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Henna Nair Dec 2012
I failed the test yesterday ,
and failed the test again on Wednesday
I got upset but I thought I should never give up ,
because my friend was there to cheer up!
When I saw my grade Thursday I got a good grade,
but I still didn't get a perfect score so a person explained to me and that was my aid
I learned a lesson and saw that I should NEVER give up
because I will be the top student to get the best so I didn't just stay there and shrug.
Henna Nair Dec 2012
The sprinkles on top makes me drool,
on top of the table of wool
The chip ahoy cookies are best
with the people who use the good words which are the guest
The fudge on top is so delicious
that's why its makes me grow fat cause it has no nutrients
Henna Nair Jun 2013
New York.
North Pole.
It's like entering a Winter Wonderland!
Building a snowman is as fun as shoveling with dad.
Sledding downhill is as exciting as going down a roller coaster.
Printing snow angels is as gorgeous as the white snow falling down.
Drinking hot chocolate gives my heart a hug.
It's the season I love the best which is Winter.
Henna Nair Jun 2013
Holding Hands.
Chatting over email.
Have a lot of fun.
Always there for each other.
Go getting manicures with each other.
Playing soccer and kickball with my friends.
We got to the movies,mall,and restaurants together.
Bella, Jenna, Darla, Saanvi, Rebecca,
Caitlin, Isabella, Thalia, Laxmi, Sophia.

— The End —