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Feb 2017 · 448
Sitios oscuros
huntAblunt Feb 2017
En los sitios oscuros
Mi alma no funciona
Cada vez q yo la prendo
Alguien me l´apaga

Y si vuelvo a prender
Soy yo q va perder
Solo todo loq tiene
No salgo, pero viene

No es posible de nadar
sin problema
Dentro de un mar
lleno de la colera

Mejor q lo apago ya
Q nadie me ve
Asi no me apagan
Me lo imagino como brilla
Y me quedo con la vida
Igual me quedo yo alla
Porque no puedo escapar Sin luz
de los sitios oscuros

Que circulo vicioso es
Que yo me quedo en
Para vivir yo tengo que salir
Y para llegar alli
Yo tengo q perder las llaves

De la puerta que me salva
Y me regala poca paz
Pero igual ya me persigue
Esta ya de mi atras

Es que ya te falta esperanza
Que tu saldras de alli
Ya perdiste confianza
Que nadie te ayuda a ti

Luchando solo
Con lo malo por lo bueno
Porque no te queda otro
Otras cosas solo sueno

Y aqui ya llega como trueno
realidad me quita sueno
Porque estuve yo sonando
Si ya se que a mi me quitan
Solo cuando?

Y asi estoy andando
Por los sitios oscuros
Buscando la salida
Si no la encuentro
pierdo mi vida
Feb 2017 · 556
Safe places
huntAblunt Feb 2017
Wild-growing grass
Trees never cut
Wisdom Teachers
And pain forgot
Carelessness ruled
by the only law

a successfull childhood
Feb 2017 · 274
huntAblunt Feb 2017
Self-made vs Convenient
Vegetable vs Mass-Production
Mainstream vs Underground
Comfort vs Knowledge
Lies vs truth

Real-life struggle

What will we choose?
Feb 2017 · 326
Times without trust
huntAblunt Feb 2017
In times without trust
let us arise
like a phoenix from the dust

We must change tides
forget, arrive
to the lust
of long forgotten things

throw away your rings
get rid of heavy treasure
close your eyes and follow
I show you endless pleasure

together we arise
like the phoenix from the dust
again, again, again
Feb 2017 · 395
Poor old sailor
huntAblunt Feb 2017
Sometimes I close my eyes
And fly to unknown seas
Being up there in the skies
I sail the clouds to find some peace

I close my eyes,
unknown seas
being up there
to be discovered

we all are waiting sailors
bothered by the coast
miserably looking towards horizon
eyes focused passing ships

each of it carries
millions of tons of
hopes and dreams
to their funeral at
„Soul-Death“ Island

Falling leaves are blown
into the sea wolfs face
He keeps focussing
the ships which names
he already forgot
or never knew

Poor old sailor,
this much is true
the day you'll die
your heart is blue
Feb 2017 · 589
huntAblunt Feb 2017
show me
I wanna know
the hidden secrets

feel fire running
through my vain
Higher view again

Send me on journeys
to unknown destination
We don´t need no atorneys
we just need meditation

every nation is sick
of lies and suffer
my offer is to follow
I promise
life without sorrow

borrow time
while in a hurry
leave the earth
and simply carry
all you have
to unknown coasts

listen to the voice of ghosts

they don´t want posesments
they only tell what wind blew
right into hell

So listen to the spell
transform your prison
and be well

isnt it great
to know not to fail?
Feb 2017 · 327
4 seasons
huntAblunt Feb 2017
A morning in fall
when golden sun is rising
and the chilling cold winds
awake or minds
I want to lie next to you

a night in summer
when the fresh breeze is
blowing the smooth air
into our hair
I want to look into your eyes

An evening in winter
walking down the white alley
and the snow adorns your hair
like diamonds
I want to touch your skin

