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Life’s complications have become as vast as the sea.
This ship shall soon bid farewell.
Oh beloved bluebird, why have you left me?

In this storm I linger, while you flee.
My heart broken with each new wave through which I sail.
Life’s complications have become as vast as the sea.

To anchor, to dock, my ship does plea.
Yet with no hope of your return,this battle I prefer to fail.
Oh beloved bluebird, why have you left me?

What irony that I fought, I sacrificed, so together we could be.
Fickle are life’s gifts however; Birthing, then killing the strength to prevail.
Life’s complications have become as vast as the sea.

As I steer through this turmoil, you fly free.
My shio directed at the ocean’s will, while you’re bound by no route nor trail.
Oh beloved bluebird, why have you left me?

This world seems boundless and I think we can agree...
You shall never again enter this moral beings tale.
Life’s complications have become as vast as the sea.
Oh beloved bluebird, why have you left me?
A dream so vivid and vile...
Love ceased to exist.
Happiness  banished to exile,
and heartbreak left to persist.

Do dreams presume to foretell one’s fate?
Or simply explore the mind in every fabricated way?
Time shall tell, and one must always wait.
Though your nightmarish departure has caused much dismay.
Wouldn’t it be grand
if everyday were a masquerade?
Hiding behind mask and hand...
Mystery to never fade.

Emotions to run free!
As they hide safely away.
One becomes whomever they wish to be...
As all are unseen through each night and day.

What confusion it would breed!
To never know who is who...
Certainty would quickly become a need.

Plague our world with doubt these masks would surely do.
Off they would eventually go...
As the thirst for truth is much too strong.
It is quite the curious thing however...
Honesty, without a mask, still goes wrong.
That’s the unfortunate reality.

Although a mask provides a comforting lure,
lies thrive in all that is thought to be undoubtably seen.
Slowly this year nears an end.
How can time so short mean so much?
Oh how I’ve grown through both foe and friend.
Value absent from no moment... Each thought to each touch.

I risked it all.
Ignored the rules, followed my heart.
I climbed high, yet inevitably took my fall.
In this world so complex, I played a part.

Memory is what I have now.
Not regrets, disappointment, nor sorrow.
To walk the dreamer’s path was my vow.
So continue I shall, believing in tomorrow.

Life is certainly uncertain.
Yet I fear not the unknown.
Down the road of terror I have been.
And with courage, upon the winds of fate I have flown.

So break me, stop me, do all you can.
Inner strength stands immortal to such warfare,
Without thus, true peace remains elusive to man.
Know that the burden of hate one cannot forever bear.

Trust life, let go; Embrace the freedom of today.
Smile, laugh, and love them for all they may become.
Through happiness and hope, you shall find your way.
Let the evils of this world tremble before a soul so pure, so strong, and so fearsome.
Blind in pursuit.
Lost among the world.
All reason seemingly mute.
Within turmoil, thoughtlessly hurled.

Silence to chaos.
Tangled knots strangle.
Gain to loss.
Meaningless at each angle.

Peace in the quiet.
The day is still.
In the mind, a thoughtful riot.
Fight for reason, such thoughts will.

Love to support.
Growth in logic.
Protective to visionary distort.
Complexities made basic.

Few shall know, few will see.
Two equates one.
Listen, become free.
Vision must precede action to wizen.
Brick after brick.
Walls beyond thick.
Stone and concrete.
Unknowing of defeat.
I build forever on.
From dusk to dawn.
Never to be breached nor broken.
To give in would be sin.
Sacred and alone.
Until one is but dust and bone.
Intolerable of pain.
Protected from all others’ reign.
Lies, tragedy, emotion?
I have nor know none.

— The End —