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Jul 2015 · 525
Harper Jul 2015
I am a little curve
caught caressing the big bend
in awe of the something bigger I am a part of
a little fossil reawakened by a warm hand
searching to substantiate ideas of an ancient grace
a little boy giving his all to pitch a tent
yearning to feel the enigmatic wisdom of the stars
a little bowl given purpose by its emptiness
craving the sensation of being filled
I am a little seed
and the sun and the rain and the great love engrained in every little thing understands
Dec 2012 · 771
Dizzy eyes
Harper Dec 2012
What if i lived under your tongue and at night when you were far away in dreams, I wrote things for you to say throughout the following day?
Things of colors and textures
Things wrapped deeply in care and as interactions transpire your tongue just knew
And you had no idea how it was so easy
But each night you'd dream of me
Lying somewhere
Sea stung eyes and coral hair
I was laughing as you bit your lip and we sipped on grass growing
And ants sewing
their pleads into dirt and your thoughts projected on my skirt
As the breeze blew me this way and that
We both felt things we couldn't grasp
Like the sun soaking into our brains
And the inside of plants when the sky gently rains
Of strings tied to hips, being pulled from afar
and of cells making love as skin starts to scar
And you'd awake to teeth marks and glass jars
Clanking and singing you out of sleep
Eyes numb and your heart weak
For making love with your eyes in your dreams
Is far more than it seems
Nov 2012 · 3.2k
Harper Nov 2012
Shimmering sudden sanctioning
Surfaces right in front of me
Twisting tomorrow’s tongue-tied testimony
Leaving my heart soaked in surrender
Colossal comb tethering in the hair of my offender
I wallowed in things to come while my whole life was spinning undone
Soothe thyself day to day so I won’t fade away
Internal clock knocks on my heartthrob
I am slipping into each moment
Oh I won’t hold it
I let go and slowly slip, swallowing every drip
This is just the tip of all there is
Reawaken each moment in this
Love lapses through me and I collapse into infinity
Struck by my own understanding
Preparing for divinity’s landing
I fall for it again and again
My dreams melting madness motion me onward
Tangible tussles through thick throats turning toward tomorrow
Sorrow leaks and seeps into the eyes of the blind
While they wait in their own mind
Suckling savage frolics as mankind slips into grayness
And blue lips use so much to say so little
Breaking our fiddle over our knees
Longing for hope hitched pleads
As our craze bleeds onto eternity, spun up into me
Creeping carefully so as not to spill this drill yet again
Letting it crack through the incomplete
Flushes back into the see
Finally, once again we arrive and float away with the breeze
Nov 2012 · 2.4k
Cosmic Elixir
Harper Nov 2012
Each moment so meant
Each particle tickles
Soothing, yet chilling
Humbling, yet exhilarating
In this bliss I find contentment
And once again bask in my ability to understand that it is all so meant
Minty and cool
The breeze blows you this way and that way
Sway each day just to end up the same
Why do we make this some sort of a game we play?
Some sort of dream we convey
In the sea of what could be
I found you
You found me
The joy to be in this see
Oh the significance
The sign if I can see
Through all the in betweens that cloud my mind
I begin to want to fall behind
But truly I am getting ahead
I am falling into each thought, each sense, and each interaction
It is a contraction
A fraction of all, a piece to this maze that leads you to peace
To beneath your own skin, your own life, to him
To her and to us
It is all we, can’t you see
We get up and we go
Just to fold into no
We breathe in through our knows
And let go of our holds
No we can be free
Without gages, or wages, or ages
We just are
It is not far
It is right here, right now
If only you will let it
No more excuses, abuses, reuses, and unsureness
Just let it go
You reap what you sow
Think of your actions, your thoughts, and your words
They are all you have got to express how you feel
To make it all real
You are thought
You are dreams
You are sunbeams
You are infinite love and light
You are feel
It is surreal, this dreamboat we float on
It tips over and we scatter, it wrecks and we shatter
All this matter is not what matters
It comes and it goes
No need to attach or latch, it will all go, just as it came
It’s the same
This cycle is recycled and trialed
Only leading us to denial
It is time to take responsibility for what we emit
And admit and just quit the deceit
The scurrying and worrying
Just stop
Do it now
Breathe and perceive in your own way and just play
It’s okay
Do it now
Don’t put it off because you are too busy or too tired
Tomorrow I will stop
What if there is no tomorrow
Living just to borrow, existing in your own sorrow
Free yourself from yourself
You are beautiful
If you cannot believe that, then you know you are youtifull
So be youtifull, beyoutifull
It is all you have to do, is be you, exactly as you are
We are all just apiece to this puzzle
All completing each other
We are all of all
All love all!

