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2.1k · Jul 2013
Even fireworks are tainted
everything reminds me of you
every freaking little thing
and I hate you,  I really do
but hatred is still an emotion, an invested emotion

even those fireworks
those ******* fireworks
not even the same ones
but now even fireworks are tainted

its like the vets with ptsd syndrome
boom, gun shot
boom, another crack in my heart
theres no healing after something like that

it brings me back and it reminds me of you
everything reminds me of you
and I hate it because I hate you

even fireworks have been tainted by you
951 · Jun 2013
My Ode To Jake Gyllenhaal
I laid there watching you upon the screen
My slight buzz increasing with small sips
With wine goggles on you were even more pristine
and then these words released from my lips

Oh Jake Gyllenhall
Why are you so much prettier than everyone
No one compares to your hair swoosh
Just by your outstanding appearance alone you've won  
You're sweet personality makes all other males look like a ******
Why can't the men I see resemble you?
Your scruffy beard gives me butterflies
From the first moment I heard your voice my love for you grew
Sadly no one can compare so I will have to compromise

And as I closed my eyes I only thought of you
Oh Jake Gyllenhaal if only I was someone you knew
811 · Jun 2013
It's Only Fourteen Lines
Its is only fourteen lines
He said, how difficult could it be
But I had tried a million times
If it was, then why wasn't easy for me?
instead of trailing dust, my pen collected dust
How can I write words that would compare
To such words of nature, love and lust
Nothing was important enough, so here I stare
With what could I fill a blank page?
Only meaningless love had occurred
I am only twenty years of age
This could have been morbid if preferred
Its only fourteen lines He said, Just try!
Don't compare, it wasn't easy, it was a lie
I trust your feeling well today
I'm rather worried about you
I want to reach out but I don't know what I'd say
It makes me so sad to know your feeling blue
This isn't what I wanted
I never wanted this
Thanks to you, I'm feeling rather haunted
but I'm not sure if its you I miss
Your there even if your not there
How is that even possible
Its rather unfair
These thoughts are intolerable
I hate you, I love you
I think I'd much rather have the flu
570 · Jan 2014
The Waves
She laid upon the sand
The waves closer every inch
The waves crashed against her hand
She didn't move or even flinch

She laid there with her eyes held tight
The waves crashed against her chest
Its like she didn't even want to fight
What was the point she'd tried her best

She opened her mouth as though to scream
But the waves had taken all of the sand
The sea from above seemed to gleam
This all started because someone elses hand

From the moment she laid upon that sand
She was no longer a member of the land
451 · Jan 2014
He laid down next to me
handing me a glass of water,
hoping it would subside my coughing
He kissed my forehead and looked into my eyes
asking: "You're not dying are you?"

My response: "We're all dying one day at a time"
393 · Jun 2013
you laid there
The distance between us

the tear rolled down my cheek
no, not sobbing
I knew it was over but this knowing
didn't stop me
As I opened my mouth, I knew I'd regret it

"I love you"

released from my lips
the words echoing in the distance between us
you laid there, sleeping, not knowing
but what difference would it make
the silence response was just a repeat

— The End —