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Why are you letting social media control you?
Why do you let it consume you?
Why are you so disrespectful to one another?
Why can't you love one another?
You let the outside voices suffocate your ideas until they can't think for themselves
Party, party, party
The color purple creeping up your drank
The snow white tickling your nose
You're stupid, c'mon you're better thAn that
Shaking your *** for the world to see, in the long run is that gonna get you a job or is it gonna put you out in the streets
I hate this generation, see back in my day..
I hate this generation is all I hear them say
Loving what we're doing wrong but never what we're doing right
Well see I love my generation
We're not epidemic , we're not pathetic, we're beautiful people who have a majestic presence
We're smarter everyday, if only they could see
We're trying to branch out, and repeat history

— The End —