Escapism Dream
Escapism dream
Heart crushed symphony
Strings of sound tied together by hope
This expression our only weapon to expose
All this oppression when we don’t even know the root
Our only savior each others’ demise
Oh my eyes to my soul cannot take this any longer
Spending our daze
In an oblivion maze
This haze
It pulls me into the unknown
A pool of uncertainty
All luring we
This wave
We came in on and shattered on the sure
Always needing more
Our hearts pour out of places unknown
Separation overgrown
Fumbling forward we gracefully gasp
As they take off their masks
Feeled up to our seal, time to reveal and re-feel
This ever-living ghost of what once was
Creeps through my new and leaves only fuzz
This dream quilt unraveling
The patches detaching
Yet the thread remains, it was love all along
Always sing our dream song
Nov 2012 · 1.8k
Flawless Frequency
Harper Nov 2012
Flawless frequency
How can you conceive thee?
Dripping into each piece
Sweet moonlight cry
Fluid honeycomb high
Sensational pulsating glow
Genuine in each
Subtle divine reach
Each way unknowingly perfect
Unexpectedly urgent
Long lost and forever found
Soulfully free and heart achingly bound
Blissful blues
I found you
Flawless frequency
You move thee
Nov 2012 · 2.5k
Unborn Ocean
Harper Nov 2012
I'd like a look through the intricate webs of your mind
The curious questions of things left behind
I'd like to see the inside of your beauty
What it is that makes you beam
The unraveling of your dreams
Dancing with your thoughts
Sung high and fluid, pulsating knots
Knots of ecstasy intertwined
All glories of being alive
I'd like to make love to all that you feel
All things that make this surreal
Flowing through your veins with each breath
Each night of unrest
Gently pressing against things to inspire
Colliding with all you admire
Wallowing in whispered insight
Held down by an overwhelming light
Radiant from the heart
Igniting your passionate spark
I fall so incredibly deep within you
To this core existence, something I already knew
It has always been you and I
From the first moment of mankind
We have been at this our whole lives
All the suffering in each trance
All leading up to our divine dance
Your pheromones take hold of me
Pulling me into the depths of all you see
Drowning in such bliss
I can barely breathe
Your eyes take see through me
Tenderly, they lead me back to reality
All over again I spin and spin into moments unwritten
Feelings collide in ways unborn
The unborn, the non- made has to exist in order for this to consist!
Of so much love, so heavy, sinking remnants
Fade away and break day so that we can start all over again
I breathe you in and breathe you out and I have doubt
That we have always been.
