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Nov 2013 · 698
today's harvest
hi gad Nov 2013
I wish we could
forgiveness from trees,
but the roots go
and the branches too
for my fingers
to reach.
Sep 2013 · 705
hi gad Sep 2013
I would like
to drink
from the
river of you,
but I only have
two hands
and water
was not meant
to stay
in one place
for too long.
Jun 2013 · 954
ikea hits
hi gad Jun 2013
I need to buy
a new mattress
my side is now threadbare
and the other half
smells too much like you
like us
or what we used to be

I'll get new sheets as well
Jun 2013 · 1.2k
hi gad Jun 2013
I kissed you roughly
and you take off my clothes
as I took off yours
our sweaty bodies
rocked each other
and melted into one
and I felt confident, invincible
until you asked me
“who are you?”

and never have I felt
more vulnerable
Jun 2013 · 698
on a rainy day
hi gad Jun 2013
For a minute there was hope
as my eyes brushed yours
as I looked for a free seat in a packed cafe
and I saw
next to you
a chair
and I saw
your smile
warm and familiar
like an old, tattered book
and I saw
your mug
half-filled, half-empty
and as I moved towards you
someone else sat in the chair next to you
she was bright and shiny like plastic
and she put her hand on yours
and I saw
your smile
slip away
as I did
looking for another cafe

— The End —