Awesome spring noon
soon we celebrate our love
feels good, don´t hesitate
lying on the field
looking up above
I want to love you every time
Feb 2017 · 438
Devil in the sky
huntAblunt Feb 2017
they want you to lie
they want you to save
the devil in the sky

in this world made out of plastic
in this world build out of stone
things are looking drastic
humans cracking brothers bone

elastic laws and kings throne
make up richman´s tool
while they make us the fool

keep us satisfied
how crazy are we?
Not seeing the light
only ruled by tv

whatever needed,
seems we don´t like it
as we are comforted
by credits and high debts

there is a chance,
if we all rise up
change our minds
no matter if they despise us

come on and raise your voice
it is on us to take the choice
Feb 2017 · 181
Across the sea
huntAblunt Feb 2017
Black is white and white is black
Oh lord, why cant we turn back
The hands of time, between the line
There lies my sorrow and pain
Hope you hear

Far across the sea, there is a land
Where presidents polluting the air
So that the people wont understand
and never care
But only two eyes make pair and see
Hope you face reality

There is a land, called America
Looking down from above on the sufferer
With hand made strong, but weak to help
Reloading  gun to round up wealth
And so they are seeking for their health

And in this land, called America
Are people willing for tribal war
They will never mind, simply blind
destruction is what we find

In another land, the people know
Understand have seeds to grow
Consisting just of love, and so this dove
will fly high to sky above
Feb 2017 · 203
The stone
huntAblunt Feb 2017
The stone

The stone that causes circles,
this is all I want to see.
Somebody drops it in the water
and will cause an angry sea.

And the movements taken further
To a nearly unknown shore
with a place you never heard of.
Let it run into your core.

Then turn this into a stone my friend,
let it be thrown into a lake.
Don´ t refuse, like flower bends with rainfall
For god´ s sake.

So the movements never ending
and will search for other seas.
Until everyone discovered
that what we need is peace

And now you call me terrorist,
because I’m throwing stones.
But you don´ t know what terror is
Just you had cracked the bones.
Feb 2017 · 220
Oceans full of tears
huntAblunt Feb 2017
Oceans full of tears
have been shed
when mothers cried
the whole world slept
and fathers so upset
full of fears and doubt to fly
that time just passed on by

Rivers of pain floated
into the sea of blood
water foul of sickness and disagree
until it overturned so very loudly
that the govenor stated proudly

„Now it all comes to the end!
As flowers bend with rainfall
You cannot resist
Wtch the show!“

Disturbing advertisement of peace

Mothers keep on crying seas
that still are full of fears
and the world it has no ears
no eyes to see, no heart to feel
in mothers hearts embedded roses
will be dying in this world of steel

But the govenor chose this

„Advertisement needs an end!
Because the soldier need his hand
to load and fire, reload fire
to built a brutally hurting wire
so the unwilling enseated
cant leave the programme“

Otherwise he needed to get it off the station
but without some noise and pain
will there ever be a nation
glorious like ours, and gain
while the mothers dropping flowers?

Onto the fabricated plastic box
giving the last honour to her child

„Its a very special model, so
why had she cried?! Disturbing
the willing enseated mind refusers
she will bend their will, confuse us
We, that gloriously trodding on
the road of freedom!
To establish freedom means
to accept victims!“

Finally the question is
To whom does serve the system?

And the govenor again is stating proudly
like a schoolkid, loudly
to convince his teacher

„I know the answer!
Guess my preacher!“

„Well shout it right into the room.
Perhaps youre saved
and very soon we burried
the old enemies without doom
to finally establish peace!“

which will be a small bucket
filled with water hot as fire
to cool down a million souls
Feb 2017 · 188
huntAblunt Feb 2017
Life is a battlefield
Of love and hate
I used my shield
To protect from love
While hate was coming from above
Now it’ s not warm
I feel cold
But I’ve learned
You earn what you sowed
Feb 2017 · 188
Mines of wisdom
huntAblunt Feb 2017
I work inside the mines of wisdom
And I am digging
To receive my salary
Called knowledge

They say that time is money
meaning power
And they say that I would waste
Well ain't that funny
Knowledge is power
You should come and have a taste