Nov 2012 · 1.9k
Dandelion Daze
Harper Nov 2012
And I suppose my pretty daisy that I've been far too lazy
Laying amongst all the flow ers of the breeze
The children of the trees
Jumping blindly and landing on our knees
I waited all night listening to your piano riff
As I star gazed and began to float a drift
All the places that I flew above
Were gleaming from the most purest love
And all together in their own way they all just gently swayed
Bumped back to back, soaked in their familiar bath
Inquires of broken beats and tongues speak of those too weak
The mind an instrument to rewind and cut up
Taking and tossing all these miles of deceit
Files for free feet
Piles of pleasure peaks
Stacked them high for all to see and we all laughed in a joyous symphony
This waiting line had choked our minds
And now we leave it all behind
To float in the sky, using only our mind's eye
Living in the depths of our heart's cry
Oct 2012 · 698
We all know it's alright
Harper Oct 2012
I breathe in and take all I perceive
I breathe out and give all that I believe
Catching fire to my wallowing soul
Burning through this heart wrenching hole
Into every piece of perfection
All things warped, a divine reflection
Simmering summer dreams
Of braided bohemian themes
Sacred sorrow in my stomach
All knotted and furrowing my hopeful luggage
Tears can only live inside my eyes for so long
Mouths can only sing so many songs
We all get along
We all get along
Things wrapped in pearls and ribbons
Things that I was never given
Slipping through the palms of earthly children
As I just flicker in the wind
And all those silly sins
Explode into everything and it is all out now
Drowning our whole lives
We pull the drain and start anew
I forgive you
You forgive me
We can all see
We can all just breathe
We can all be
Oct 2012 · 801
In the middle of the night
Harper Oct 2012
There is a a glare in your eyes
A glimpse of life eternal
I glimpse at life through your eyes
To my surprise
I am taken back by futile marks of inconsistency
Terminally twisted
Flickering flames ignite my brain
The cost of counting quickens
In the middle of the night
I grab your neck
Taking in your scent
Kisses only lent
With you all things stolen or borrowed seem to fade away
You break day
We gently sway
In the middle of the night
Water runs
As your hair comes undone
We become one
I slip into all things glorious
And you fade notorious
This is more than us
Our enchantment for fantasy
We worry our selves with things we can't see
The mind unwinds
Just in time
For us, we have always been stars
Always fell asleep in the backs of cars
In the middle of the night
You are the only thing in sight
And that is perfectly alright
Oct 2012 · 2.2k
Escapism Dream
Harper Oct 2012
Escapism dream 
Heart crushed symphony 
Strings of sounds tied together by hope 
This expression our only weapon to expose 
All this oppression when we don't even know the root 
Our only savior each others demise
Oh my eyes to my soul cannot take this any longer! spending our daze In an oblivion maze 
This haze 
It pulls me into the unknown
A pool of unsureness
All luring us 
This wave 
We came in on and shattered on the sure 
Always needing more 
Our hearts pour out of places unknown, separation overgrown 
Fumbling forward we gracefully gasp as they take off their masks feeled up to our seal time to reveal and refeel! 
This ever living ghost of what once was creeps through my new and leaves only fuzz this dream quilt unraveling the patches detaching yet the thread remains it was love all along! Always singing our dream song.
Oct 2012 · 1.8k
Bliss kids
Harper Oct 2012
Behind my eyelids 
Lives a world of bliss kids
Swallowing clouds 
Making flowers into sinking sounds 
Baths made of popcicle blood
Marshmallow flood
Curtains open with each day 
Together all those behind my eyelids start the play
My emotions a ballet 
My reason a matinee
Twirling as one in an unforgiving sway
Bongo bursts 
Swimming in verses
Lashes shade 
As setting suns fade
Bliss kids never rest as the war in my soul carries on
Painting peace with each yawn 
I lay down to sleep 
As the bliss kids knitting sheep 
Out of felt 
Things felt, hearts melt
Blurred blossoms overcome this battle and as the moon sighs
Bliss kids ride
Oct 2012 · 1.4k
Theories of the weary
Harper Oct 2012
The Quantum anthem sets off the spark of enchantment as I file through things only thought
All borrowed and blurred belligerence baffling beauty, things only sought.
Spiraling sickens the surging of those who surrender their sudden sorrow for meaning to flutter.
