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Henry Mulligan Mar 2013
Along the coast
I watched your breathing,
your hair wet
with spray
and you entirely
I thought:
How can I not fall
in love with you?
The beach
was a place
where you knew vague death
and life vaguely
and I knew only
Henry Mulligan Mar 2013
I crossed paths
with youth
the experience
left me bleeding.
I could not live
this ******
our parents
The coming of our children
flows by us
Can you hear it
through the trees?
Henry Mulligan Mar 2013
Everything is like
is like everything
is like
Reach out and feel
me feel
warmth feel
everything please
before I get angry
I might.
Henry Mulligan Mar 2013
I have only improved slightly
I think
but the weather
has improved much
warmed not fully
but has Sunned
and unsilenced.
The winter
had such a way
with quiet,
the sound of breathing,

I emerge
from these cycles
so momentarily.

It is spring now
the birds announce it so.
they remain
but the flowers are blooming soon
I can not recall their smells,
their fullness,
but I shall remember
in full forgetfulness.
Henry Mulligan Mar 2013
Speak to me
in a language
I have never heard.
All this understanding
has exhausted me.
Love me
while I am sleeping
Eat me, feed me
like sweet slumber.
Guide me by the ear.
Henry Mulligan Mar 2013
New age wildewoman,
wearer of feathers
and soft skin,
you intrigue me
in an herbal fashion.
You speak of happiness
and energy
and the power of trees.
Within your faerie eyes
I see
your deep history,
a joy brought on
by purifying melancholy.
I see your beauty
Out here wild in the west,
in our wilderness,
in our confused
and maturing minds.

— The End —