Define the word control for you
Which is the essence of power
Now you know what you re after
And you know now what's the hour

While you think I waste my time
Digging, thinking for myself
You try to buy control for you
Which is never ever true
You stock on the shelf

Someday your moneys gone
And plan wiped out
You only think you're strong
Don’t know what its about

Standing scared ina the corner

Let truth arrive and people dig
So no longer they get sick
To find way out of Babylon
The Iron soul is strong

cause no control and money
could ever buy me peace and joy,
while you keep on earning money,
there is so much to destroy

surely you control then
what has been lost forever
as it exists no longer
you think you get stronger

perhaps one day you come to know
you don’t feel safe by bribing brothers
while you don’t even know yourself
but try to know the others

You want to feel security
And therefore loose your soul
Only achieving vanity
And a bunch of gold

finally you cant buy heavens entrance
And what is worth your power
That all will be worthless
When there comes the final hour

Would you know to control your part
You knew what means security
But you playing only ***** card
While I will live in purity

Perhaps on earth I am the last
But look back into the past
The last will be the first
I am guided never coursed
So who can tell me this is worst
Feb 2017 · 174
Perfect peace
huntAblunt Feb 2017
nice music, warm night,
use it, feeling is right
we get together, bright
and share what we have
love, the devil is out of sight,
let us share perfect peace

true moments round the fire
we see reality, and our desire
all translation means the same
we sun shine bright, so let it rain
lightning and fire, end this game
let us come to know the perfect peace

Established by our alphabets
different, but understood
secret question, answer it
the meaning of the word thats
brotherhood, lovers stood aside
too many times, but with these lines
we wake them up
experience the perfect peace
Feb 2017 · 192
Mrs. Sadness
huntAblunt Feb 2017
Sometimes She comes to visit
my soul, invisible, knocking
on the door, comes in
and nothing´ s like before.

Mood changes, She arranges
lights off, now everything
is tough, so rough that
I can´ t see no end.

But one day I lay down,
smooth mood, bed´ s ground,
eyes closed, mind flying
All around


Mrs. Sadness comes to knock again!
But this time My mood stays same,
because I saw her knocking
gently at My door.

Now I know she likes the dark
And so I will remind one spark
For her and all her fears,
So I won´ t shed no tears.

Her name is Sadness,
And she´ll make changes.
The present´s name is

So remind one moment that
is worth living for,
because she will be knocking
right upon your door!
Feb 2017 · 241
Lost-soul river
huntAblunt Feb 2017
Lost-soul river
a giant vane
blood keeps floating
life is insane
unknown meeting people
come and gain
togetherness sweet,
so let it rain

wash away our borders
ease the pain
we need waters
to grow us saint
holy places
within our mind

cause we all came down here
to search for what we find

time brought together
weary souls
at lost soul river

we all have goals
yet unknown to all
dont know our names
untl the day we break up
the self made chains
Feb 2017 · 219
The last night
huntAblunt Feb 2017
If you don’ t wake up tomorrow,
where will be your sorrow?
And where will be your pain
and everything that you did gain?
All is gone the, can´ t you see?
So why now not to be free
of hate mischief and jealousy?

Many think that they would stink,
if they washed themselves in poverty,
But let me tellyou,  you won’ t sink
in water without heavy clothes,
if you learned how to swim.

But you still try to fight
Did you never see the light
Peace, feeling anything so bright?
I am sure you never did
And that's why you are afraid
Of all the things that maybe come
Therefore you´re acting wrong
Feb 2017 · 300
Head-wood ladder
huntAblunt Feb 2017
They climb the ladder made
out of head-wood
laid together to make
up a tool and every fool
digs and digs cool mines
finds himself, trodding
the winepress

Every sngle step, every piece
is made of brothers
all climb, no one bothers
just to reach the other floor
Opening the door they see
find themselves knocking
the hells entrance
I hope it is understandable. I created the word head-wood and to me it stands for persons being tricked and abused by the system
Feb 2017 · 230
huntAblunt Feb 2017
Take a ride
Another sight
Changing side
And turning table
Movement right
Ongoing stable
See you’re able
Burning Bable