Herds of things unheard splurge in cinematic combs fastened by fertility
Charred remembrances burn deep as feelings bleed
Bursting boundless solidifying into expression
Without it battles of head and heart oppression
Redirecting rising ripples focused forward
Onward and steady swaying as my doubt is fading
Curtains close the colossal conundrum crystalizing in my veins
Setting off distant delirium  
Honeycomb harbor home
We are not alone
We are not alone
Oct 2012 · 1.1k
Shaded We Breeze
Harper Oct 2012
I slip away as the noise rises
Drift from conversation to conversation
I see your pale blue eyes smiling
Dimples deep, as just looking into you gives me the purest sensation
Each moment with you electrifying my undying lucidity
As you come into me
Everything I have ever known
Washes away with each love feeled tear
Dripping into you
Illuminated and new
Slipping into shades of blue, emanating through you
Soaring through each pulsating moment
Meant as one
Strings undone
Sewn together, needles piercing my tender affection
Day dreamt caressed by soothing words
The fountain of all that is beautiful
Feeling up and pouring into each touch
Perfectly profound
I have found my other half
Spinning me round and round
As I am glowing with feelings unexpressed
Pressed by you, painting blossoms within my heart
Our lips touch and I fall apart
Deteriorating into petals
Fading in the wind
You pick me up again
Providing my stem
I blossom into you, as you into me
Becoming we
Unbound and free
Dancing along the divine
Within truth prevails undefined
Breathing in through hope and out through determined hands
Strands flow as I slip into the every piece of you
We always knew
Sinking into shades of blue
Shades of you
Oct 2012 · 5.2k
Yonder yarn
Harper Oct 2012
Sleeping someone somewhere
Dreams of drinking daises
Laying lucid loving lavender
Adapting admiration of the ages
Koala kites, kaleidoscope cries
Bubbles blowing bare beauty
Riding radiance rapidly realizing
Forsaken focus freeing form
Soaring sensation seeps synchronicity
Dripping differences deranged
Rearranged ripples randomly react
Enacting endorphins equally engaging
Induced ignition infinitely intact
Pulsating precision purpose full pact
Oct 2012 · 1.4k
Depth of pheromones
Harper Oct 2012
Deep in my bones
In the webs of my soul
Dwells an experience of something much bigger
Hidden rhythm trickling through the flood of love's eyes
My heart melts as realizations collide
Spiraling through creative mind substance
Harmonious abundance
The back of my head
The seek in my bead
My dreams unfolding as we dance with the dead
Feeling the wait of heartache and dreams fade
The seems break
Drowning in words unthought
Language of the mind untaught
Heart strings pulled by moon beams
Seal the reams of each page
Writing away each wage
Are we awakened by our purpose?
Is it love that assures us?
Tip toeing through plastic gardens as not to awaken the true self
Searching the ground for what we know we put on the highest shelf
Maybe it was to keep it sacred
Perhaps by falling into falling out we chose to ignore our highest selves
Shocked by our desire to understand the depths of hell
As we fell attachments released and real ceased from our grasp
Choosing to relinquish with deadly sap
Stuck in this head throb our heart knows and time clocks us out from this doubt
We let it go
We let it go
We let it go
Oct 2012 · 787
Harper Oct 2012
In the midst of so many in betweens
I am lost drifting in and out of dreams
Weaved by things that ought
Layer by layer I grow higher away from what is knot
Braided together with love and hope
Climbing the ever-living rope
Surrender soap
Formed by unformable fathomed fringes
On the brim of all the hinges
Brought together by eternal singes
The fire in your heart
Ignites your spark
Pumps through your soul piecing together each peace
Constant creative see breeze
Catching waves of wonderous will
Leading each through all their feel
Peeling back attachment
Deja vu forming habit
Drench Remnants Emerging All Mesmerized
Seeing songs unsaught, oceanize
Ocean eyes leaving you caught
In the See
Of all to be, all that ever was
Whirled up we wait
Feeling weight from roots tied together
By seems of forever
All ways growing
Oct 2012 · 2.0k
Paisley potion
Harper Oct 2012
Midnight honeycomb
Songs of being alone
Funk chunk xylophone
Ribbons untied
Capsules split by
Things unknown
Rips unsewn
Floating free for all
Casket creep crawl
I dug you out of things too heavy
Too heavy
Too heavy
Broke the levy
We all drown
But the sound of things unfathomed
saved us from ourselves

— The End —