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Sep 2015 · 304
Alright for Now
Holden León Sep 2015
you're not what I want
and I'm not what you need
but together in the dark
it's hard to say: "leave."

I called you -
no, you called me.
does it even matter?
does it change anything?

and I often wonder
as we lie here, we two.
what it would be like
to really love you.

but I won't go looking
for something not there.
I'll enjoy tonight -
the smell of your hair.

Apr 2015 · 407
One-Way Conversations
Holden León Apr 2015
I can't help but think of you
on quiet nights like this;
as much as my homework needs to be finished
my feelings for you have not diminished.

But for now I sit here alone...

I'll keep on having one-way
conversations, with paper and a pen
with the hope that one day,
I may see you again.

But for now I sit here alone.
Mar 2015 · 335
Haiku III
Holden León Mar 2015
I don't dream at night
I have lived a thousand dreams
Named along a spine
Mar 2015 · 257
Haiku II
Holden León Mar 2015
You're not what I want
And you're not what I needed.
But still, you are here.
Mar 2015 · 390
Time Flies
Holden León Mar 2015
How, ephemeral
Are the moments spent with you -
Lost in azure eyes.
Mar 2015 · 376
Haiku I
Holden León Mar 2015
Off in the distance
The sun slowly sinks away
And so ends our day.
Mar 2015 · 483
Road Trip Thoughts
Holden León Mar 2015
The miles slip on by underneath a starry sky
in an unlit countryside; bringing me closer to you.
But time slips by too, and darling I can't shake the feeling
that it seems to be pulling me
farther from you.
Dec 2014 · 530
Help me stand tall
Holden León Dec 2014
I'm sorry mom, and I'm sorry dad
or is it you who should be apologizing to me?
we've all messed up
oh how I wish we could just move on.
The ephemeral tears that glisten on my cheeks
are hidden behind cold steel eyes
and my fragmented heart
is hidden behind miles of anger inside.
I'm sorry brothers, and I'm sorry sister
that I wasn't better to you
for what they did to me
I surely did it too.
Forgive me Father
and help me be better
that I may repair
the ties that i desperately wish I never severed.
Help me to stand tall,
so others may never know
just how easy it is
to make me stumble and fall.
Oct 2014 · 358
3:15 and Counting
Holden León Oct 2014
A single candle lights my room
at this early morning hour
flickering softly - chasing away the gloom
beautiful, delicate, a flower.

The stem a glowing ember
growing from an ever-widening pool
petals of red and orange
but an indescribable hue.

A sweet scent fills the air
bringing peace to my mind
this burden that I bare
will surely fade in time.
Jul 2014 · 452
trains at sunset
Holden León Jul 2014
swaying with the train
with a piece of paper and a pen
your light illuminates the darkness
in the recesses of my brain

and I can't think
of what I used to do
before I ever met you
before I had you

now the summer sun
is sinking in the sky
blacking out the buildings
against a hazy sky
Jul 2014 · 330
Holden León Jul 2014
lost in the music
lost in the sound
head in the clouds
eyes to the ground

I might not have met you
but I know that you're there
searching your soul
for something not there

your thoughts keep you up
late into the night
your heart is racing
about to take flight

your eyelids are heavy
weighed down by bricks
Jul 2014 · 1.6k
Under The Redbud Trees
Holden León Jul 2014
what's left to say
now that you've gone away
when the sky is cold and grey
and I'm lost without you

we met in the fall
among hues of orange and red
and when your eyes met mine
the sun shined on my heart for the first time

fall turned to winter
and the days flew by
with the swiftness of the migrating flocks
etched across the sky

winter turned to spring
oh what beauty it did bring,
as we walked
underneath the budding trees

spring turned to summer
but your feelings changed
as the seasons do
and it was time to say goodbye

to you.
Apr 2014 · 320
Holden León Apr 2014
My window faces East.

I wake to the sun heating my skin
and have to squint to see
the breeze floats through the screen

My window faces East.

