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728 · May 2014
one touch,
wouldn't be enough,
your all I want and more,
hold me tight,
all through the night,
make my body sore,
kiss my lips,
and other bits,
leave me wanting more.
Minds in the gutter today.
532 · May 2014
Young Soals
When I was young I was told,
eyes  are like a window to the soul,
all different,
all fighting their own battles,
your shell is hard,
but your soul is pure,
I see you,
I see your beauty,
and and all of the sacrifices you've made,
the pain and suffering within,
don't be afraid,
for my darling,
I wont hurt you,
this journey is yet to begin...
495 · May 2014
Is sanity that super model we see on tv,
starving to death,
and half dead,
with regret?
or is it the politicians who wear fake smiles,
and lie for a living,
will that ever be forgiven?
We try to be like the people,
broken inside
and die trying
but why?
462 · Dec 2014
How is it,
That I am stuck in this world,
Surrounded by these "people,"
When none of them feel human at all
Is their really a heart in that numb thing you call a body?
Is it that I'm differnt or that they're all the same.
432 · Sep 2015
Poems I have wasted on you
The first few hours reminiscing seem nice,
but dear lord what a waist that was,
thinking about how pretty your smile was,
or those big blue eyes,
such a wast,
because I wish you would have held me like you hold her,
I wish you could look at me the same,
"its okay,
I'm not upset,
shes pretty,
you two are cute together,"
I say,
but that doesn't make it hurt any less,
but you don't care,
hold her tight wile I wast some more time,
some more thought,
more effort,
just to waist this poem on you.
410 · May 2014
The Creatures of Sin
Gift wrapped,
and colorful we come,
to hide our,
the ugly truth lies inside,
behind the makeup,
behind the lies,
where oh where to begin?
as hard as plastic,
and as cold as ice,
we the creatures of sin.
405 · May 2014
Maybe its when the when the streets flooded with garbage,
or when innocent creatures drown in human waste,
or maybe when sanity has been driven off the cliff,
straight into to hell,
maybe then,
the world might realize that we are the cause of our own downfall.
405 · May 2014
Is it normal?
Is it okay?
To spend every waking moment,
Every hour,
Of every day,
Deep in thought,
I never rest,
My head is reeling,
Is that how it's supposed to be?
My head hurts,
It's never ending,
What's the matter with me?
380 · Sep 2015
this house,
this house where I cried so many tears,
this house where I drank my first bear,
this house where wounds went unattended,
this house where I was left alone
this house where my heart grew cold,
this house where the kitchen knives sang,
this house where the past called my name,
this house where I grew small,
this house that knew me,
comforted me and consumed me.
365 · May 2014
Fairy Tails
I once heard that a good writer takes something that makes them feel and with that makes others feel,
I want to make you feel what I felt,
all the pain all the insecurities,
not to hurt you but just so that you may understand,
When we were little we all had ridiculous dreams fantasies of princesses and dragons,
and our knight in shining armor,
But quite honestly our practicalities have not changed,
Getting ready for school on this day I left to fight another dragon hoping my prince would come and save me.
358 · May 2014
Dear, Artist
Lonely artist,
paint my wings,
and teach me to fly.
356 · May 2014
The Silent Ones
Those who are prominently the quite ones ,
are those who,
I find,
to who see the most in life,
They see the little things that effect us in the largest of ways,
every tear shed,
and the look in your eye when you are hurt,
Take moment to notice what’s going on around you,
To listen for their silent pleads for help,
We are hurting,
We won’t tell.
343 · May 2014
I have changed,
that's true,
when times were simpler,
I was too,
my dreams are the same,
they have not died,
but pain has grown stronger,
as my child hood fades.
305 · May 2014
My Darling
Tho the distance,
Your sweet and carrying,
And I know,
Our love is true
Be my Poo,
And I'll be your honey,
We'll be the perfect two.
277 · May 2014
like a bird in a cage,
clip my wings,
I have no need to stray from you,
burrow me deep,
in our nest,
keep me warm,
help me see the good in every day,
wake me,
with a song...
267 · May 2014
In a life where childhood is joy,
Utter bliss,
Where we are oblivious to the,
And destruction,
Are we supposed to grow up?
Do they want us to know,
Know what our world is coming to?
But the question at hand is,
Do they want to keep us young for,
Our good,
Or theirs?
257 · May 2014
Trouble in my Head...
I am strength and I am suffering.
I wonder who I will become.
I hear screams from my throat, though I fear only I can hear it.
I see tears of desperation running down my cheeks.
I want the pain to leave my body.
I am strength and I am suffering.

I pretend to live in a hate free world.
I feel pain but only a smile shows.
I touch my skin and it feels ice cold.
I worry what the truth holds.
I cry when no one is around.
I am strength and I am suffering.

I understand that life is only as hard as you make it.
I say that I’ll be fine, but sometimes I wonder.
I dream of love and constant happiness.
I try to move on.
I hope I can survive it.
I am strength and I am suffering.
I wrote this almost three years ago now, but still, every single bit of it is true.
251 · May 2014
The Night
Some times,
I am confused If this liquid around me,
tear drops or blood,
this night has felt like a life time,
it has cut me open,
and left me exposed,
yet I fear it is longer till morning comes...

— The End —