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Sep 2017 · 122
Never Too Far
Michele Sep 2017
Hello my friend
I recognize

I believe our souls know each other
we’ve met before
this life

Kindred spirits
comrades in arms,
through countess battles
birds that flocked together
against numerous storms

I swear we were trees
strong and tall
swaying together for years
in our serenity
and companionable silence

Or maybe sisters
growing up and out
never too far apart
all pinkie swears and smiles
even while old and grey

that red string of fate
tying us together
again and again
cannot be severed

A divinity somewhere
that deigns to keep us together
so that in this life
and the next
we can continue

Hello my friend
I remember
Sep 2017 · 88
Michele Sep 2017
Thank you
for the two months I wish
could’ve been two years

for showing me
that adventures are right outside my door
even if it means
a couple steps down to a river
and a hammock

for helping me see
that I am wanted
and needed

that every one
and every thing
has an effect
on who you will become
and will change the universe
even just a tiny bit

you have changed my universe
with your dog
and your sweet smile
and your wings
that haunt my dreams

two strangers
seemingly on different planes
of existence
crossed paths
a small blip in the vast expanse
of time

a little hiccup of happiness.
Sep 2017 · 86
The Seed of a Feeling
Michele Sep 2017
Whenever I open my eyes
you’re looking back
into mine
I wonder what you see?
Do you see the fresh green affection
like dew in spring?
Or the vast sky
stars pinned to the blackness
old friends calling out to you?
Or maybe the rushing of a river
that crisp coolness that shocks you
the sweet clearness that captivates you
Whenever I open my eyes
I see wonder
and even more wonder
at where this journey will take us
if it takes us anywhere further
than our legs intertwined in your bed
and our eyes locked
until mine close again
and you’re left staring at my eyelids
in your amazing
new wonder.

— The End —