Live, last, turn, decide
Give, fast, burn, daylight
Come, see, pray, survive
Know, grow, stay, and strive

Jungle here so
You discover
Seed to sow
The path is other
See real glow
You’re my brother

Unreal things
That all the other
one adore, but
You shall cover
Lack in love
And experience

They built fence
Weird their amends
Until mind bends
Though no excuse
No washing hands
A senseless use
Let us refuse
And just decide
Feb 2017 · 223
What would be...?
huntAblunt Feb 2017
If there were no oceans
and we could travel everywhere
Just walking

If there was no poverty
and everybody fills his belly
by working

If there was no religion
that gives us reasons to hate
and ****

If there were no politicians
leading us the wrong road
just to serve

If there were shamans
leading us to heaven
in acient ceremonies

Would we be free again, or construct another prison???
Feb 2017 · 858
Deep blue lake
huntAblunt Feb 2017
A fake, to good to be true.
Just looked into the lake
Of eyes, so deep and blue
Like cooling water

I dive and find myself
in such sweet dreams
the life, I’m blind
and don’ t know what it means

then we pass and say goodbye
when you’ re gone,
my heart will cry
for I did last and you went by

I see you’ re going towards horizon
So I will close my eyes and
Fly up to the sky
To watch you going by
Feb 2017 · 208
The entire world
huntAblunt Feb 2017
beautiful sunrise
quiet gentle sea
wonders of the world
lovely naturality
best place to be
there where its at

the most important thing
expensive diamond ring
strong and great wing
waiting for the flight
the feeling that its right
the feeling that its true
so many unimportant words

in one I would say

Feb 2017 · 199
I know you
huntAblunt Feb 2017
I knew you before
I have seen you
the first time

Eyes full of freedom
Caress and brilliantly
fine careless Stars
are watching its hesitating

So incredible

Who could fly up
with you to share
your time?

without clocks and
without doubt, the
meaning of sorrow

I knew you like to
borrow lovers time
for a night until tomorow

As mine you did
your not afraid to
just be and see
to where it leads

So beautifull

I knew it wouldnt work,
but you made me fly
like a feather blown away
in the wind

so softly

I knew it wouldnt work
to try to catch you
My unreachable hyacinth

like a flower blooming
only for a few seconds
I am happy to have seen
you only once

Still twice we met, now
I am afraid that
the end is coming soon

So painfull

I knew it would be
Exactly as written
but hidden within my heart
I hoped to make a fault
and meet you in my room

And wake up the other day
at your side and realize
I caught this beauty

Please dont leave my dear,
grieve is a part of love,
but I will love you until
your old scarves disappear

Endlessly, if you just let me
Feb 2017 · 359
July in November
huntAblunt Feb 2017
July came across
right in november
and I remember
a warm sun during

Among all I chose
her to be at my side
she chose to share

And without care
we were walking down
love street

It was to do so
it was to split

But destiny wanted
Us to sit at
different tables

But I know
if soul enables
One time in November
July will come along

I remember her
singing a song to me
like warm  chocolate
in winter

I would never hesitate
to ask her to enter
in my life again

My arms are waiting
My heart is longing
So, July,
when are you coming?
Feb 2017 · 257
Where are you?
huntAblunt Feb 2017
Where are you
my wild child?
Dividing my night
with your sparking eyes

Where are you
my wild child?
Talking my doubt away
with your sweet lips

Where are you
my wild child?
Demonstrating honesty
within all of your actions

Where are you
my wild child?
Carrying us to heaven
with your crazyness

Where are you
my wild child?
Erasing daily-life pain
with your caress?

Where yre you
my wild child?
Your conquering soul to gain
A heart filled with sadness
Imprisoning my love

My wild child, where are you?
Hi, thanks for reading. I am no native speaker and if theres anything spelled wrong or confusing, do not hesitate to comment or ask...bless

— The End —