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holly wray Apr 2015
If giving you up is what it takes I will fight no more
I will let you go and I will not wait
I will take the time that we had in the  past
I will let another in so the pain won't last
My love for you will go away
Little by little the feelings will fade
My heart will be cold for awhile until
I meet someone who wants the love that for you I feel
I will be with someone who will love me the same
The way we once loved each other with no blame or shame.........
I want everything in love loyalness,passion,and truth
After writing this, I realize I could never get that from you
holly wray Apr 2015
Crystal **** was the thing
Its the high that gives you wings
Heat it up and watch it smoke
You feel great after just one ****
Send it round and watch it burn
Hope its not empty on your turn
Getting high felt so great
Coming down is what you hate
You have no conscience and feel no pain
Then you start selling everything
There goes your lights,the kids,and the home
It hits you hard when the dopes all gone
You need a couple hits and you'll think clearer
Until you see them blue lights in the mirror
Your mother cries to see you fall
Now its over,You lost it all......
This was wrote in 2008 after watching so many people lose everything because of  that drug
holly wray Apr 2015
You scare me when you're driving
You make me laugh when you play
You can bring me up when I'm down and you know just what to say
I like the way you write and the things that go through your head
I like the way we talk when we're laying in your bed
I love how you're so protective in any and every way
I love the way you look at me when you really want me to stay
I like the way you're a little bossy,but not too overboard
I have fun with a lot of people but with you I always have more
You say you want to be around and get to know me better
But if you walk away and give up now how will you ever
I wrote this when I first got with the man I'm with and he wanted to go to the army but I couldn't handle him leaving so he stayed and his mother cried and thanked me for giving her son a reason to stay
holly wray Apr 2015
Our love for each other was once so great
But now that love has turned to hate
How could a love sour so bad
Now all my heart can feel is sad
A heart that was once filled with life
Has now turned cold as ice
You were the warmth and light in my life
Now its cold and dark inside
Since you're not here with me now
I must move on,but I don't know how
I wrote this one in 2004
holly wray Apr 2015
To clean the house is such a delight
You think about it through the night
Get up early to get a good start
Clean piece by piece and part by part
Dust the shelves and do the floors
Sweep and mop and so much more
Do the laundry and wash the dishes
Scrub and scrub to clean the kitchen
Pick up toys and make the beds
Cleaning bathrooms is such a dread
You put up the clothes and fix the food
Now you're in the tired mood
Clean up supper in the kitchen
Now again wash the dishes
Go to bed and say goodnight
Cause cleaning the house is such a delight
holly wray Apr 2015
I love you more as the days go by
I want to love you completely until I die
I want to be with you until the end
You are my buddy,my lover,my friend
I want to be with you every night and day
I want to love you in every way
I want to try all ****** positions
You and I are on a mission
We can show the world that love can last
We can plan for the future and think of the past
You and I worked so hard for each other
How could there ever be another
We have fought so hard just to be together
I would love to marry you and be with you Forever
I wrote this one for the man  who's still by my side about 9 yrs ago
holly wray Apr 2015
I sit on the front porch staring at the moon
Smoking a cigarette and thinking about you
Wondering about the future and thinking about the past
Will you come back into my life or will this separation last
All the obstacles that we went through
All the love that we had
The way we threw it all away
It just makes me mad
We worked so hard to get this far
And now its gone,the love that we own
The love that we share,Its just not fair
To let it go,the love we hold
So dear to our hearts,
We fell apart
He left after an argument years ago but he come back and still loves me 9 years later
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