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Holly Zangara Nov 2012
my heart ached as i cried for you, for all the memories we shared, for the secrets that we whispered, for the bumps in the road that we got over, for the late night talks, for the awkward silences, for the secret glances, for the time that we spent together. but now, you're gone.
Holly Zangara Nov 2012
everything is changing
i feel like my train is late
and im not sure i even want to get on
doing this scares me
i envy all of you
you who jump in headfirst without thinking
i wish i was more like that
not calculating everystep
wondering when its all going to crash around me
feel the air around me
like i could walk on clouds
flying in the sky
not being afraid of falling down
letting go of it all
just being
for once
i just want to be.

is it too late
or is my train still waiting
will it take me there
to the place where the air is all around
where clouds are soft and fluffy
where i can jump and not be afriad of falling
is this my train
im not sure
i guess for now ill keep waiting
im just not sure
cause right now i just wanna jump and fly on my own wings
no train is gonna take me there

— The End —