cared for one another. If I had a second chance to meet from a glance I would do things differently to ensure that you wont forget me.  I think its godly the way that I undress your body and oddly you don’t stop me despite the fact that you told me to leave and never come back. But I stayed, must've been so you could play with my broken heart. The pieces are scattered by all the women that really mattered in my life. Truth is, I've never had a love like this so I'm not about to give you up that quick.
Do you ever feel the presence of someone watching, standing at the door, but never knocking. To afraid to enter, for what you may see, so you always sit and wonder what it really could be. Maybe the sixth dimension, you feel inclined to bring it up, but fail to mention. The complexity is testing me, Taking me to my limits, Walking through the dark I can never feel diminished. So tired of writing sad songs, but then again the happiness I seldom feel, it doesn't last long. All of my feelings on this paper, I've given to you, just know that all the things I say, they really are true. I did a lot of bad things in the days of my youth, I'm sure I'll pay for when I meet my moment of truth. But until that day, I vow to be better with god on my side guiding me through the weather.
Periodically atoms interchange,                 Alchemy is tested,
Never truly explained,
Spending his time,
Searching for the,
Golden molecular change.
Love is lost,
Feelings are forgotten
Covalence the cost,
For exploring possibility,
Finding the base,
From which to,
Synthesize and erase,
Time is wasted,
And never cherished,
Family leaves him,
Hes gone mad,
Pursuit of gold,
Taken the toll,
No turning back,
The alchemized soul.
Lying beneath the moonlight,
Thinking for hours, I lay awake for coming are the meteor showers,
Could there be other forces of benevolent powers, Taught the understanding that this world is truly ours. But is it? A question asked so cataclysmic. I lie awake and now i wonder, Can this decision be made by one man, without another? Of course not, not by the moral standards we're all taught. From birth, let me ask what on this earth, Could make you want to cause such devastation. I don't think you truly understand the sciences behind the forces you threaten to exert. Are you really making this quest for what its worth? If you were there's not a question in my mind that you'd seek other options. Because the choice that your contemplating isn't just by any means, it's cruel, and quite lawless. A flash comes a bang, the wave is hyper sonic, theres something sinister to it, You can't seem to reason or find your logic, what's happening to your body is microscopic, I'm talking sub particles, it's atomic. If you're lucky enough to survive, thank your god that you're alive. I pray he'll shield your eyes from what their about to see. The mind will become sick and the air thick with uranium hard to breath. To other souls Theres something beautiful to it, the coming of wars and the nuclear movement.
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