Early is when I like to wake,
for who can sleep while there is such beauty to see?
Certainly not me.

My window faces East.

She sleeps in
and always remembers her dreams,
more different we could not be.
Apr 2014 · 480
Holden León Apr 2014
My dreams of gossamer
conflate in labyrinthine thoughts,
ephemeral like the smell after rain
or the hurt after pain
Mar 2014 · 369
Grace St.
Holden León Mar 2014
I found myself lost
on a calm summer night,
walking through the city
with not a soul in sight.

Street lights guide the way
down yet another mundane street.
Grace was just another name to me;
and I am still incomplete.
Mar 2014 · 664
Holden León Mar 2014
Inhale sharply.
Bass pounding through the room,
drop the bill
as your throat goes numb.

Heart pounding in your ears
as you look into the mirror
wipe your nose
to make sure you're all clear.

Party party party
because the night doesn't end-
     until you get arrested
     and have to grow up.
Holden León Mar 2014
Trying to find meaning in life
at twenty seven thousand a year
creates such mental strife
that can be cured with beer
     -for that night.
But problems progress
and I'm not clear as to where,
from my goals, I did digress.
Oct 2013 · 685
Hojas de los árboles
Holden León Oct 2013
Hojas de los árboles
Caen sangrados –
Con mi sangre, amor.
Pedazos de mi corazón
Caen y mueren;
Hasta que están marcado
Con las huellas
Del mundo
Jun 2013 · 554
Holden León Jun 2013
Walking down this quiet street

tonight's cool breeze caresses my face,

but I remember when it was your touch

and your embrace

That smile that played across your delicate lips

that tasted like your chapstick

your quick agile tongue that always made me smile  

and hazel eyes so deep I got lost every time

I try to shake the feeling -

the sadness crushing me

do you remember calling me "sunshine?"

or have you forgotten me?
May 2013 · 836
Huellas en la Arena
Holden León May 2013
Huellas en la arena
empiezan tan claros
pero con la marea
se desaparecen...

ojala que mis recuerdos
son lo mismo

despierto cada día
con espantos de dolor
perdido en mi vida
sin ti, Amor

May 2013 · 562
Holden León May 2013
Sientes culpable -
debido a quedarás conmigo
O con él
Quieres mi confianza,
Algo que nadie tiene
No puedo.
Porque el sentido
Que será él
Esta ahogando me

May 2013 · 647
Holden León May 2013
Odio que no puedo besarte
cuando te veo
Odio que no puedo verte
todos los días
Este vida tan difícil
esta ahogándome
Pero cuando estoy contigo
siento algo que no puedo describir
porque nunca lo ha sentido...

May 2013 · 672
Arranca mi Corazón
Holden León May 2013
Arranca mi corazón
ya esta muerto
y ***** como la noche
el amor no existe
estoy ahogando en mi dolor
la ultima cosa que siento

May 2013 · 673
Holden León May 2013
Perdido en la oscuridad
no puedo ver, estoy ciego
quien sabe que es la realidad
solo quiero un fuego-

una luz para salvarme
que puede ayudarme escapar
se que no tengo mucho para darte
pero si vienes conmigo,
siempre te voy a adorar

May 2013 · 575
Holden León May 2013
Una día sin sol
una noche sin estrellas
sin la luna
Estoy atrapado en el pasado
solo quiero escapar
y arranca mi corazón

Holden León May 2013
Eres mi corazón
y una estrella escondida en la noche
eres la sangre de mi cuerpo,
y el aire en mi pecho
eres un ángel,
la luz de mi vida
y la mapa de mi camino

May 2013 · 412
Holden León May 2013
I love to stare
into pools of emerald green
the waves all paint pictures
that try to speak to me

and those pictures start to write
little words down in my head
but the story had no ending
there's so much to be said

A storm is in the distance
or is it in the past?
I want to be the breeze
that blows strong at your back

I want to share the journey
and join you for the ride
be the reason for your smile
and hold you when you cry


— The End —