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Henry Yarbrough May 2013
You know the cost of evil
Is written in the soul
Evolution being the pathway
For the beast to assume control
We are but a throw of dice
A cosmic shot in the dark
Misfireing neurons drowned us ln vice
Left behind the cold stare of a shark
Yes all of us live with the darkness
Random elements this is what we are
We strive to hold back the madnes
Of knowing we are but dust of a star
So tell me how will you judge me
Your very nature is colered ln blood
Look deep inside and you will see
The cost of evil
               Is just all that is good.          Hy
Henry Yarbrough May 2013
Where will you go
There is nowhere to run
You have nothing to show
In a life about done
The choices we make
Treating life as a game
They steal and we take
And to hell with the shame
Yet the pale horse will catch you
You will stand before god
Tell me what will you do
Or do you think it odd
For your god to judge you
For the weakness inside
When it was his gift of freewill
That led to this pride
So I ask once again
Tell me what will you do
Cause the wages of sin
Are fast coming due.              Hy
Henry Yarbrough May 2013
Cry for the world in its madness
Cry for all that is lost
Sorrow gives only to sadness
Our children will bear final cost
Look at what we have become
Using innocence to feed the machine
With the **** of the earth about done
Sons of man are just ******* mean
Cause we live in a dance with the devil
Stained in excess colered need
It is the meek who are getting leveled
As the strong just feast in their greed
For in blood we have written our story
It seems we learn nothing at all
In striving for power and glory
Bleeding misery through the fall.      Hy
Henry Yarbrough May 2013
listen now and heed me
Legion is thy name
Your hipocracy an affront to me
I will burn you all in flame
Go weep to your creator
Accede to what you get
Bereavement will come later
Endgame is now set
Cause animals with reason
Is all you've ever been
Your souls awash in treason
Your lives nothing but sin
Now here my split and bleeding voice
And know your *** is mine
Remember you once had a choice
Now you tow this line
Yes,you will name me legion
As I lay waste your soul
Despair is now the season
All will pay the toll.               Hy
Henry Yarbrough May 2013
This life had left me so tired and old
I hate what I have become
The truth was in lies I bought and then sold
Now all I feel is the numb
I walked with the devil and didn't much care
So young I was playing the game
For whatever reason I chose not to share
Now all I have left is my name
In thinking about all that was lost
What was given to pay for the lie
Now I sit alone with the cost
Of chasing the need to stay high
Even as this dream gives way to despair
I feel I am coming undone
No longer fear the reaper's hard stare
No longer to blacken the sun
Peace comes with knowing endgame is near
Life begins severing ties
Keep faith with your god and you've nothing to fear
Just remember its colered in lies.          Hy
Henry Yarbrough May 2013
Your name creator
Benovolence defined
Lord of reason n lite
Proud servents of god
Destroyer's unkind
Oh,how we live for the fight
Want is nothing
When need is all
By,wrath of zeleots
All is undone
Trappings of power
At  their beck n call
A stone,to a sword,then a gun
Darkness is coming
Mann has lost his way
A truth con sealed
As good as a lie
Who is to say
Bear witness
Watch lnnocence die
How can the sun rise
On such misery
Blood words are promised
For all that's been done
When arrogance becomes
A weapon for me
Then we shall see
Who has won.             Hy

— The End —