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Hugh Lovzewe Jun 2017
The gallery is closing now
but Monet has only begun to seep in
dripping through my imagination
one colour, countless tones
a blue myriad crystallised
his world breathe to life, the essence distilled
harmonised and something that binds it all
in eternal stillness
content, accepting of all things
its own being, its own passing

I do not exist there yet
but winter's tingling freshness tastes me
swallows me through pores, filling me
with a thirst to drink more deeply
more deeply, more . . . the chill
the only movement, silence
foot-stepping in the  sunlit snow
of blinding light. On the right
cocooned, two feet deep, a cottage
its cosy creaking darkness hibernates
no smoke from the chimney
but perhaps a fire built, split logs waiting
for a spark to release their stores of sun

“The gallery is closing!” the guard says
him and I the only ones?
I take my bag, glancing at the painting…
there in the mountains
I think someone is coming down,
coming home, they will be cold and hungry
wanting to be home by nightfall…
but for now they drink deeply
up in the blue light.
Hugh Lovzewe Dec 2012
we died
you and I
for eternal isolation
within an abyss
of never
a thought vacuum
if only
could know this
it would be bliss
Hugh Lovzewe Jun 2012
the groggy ache
it wakes
some part of the city

can't remember how
or how i got,
or passing out
the nothing
will fill out
think I'm blind until
my eyes are looking into me

I look as far as i can look back

it's too starless a night

for wearing sunglasses
Hugh Lovzewe Mar 2012
Now and then the thought occurs
That I should get away
But no,  it's not this place I'd flee
it's me, the one who fails.
As if some thousand miles could free
my being from my soul.
Yet something yearns within me now
Whether wrong or right
To bury past and present here
And be gone into the night
Hugh Lovzewe Mar 2012
barflies brood

the dank light

the annoying drunk mutters on

swipes the drool

"no one listens anymore"

I don't care enough

to rattle my pocket

for his troubles

or I'd break his gob

that slurs a child


just for something to do
Hugh Lovzewe Mar 2011
I push her down


with my lips

her response

a harder push

pulls me in

it barely hurt

to be a man

to be a woman

I feel her implore

flow into me

lost worlds of words

forget their lovely lies

like film star lines

just that first time
Hugh Lovzewe Dec 2010
In the last of the light

she stays

a million, glimmering

in the galaxy of her deepest blue

and through this night

caressed by cloud

and yet to come

the silver line of a tear

as we say goodnight
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