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Jun 2016 · 331
Hermione puckel Jun 2016
Fame is something that people die for,
fame is something that people adore,
in every life fame opens a new door,
it gives us an opportunity to be something more.
Fame gives us an aspiration when there is none,
but what has fame really done?
People have started looking down upon the people who are needy,
people have become selfish and greedy.
Fame is an exquisite dream which has stopped them to understand and feel,
their deep wounds have stopped to heal.
Dear people you have a golden heart,
don't let fe tear it apart.
Jun 2016 · 431
Lost lives
Hermione puckel Jun 2016
A bomb exploded with a thunderous sound,
mangled pieces wre thrown around.
Bodies were battered,
lives were shattered.
Freedom indeed has a price to pay,
three souls lost their lives that day.
Who will the widowed bride
he fought valiantly before he died.

— The End —