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 Aug 2012 Hillary Shepheard
A whisper
A haunting tone
And a small weep of help
Of Demon's shadows.
A dead body that lays silent
and never seem to scatter in fright.
Behind the crisp, white, cold, curtain.
The ghost haunts and weeps
to let go of the heavy chains that cover this haunting whispers. Let it be in the past of a haunting wispers of a sold silent death
chasing the miles
she runs down her path with grace
so sure-- of what she wants
what she's capable of.

hunting the hours
spending hers in stride
after the one thing she can change
the future, behind her eyes.

looking in the distance
the one she's planned on
the one everyone has planned on
the one shes expected to go to

Stopping short of the finish
one step--that's all she needs

to live her dream. Their dream.
to be all they wanted, expected.

A smile comes across her face,
as she steps from the path,
walks away from their finish line..

and runs towards hers.

— The End —