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Hunter J Aug 2013
It smells like September outside
The cold weather is setting in
We sit and we wait
and we speak and relate as we wait for Augusts end

I walk alone in the cold soft rains
in the shadow of the clouded day
And i stare and observe
till everything blurs
except for the thing i chase

I watch as it passes bye
and the fall brings back bad memories
but the months speed away
September, October, November, December
all gone with the fray
and i take a look outside

January passes next
A cold depressing beginning for the year
I wish i could say this was the last
Of the sad months that would come to pass
But happiness seldom appears
So ill sulk in self pity
Ill sit without pride
till once again
it smells like September outside.
Hunter J May 2013
Tortured in our daily lives
we need to find release,
This is how we find ourselves
Walking with the kings.

Walking with the kings,
who seem to have it all
they tell us what to do,
so that we may not fall,
to us they seem like gods
when in reality,
even kings do stupid things
to end up like you and me.

Each man his own endeavor,
each life a new mystery,
That is where we find ourselves
walking with the kings.

Walking with the kings,
who seem to know it all,
they hold our hands out gently
to help us catch the ball,
they give us kind advice,
and awaken deep inside,
the voice that hid away so long
slowly causing, our demise.

To each may his life prosper,
but fear not a tiny thing;
for even when the fat lady sings;
you can go walking with the kings.
Hunter J May 2013
Long walks save lives,
Peering into tear filled eyes
Wandering a broken path
Pondering a broken past.
Into the light we'd gladly go,
A vision comes so beautiful
Our lives complete
So much still unknown.
But we turn around
And head back home.

Long walks save lives,
They tell what the future holds;
when you grow old
whether you live freely
or sell your soul.
Walks that let us think endlessly
Through the forest ,
Around the trees.
Each step a new thought
In your our heads
One that pities the living
And prays for the dead.

Long walks save lives,
Walks that last for miles
Hours, Years, days, and months.
Alone we walk
and think
and talk to no reply;
Walking but not caring why.
Understanding everything
Floating freely like a dream;
Listening to natures sound
so profound,
Your feet are lifted off the ground
until the wind and the clouds
are in your face
and take you away from this starting place.

Long walks save lives'
but they do end
so often they should be taken.
Through forests and trees
and city streets
A walk can never be mistaken;
For heaven or hell
just a period when ones head does little aching
a mind to busy thinking.

Long walks save lives,
and as they reach their end.
The pain is gone
you can move on,
and often you will find
once you have cleared your mind,
and the walks draws towards its end
of yourself you have made a friend
Hunter J Feb 2013
All i knew came crashing around me
My life as i saw it
Was just a man slowly drowning
He fought and he struggled
But did not survive
Which leads me to question the meanings in life

Our motives are deadly
Were top of the chain
We go through this hell hole
Like its just a game
Striving for fame
Or to give ourselves a name

In that we have succeeded
To give ourselves a name much needed
Humans will forever be known
As the apocalypse bringers
Who destroyed their own home
Hunter J Dec 2012
Weak and feeble
Falling fast
Hot and Freezing
Not built to last

Slowly dying
Quickly reborn
Body aching
Heart full of scorn

I see darkness
Through and through
Is this an illness
Or am i thinking of you
Hunter J Dec 2012
I took a walk
To ease the pain
Clear my mind
Just to stay sane

I walked a mile
and looked around
the wonders of nature
i had found

A brook flowing
so i sat down
and looked at the sky

A simple thing
But so complex
Why Blue
Why Clouds
Why birds
I try to guess

The blue for sadness
Holding us down
We must escape into space
For new worlds to be found

The clouds for rain
To show emotion
Show us we are not alone
Through life's commotions

The birds for dreams
that we one day might
Grow some wings
And start to fly

Through the emotions
and sadness
Holding us back

So we may soar into endless space
And see the stars we long to be
and notice even more
Hunter J Dec 2012
We've lost the will
Oh well we tried
We lost our freedom
We lost our pride

We destroyed civilians
Not caring at all
Then looked back in tears
At the destruction we brought

Our reasons were pointless
Our goals out of reach
Thinking it could be solved
By an apologetic speech

We go on in life
The public not knowing
Living daily
our regrets not showing
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